Axel Rudakubana, Genocidal Decolonizer
Official obscurantism masks the real nature of the Southport massacre
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By Cheryl Gould
In this recent chapter in the ongoing saga of western conservatism vs the leftist-Islamist alliance, the British establishment persecuted and shamed people for declaring Axel Rudakubana an Islamic terrorist, or for using social media to racialize or politicize his horrific savagery. They persecuted citizens for this type of speech, even threw many in jail, despite knowing that 1) Rudakubana used an Islamist terror training manual to preprare for the attack, 2) Rudakubana was reported by schoolmates to have called for white genocide, and 3) Rudakubana has an obsession with tribalistic genocidal violence, especially that which occurred in Rwanda (purportedly the reason his parents claimed asylum in the UK), and that which is related to British colonial history.
Available evidence points to the conclusion that this young man is, ideologically, a radical decolonizer motivated by a fixation with genocidal antiwhiteness. The establishment is obscuring the truth, pretending his violent obsessions are chaotic, quixotic, wide-ranging, bewildering, and his victims were chosen randomly. The official word is: THIS WAS NOT A TERRORIST ATTACK.
When Salman Abedi blew himself up at an Ariana Grande concert, killing and injuring many young girls and other concert-goers, it was straightforward to classify the massacre an act of Islamic terrorism. He was reported by family members to have been motivated by a desire to avenge the deaths of Muslim children at the hands of westerners. Axel Rudakubana and his massacre of little girls and women at a Taylor-Swift themed dance class does not so cleanly and clearly meet the criteria to be classified as RMVE (religiously motivated violent extremism) or PMVE (politically motivated violent extremism), and so authorities are using that fact as a loophole to avoid classifying him as a terrorist.
But considering all the evidence that is now in the public domain for this case, this was an act of terrorism, and IMVE (ideologically motivated violent extremism) is the appropriate “terror” classification. Consider the definition of IMVE below, which I found on the CSIS web site. Surely, Britain uses the same classification system as Canada, or a similar one that includes a comparable category.
But despite the great fit of IMVE with this particular crime and criminal, most officials and journalists in the UK have declined to designate the Southport massacre as terrorism, of any identifiable kind. Many are determined to actively avoid classifying Rudakubana as an ideologically (if not religiously) motivated terrorist with a coherent and genocidal belief framework. This obscurantism is obviously unfair to his victims and the general public, but they would also likely scoff at the idea that their determination to avoid acknowledging his real motivations makes them complicit in antiwhite racism, or that their denialism constitutes gross insensitivity toward Britain’s native population specifically, and white people, generally. No, these people likely see their obscurantism as the noble path, and the way of peace.
The UK, indeed the entire anglosphere, has endured decades of systemic antiwhite indoctrination, which the left has wholly and completely embraced. Leftists swim in the waters of multiculturalism and critical social justice ideology. The masses are being indoctrinated to believe western imperialism is a unique historical stain, a collective original sin particular to white people, for which no redemption exists. A cornerstone belief of modern leftism is that due to the evils of western imperialism, white people will never collectively qualify for victimhood based on race.
Quite likely, most leftists sincerely believe that the only way to prevent the nation from descending into violence, with factions at war along lines of race and religion, is to ignore the obvious racial motivation for crimes such as Rudakubana's, and file such cases under “you can’t be racist toward white people”. Ignoring and denying racial aspects of crimes motivated by antiwhiteness comes naturally to those indoctrinated into social justice ideology.
Secure in their moral righteousness, they will continue to villify and demean the ever-increasing numbers of “far right thugs” and “right wing populists” in their midst who insist on discussing this case in the context of contemporary race relations and racial conflict. People spouting such “right wing talking points” will continue to be written off by establishment wonks as cretinous racists and facists who must be aggressively censored and sanctioned by all the decent, tolerant, morally upstanding people and institutions of society.
But indoctrinated leftists are simply wrong. They are complicit in anti-white racism. Their leadership and dominance are ruinous. As a result of their wrongness and their racism, the Reform party now leads the polls. The same story is playing out politically all across the western world: leftists brace for “fascism” and cry “Nazi” as large numbers of their compatriots trend rightward in their voting choices, drawn to gutsy anti-establishment politicians who show willingness to fight back against the red-green alliance.
Consider this AI generated response to the prompt “Racism Against White People”:
Racism against white people, often referred to as “reverse racism,” is a concept that is widely debated but lacks empirical support. According to sociologists and psychologists, racism involves a system of power and privilege that is used to oppress and disadvantage certain racial groups. Since white people hold significant cultural power and privilege in societies like the United States, they are not considered to be the victims of institutional racism.
Axel Rudakubana and his crime exist at the intersection of two of the most noxious prevalent ideologies of our era: Islamism and race Marxism. This is what the evidence that has been publicly revealed shows. The alliance between Islamists and Marxists is by now well understood and well established, so it does not stand to reason that the mix of interests, influences, and accoutrements evident in the Rudabukana case do not attest to a coherent worldview or ideological orientation simply because he wasn’t solely dedicated to one or the other, Islam or decolonization. Race Marxism includes critical race theory, postcolonial studies, decolonization theory, and the “antiracism” movement. The slogans and jargon that derive from both race Marxism and Islamism have been heavily featured together in anti-Israel demonstrations all over the west since Oct 7 massacre. A westerner with any level of political awareness is certain by now to be aware of the close relationship between Islamism and revolutionary Marxism.
But despite clear evidence that he was inspired by both Islamism and decolonization, British officials, especially those on the left, are desperate to avoid publicly identifying his ideological motivations, and properly classifying his violence as an act of antiwhite terror. Their entire worldview, and all their current institutional frameworks, are predicated on the idea that racial discrimination against white people is a non-issue, possibly even an impossibility. Plus, the power ediface of leftists in western contexts is increasingly reliant on the support of the Muslim blocs within their constituencies. They are stuck with the fact that police found this murderer in possession of an Al Qaeda training manual, but they will do their best to obscure any additional evidence linking him to Islam. They are stuck with the fact that he was obsessed with genocide and motivated to kill, but they can and will omit that he was obsessed with colonial, tribalistic, and racial violence and motivated by anti-whiteness to kill white people. He simply chose those little girls at that dance party event becuase they were easy targets, and he was determined to kill — the colour of their skin didn’t factor in to his decision, or factor in to his pleased reaction after learning from police that he had succeeded in killing three little girls: “It’s a good thing those children are dead. I am so glad. I am so happy.”
For partisan reasons, members of the UK political and media establishment will dutifully ignore or obscure the fact that the most sensational massacre in recent memory was perpetrated by a young black immigrant who lusted to engage in genocidal violence against white people, and used an Islamist training manual to learn how to enact such violence. They will continue to present him as unfathomable, a violent enigma.
No one who has been paying attention will be surprised that they proceed in this manner. The same establishment, for the same reasons, has spent decades denying and obscuring a thriving sex slavery industry in the UK run by Muslim immigrant gangs preying on underage, underprivileged white girls.
Those of us who have been warning for years that the leftist-Islamist alliance is the gravest threat to the freedom, security, and peaceful coexistence of western peoples will continue to raise the alarm, because the alternative is not acceptable. Cancel culture’s power is waning, so perhaps the time is finally here when we can recognize the dangers of red-green extremism and the virulent strains of anti-white, anti-Jewish racism that it produces. Axel Rudakubana is a product of the red-green alliance.
The prosecutor in the Axel Rudakubana case, Deanna Heer, unconvincingly claimed the following: “There is no evidence that he ascribed to any particular political or religious ideology; he wasn’t fighting for a cause.” She described him as merely sadistic: “His only purpose was to kill, and he targeted the youngest, most vulnerable in order to spread the greatest level of fear and outrage, which he succeeded in doing."
The judge’s words echoed the prosecutor’s. He suggested that although he agrees that Rudakubana doesn’t technically qualify as a terrorist, the naked evil of his actions make him a de facto terrorist. In consideration of this, the judge sentenced him to an unusually lengthy (for Britain) prison term. Establishment officials will continue to avoid telling the full truth, but they know they need to throw at least a few tidbits of truthiness (and justice) to outraged, gaslit citizens hungry for leadership that acknowledges the gruesome realities of our new normal.
But the agents of the state have spoken, and the official word is This Was Not Acktshually Terrorism.
So now, of course, virtually all mainstream media voices and a significant proportion of online commentary will parrot the ridiculous notion that the killer was not motivated by any particular identifiable ideological framework. This is quite clearly a wrong conclusion, but one that conveniently bolsters the much maligned official responses to the massacre.
Consider the following evidence that has emerged:
Rudakubana was obsessed with violence, spent his time researching genocides and massacres, especially in relation to British colonial history and Africa
his possession of an Al Qaeda terror training manual
weapons found in his room
poison to be used as a bioweapon that he had in his possession
reports to authorities on three separate occasions warning about his potential for violence
violent acts he engaged in at school
declarations he made that he desired “white genocide” in Britain
Rudakubana attended mosque in prison
church leader says Rudakubana’s father Alphonse attended church, but Axel did not attend church
the killer’s father had stopped him from commiting an atrocity in the weeks before the Southport massacre
All this evidence taken together points to the fact that Axel Rudakubana is a decolonizer radicalized by the red green alliance, influenced by the toxic stew of neoMarxist decolonialism and Islamic extremism that fuels so much of the violence and tribalistic conflict we are witnessing in western societies, especially those with high rates of mass immigration from Muslim-majority nations.
For months after the massacre, the only photos of Axel Rudakubana circulating online were years old, and showed him as a slight, clean-cut, neatly dressed adolesecent. The media depicted him as a Welsh-born Christian boy with no history of violence who came from a good family. After his guilty plea earlier this week, authorities finally released his mug shot, and along with the shocking portrait, a torrent of ugly truths have came spilling out. The months of official gaslighting are now, thank God, over. The world can see that Axel Rudakubana is more soulless demon than innocent choirboy. The world can see that a western government and western media outlets just engaged in yet another racially charged cover-up.
I came across a BBC article today that inferred the origin of this anti-white mass murdering monster involved racist bullying he endured at school. Not surprisingly, despite the racial overtones of the article, the writer left out that he was obsessed with decolonization and was reported to have expressed desire for white genocide. In fact, aside from coverage on X by Charlie Bentley-Astor, I’ve yet to see a single journalist dwelling on these aspects of the case, and correctly profiling Rudabukana as a radical decolonizer. Expect many more such omissions, and much more systemic obscurantism, in the weeks and months ahead as the establishment tries to manage the fallout from this horrific case of mass murder and official dereliction and deceit.
(This article originally appeared on The Cancelled Club Substack.)
Thanks for reading. For more from this author read, Far Right Thuggery & Failed Multiculturalism
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The UK is in terrible trouble. And Blair, Merkel, Trudeau, Biden, ... have a lot to answer for.
Canada will get to this point. we can only hope that the government in power at the time has the sense to dispense with ideological bullshit and call a spade a spade. or a terrorist a terrorist.