Billboard Chris Takes His Message To Toronto And Ottawa Schools
The Activist Who Doesn't Seem To Have The Right To Not Be Repeatedly Violently Assaulted In Canadian Streets
This is a guest post by Woke Watch Canada supporter James Pew aka @NotWokeThinker.
Note to readers: It’s time to stand up to the mainstreaming of radical gender ideology in Ontario schools. Use our list of contacts below to let educators and politicians know that voices of caution, like Billboard Chris’, are rational and deserve to be heard!
Demand that Free Speech not be infringed and assert that conversations around the use of puberty blocking drugs and surgeries in children must be permitted to take place in unhindered open public discourse. Here is a link to all the relevant email and twitter addresses to send your letters to: Woke Watch Canada’s Billboard Chris Letter Writing Campaign.
Below are the details regarding the recent events that occurred in both Toronto and Ottawa, involving Billboard Chris and his activist mission.
“The flood of hormones that come with puberty help to align gender dysphoric children with their natal sex.” -Dr. Debra Soh, The End Of Gender
Let me explain.
Followers of Woke Watch Canada will likely have noticed the mountain of tweets regarding @billboardChris and his recent visits to Toronto and Ottawa. I’ve shared a few below to give you an idea of what Chris is typically up against.

Here is something that happened to Chris last year in Vancouver,

So, what exactly did Chris do to deserve this animosity? Who is this guy?
Here’s some background information. Billboard Chris is a Canadian father of two girls. He is an activist who has become increasingly concerned with the teaching and promotion of gender ideology in schools. His advocacy work involves travelling across the country wearing a billboard that reads “Children Cannot Consent To Puberty Blockers.”
Given the dramatic increases in the use of puberty blocking drugs, cross-sex hormones and gender affirmation surgeries in children over the last decade or so, it is about time somebody started to ask questions.
Unlike “traditional” cases of gender dysphoria seen just 15 years ago, many children and teenagers who self-identify as trans today do so out of the blue, without history of significant dysphoria throughout childhood. In 2016, researchers coined the term “Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria” to describe this new phenomenon which primarily affects young girls, and which all too often results in irreversible damage from drugs and surgeries.
This is not yet widely understood, and Chris is working diligently to spread awareness among many shocked and confused teachers, parents, and students.
For more background, here is a video produced by one of Chris’ supporters.

Below is a list of Toronto District School Board administrators, staff at Bowmore Public School and the media outlets and journalists who misrepresented Chris. I’m recommending you send emails to ALL OF THEM!
Below that will be the same, related to Chris’s Ottawa visit. Please send letters to ALL OF THEM GUYS TOO! But before we get into the specifics of the Toronto & Ottawa controversies, here is a short list of general Billboard Chris talking points:
1) What is Chris’s goal? Simply, to have conversations and spread awareness about Gender Ideology, Affirmative Care and the medicalization of children.
2) What does Chris say about children? That children should be free to be who they are — not indoctrinated to believe they were born in the wrong body. He advocates for a supportive “wait and see” approach over the affirmative care presently used in Canadian schools.

3) What does Chris say about parents? That issues with children are best dealt with by their parents and families. The fact that schools are now teaching kids that their parents and families are “out of touch”, and incapable of understanding issues of gender non-conformity, is disturbing and obviously wrong. Can you name one Canadian parent who would prefer to defer decision making and guidance around important life-altering decisions to their kid’s school?

4) What does Chris say about Gender Ideology in schools? Children are not mature enough to understand the intricacies of Gender Ideology, this makes them susceptible to faddish trends around gender non-conformity, and more seriously, social contagion like Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria.
5) Is Chris transphobic? Absolutely not! Chris has stated hundreds of times that he supports trans rights. He has many transgender supporters, too. Woke Watch Canada also supports trans rights!
6) Are people generally receptive to Chris’s message? Yes and no. Most people support Chris and feel the conversations he is trying to have with Canadians are important. However, Chris is constantly berated on the streets for standing with his signs, and has even been physically assaulted on multiple occasions. He ended up with a broken forearm once.
He does nothing but peacefully stand with his sign hoping to engage others in conversation. Unfortunately, some have been misled to believe that he is hateful, and thus they believe that using violence to silence him is justified. That is just not how a democracy works. Being repeatedly violently assaulted (by other Canadians) is wrong on so many levels.

Toronto & Ottawa
In mid October of this year, Billboard Chris brought his message to Bowmore Public School in Toronto, after audio leaked to social media revealed a shocking gender ideology “lesson” that took place in a Bowmore classroom. Here is a podcast where Chris walks us through audio footage.
Before Chris arrived in Toronto, the administration of Bowmore chose to warn their students about Chris and encouraged them to wear pink to “stand against him.” What a lost opportunity to teach children about democracy, debate and free speech.

And here is how some teachers chose to deal with the issue,

Much of the media parroted this same sentiment,

Frank Spiegelberg (father of a young girl who struggled with ROGD) was not having it:

I was at Bowmore school with Billboard Chris on one of the afternoons he was there. Chris was already on my radar as I had written about him in my book, The Woke West, which I publish serially on substack every week.
Frank Spiegelberg and my friend Catherine were also there. Below is a retweet from Frank, whose family issues with ROGD thankfully resolved happily. This retweet is of a post written about the experience we had at Bowmore by Catherine. Click on the tweet to read screen shots of Catherine’s account of the afternoon we spent with Billboard Chris.

There was a Bowmore parent/teacher meeting about Chris. He wasn’t invited.

After Chris left Toronto he headed to Ottawa to meet supporters and have conversations.

Unfortunately the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board chose to “warn” students of an “anti-transgender protester” planning a demonstration. Can you call engaging in conversations a demonstration? Or does it make it a demonstration to do the same while wearing a billboard?
And most importantly, don’t you think schools and community leaders should avoid misrepresenting an innocent man as “anti-trans”? Who decided that labelling him “anti-trans” was accurate? Why didn’t they take the time to talk to him? To look at his website?
Here was Chris’s response to OCDSB,

In Ottawa, things got ugly pretty quick. During his time there he was violently assaulted several times.
Many of Chris friends came to his support, here’s an example

Chris used the attention the first assault won him to send a message to Canadian member of Parliament Catherine McKenna,

My friend Chanel met up with Chris in Ottawa to show her support. The mob thought it would be a good idea to assault her, too.

As if that wasn’t bad enough, the harassment continued online. Chanel is a warrior though and takes it all like a champ…just like Chris!

But nevertheless, Chris wins his battles one at a time.

It amazes me Chris is able to take the physical and verbal abuse. He remains calm and totally Zen-like at all times. Here is Chris surrounded by the mob. No one here was interested in conversation. An illustrative example of the mindlessness of Mob rule,
Here is another of Chris’ supporters describing the mob in Ottawa,

The media is dropping the ball on this story, and doing a grave disservice to Canadians in the process.

The longer Chris stayed in Ottawa, the worse things got. Getting yelled at, spit on, having your property stolen and damaged, and physical assault is what happens, apparently, if you have the nerve to exercise your democratic right to free speech.

Please write letters to the TDSB, OCDSB, Ontario MPP’s and all the media mentioned who repeated false rumours about Chris.
Thank you.
Here is a message you can cut and paste:
I am writing to you to express my concern about the treatment of Billboard Chris and the systemic silencing of all who share his views. As a concerned parent/citizen, I share his view that radical gender ideology should not be taught to children in Ontario schools. Billboard Chris raises thoughtful questions that are shared by many parents.
Our children cannot consent to the social experiment being hoisted on them by gender ideologues. As parents/citizens, we have never been asked, nor have we ever consented to, this experiment. I demand that Ontario School Boards stop mainstreaming radical views about gender without parents’ permission and that Billboard Chris’ right to freedom of expression and peaceful protests is respected.
Here are some Studies you may want to cite when writing your letter.
Here is Woke Watch Canada’s TDSB Trustee Twitter List - make sure to follow up your letters with tweets!
Important Email Addresses
Here is a link to Ontario’s current MPP’s
Stephen Lecce, Ontario Minister of Education -
Bowmore School
80 Bowmore Rd
Toronto, ON
M4L 3J2
Principal: Heather Groves
Vice-Principal(s): Marta Kopun, Joel Krentz, Marta Kopun
Superintendent: Belinda Longe (Acting)
Trustee: Michelle Aarts -
director' - Colleen Russell-Rawlins
@TDSBDirector - Colleen Russell-Rawlins (twitter account) (current chair of the TDSB board) (current vice-chair of the TDSB board)
More TDSB Trustees:
Twitter Accounts
Ottawa-Carleton District School Board Trustees