Deprogramming from Leftism for Anglo Canadians
Part Two - From WASP to White, Multiculturalism and "Antiwhiteism"

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Before I get into todays post I just want to make sure all readers are aware of my new project: The Western Polemic. It’s a new Substack that’s all about “Defending, exploring and preserving the uniqueness of Western culture.” There are currently two exclusive essays on the Western Polemic freely available for all good readers. One of them is the first essay in a series on the history of Western education. Please do subscribe! - James
Deprogramming from Leftism for Anglo Canadians
Part Two - From WASP to White, Multiculturalism and "Antiwhiteism"
I will cover leftism soon enough. However, my plan for at least the first couple of these essays is to focus on the term “Anglo Canadians” — a unique people group who, as established in the first installment of this series, belong to the macro people group known as “white people,” and who have ancestral heritage in Europe. In fact, we can argue that the center of gravity in terms of ancestral heritage for Anglo Canadians is British heritage. This means that many other white Canadians, who have roots outside of the British sphere, assimilated into the core British ethnic, and therefore integrated into Anglo Canadian membership. Or, more likely, their familial descendants did this long before they were born.
In the chapter entitled “From WASP to White,” in the 2019 book Whiteshift: Populism, Immigration, and the Future of White Majorities, Canadian political scientist, Eric Kaufmann explains the historical processes of assimilation that occurred in America. Kaufmann holds that Protestants, Catholics, and European Jews – who are white – had just as much ethnic animosity towards one another, as modern black radical activists (Black Panthers, Black Lives Matter) hold generally toward white people. However, over time, these three distinct groups integrated into the WASP core (ethnic archetype of America) and rebranded as the “white” majority. Something similar occurred in the north.
Returning to white Canadians without British ancestry. Once they have assimilated (if they so choose), their general membership in the macro white people group makes them unrecognizable from Anglo Canadians. But it is more than just skin colour and other racial features that makes their full inclusion into the Anglo Canadian group so frictionless. While it may be true that the white macro people group with European ancestry is a diverse array of white peoples with different languages, customs, and cultures, there exists a social commonality which empowers the smooth integration of disparate whites into a singular set of ethno-traditions and culture. When one surveys the different countries and cultures of Europe, North America, and Oceania, one finds a somewhat consistent level of prosperity and human achievement. One finds other similarities too, like the widespread historical practice of Christianity, and later, the adoption of liberal democracies with free markets, private property, individualism and human rights.
If you are a white Canadian – and I don’t really fear this – please do not let this go to your head. Do not become a white supremacist. Do not speak or act as if you are better than others who belong to non-white people groups. The thing that makes the Western world (white people) unique and exceptional can really only be identified at the collective level. You, as an individual, could very well be an under-achieving slacker. Charles Murray established in his highly controversial book The Bell Curve: Intelligence and Class Structure in American Life, that IQ measured at the level of ethnic people groups contains so much overlap (in spite of the group level advantage Jews, Asians, and whites hold) that the smartest person on the planet could very well be a member of any people group. I hold that Thomas Sowell, a black man, is among the top intellects the world has ever produced!
There is a pattern to the white macro people group. And it’s a good one. We should not deny it. We should understand it. We should encourage all the people groups of the world, to take up whatever it is that inspires white people to so successfully pursue advanced modern forms of society and human association, and to achieve such high levels of peace and prosperity. In Canada, we should encourage all Canadians – no matter what colour – to be as much like the Anglo Canadians who built the country from the ground up as they feel comfortable doing. This free choice of taking up some or all of the cultural features of a nation's core ethnic is called multivocalism (more on this in a future essay).
Success and prosperity in Canada awaits those who take up Anglo Canadian lifeways. While there may be a little more to it than this, one could do a lot worse than to live in Canada, while engaged in a similar mode of citizenship rooted historically in our Anglo Canadian founders and their descendants.
Can non-white Canadians integrate into the Anglo Canadian core? They can in almost every way. They can take up Anglo Canadian traditions. They can exalt and defend Anglo Canadian culture. They can be Christian. They can correctly identify and empathize with Anglo Canadians as the ethnic archetype of the nation. And they can participate in every aspect of Anglo Canadian lifeways and customs. Importantly, they can and do enjoy full protection under the law. The only thing non-white Canadians cannot do, is identify as ethnic/racial Anglo Canadians. Why would they want to? It would mean denying their own ethnic ancestry – not something most people want to do.
Why does it matter?
It is critical to note that all of this is important, at least in part, for reasons of historical accuracy. Most of Canada’s history does not include black and brown people. Not until after the 1960s ideological tilt towards multiculturalism. The lion share of Canada’s rich founding history involves white and indigenous peoples. And, it involves the ethnogenesis and cultural development of Anglo Canadians. This matters. This is an entirely different thing than believing skin colour is the most important thing. It is not. But it is a historical fact that the founding Anglo Canadians were racially white, culturally British, and religiously Christian. I believe in truth and historical accuracy. And I believe in honouring who our ancestors were, right down to the seemingly insignificant details like physical appearance and how they may have preferred their coffee.
And to repeat a point that is critical to get across: that Non-white Canadians are, and should be, afforded all of the same rights and privileges as white Anglo-Canadians. The only thing someone from a non-white people group cannot do, is claim racial membership in a white people group. This does not make them less then. It does not entitle them to less consideration under the law. It is simply a historical recognition of the descendants of the first Europeans who settled and developed Canada.
A second reason why it is important to not gloss over or erase the historical facts of white peoplehood, is the rampant anti-white racism that has emerged in virtually all Western liberal democracies. This anti-white racism has its roots, at least in part, in the 1960s era adoption of multiculturalism. Multicultural ideology sought to redefine the histories of Western nations, but a more alarming consequence manifests in the persecution of Christians (Christianity being the religion of Anglo Canadians and of white people generally) – the vandalism and destruction of 112 Canadian churches – and in the slander of white Canadians as “white supremacists,” “colonizers,” “settlers on stolen land,” or the unfairly “privileged.”
These are not just words and sentiments that may hurt the feelings of white folks. This is dangerous Critical Social Justice rhetoric which often results in laws and policies that deliberately discriminate against white Canadians (especially white men). The following paragraphs will sketch out a few specific ways antiwhiteism (anti-white racism) is being encoded into the social fabrics of Western liberal democracies with multicultural aspirations. In my view, there is no country other than Canada where this process is more intensely pursued. Hold that thought for a future installment of this series.
Antiwhiteism in Canada
Beginning with a recent example, on December 10th, Jamie Sarkonak of the National Post, offered her commentary on Bill S-230 (Sen. Kim Pate’s bill which is on its third reading). According to Sarkonak, “If passed by the House, it would require yet-unknown numbers of federal prisoners to be transferred to hospitals that are already at capacity, and would allow ‘marginalized’ inmates to be handed over to third-party healing-lodge-style facilities run by their identity group to serve out their sentence.”
Whenever one sees the term “marginalized” deployed in this manner, it is an indicator that heteronormative white men are excluded, and that things will be made more difficult for white people in general, even those who fit into some other marginalized group (ie. LGBTQ). As well, sufferers of leftism believe that “over-representation” of marginalized groups in the prison system are proof of white supremacy. They ignore that those over-represented groups commit more crimes. They advocate for violent criminals of colour to be set free by virtue of the over-represented status of their identity group. Leftists do not care about the safety of law-abiding citizens, families, or communities. The antiwhiteism that is hard-wired into leftism, shuts down normal processes of moral reasoning developed over centuries in the Western sphere. Leftism is anti-Western, it removes all intellectual and moral constraints that the Western tradition had previously put in place. This allows leftists, so they think, to act with impunity at all times, including when committing their own acts of violence and destruction, in the service of the only thing they know how to serve: leftism.
Returning to Bill S-230. Healing Lodges for the marginalized are a joke. From Sarkonak:
“...the bleeding-heart identity politics that sound straight out of the summer of 2020: the bill envisions Black healing lodges, LGBT healing lodges and healing lodges for any group considered ‘marginalized’ under the law. It’s unjust — it gives some prisoners more ways out of prison based on their ethnic or otherwise immutable characteristics.”
Regardless of criticism of the reduced sentences for marginalized groups proposed by S-230, or of these ridiculous healing lodges, the biggest concern, in my view, comes in the exclusion of white people (heteronormative white men are 100% excluded) from any of the alternative pathways which essentially function as get out of jail free cards. How about all criminals, no matter which skin colour, no matter which identity groups are over-represented, serve the full sentence in jail, which is commensurate with the crimes they commit? A no brainer for some, for leftists, who do not understand the basic formulation of personal responsibility, it is always unjust when a minority group is negatively over-represented, and always the fault of the “structures” imposed on them by the white majority. Leftists are anti-white racists. And yes, many leftists are themselves white. It boggles the mind. More on this in the near future.
As reported by Sarkonak, The John Howard Society pointed out that the law “risked discriminating against white people.” These are not paranoid or unwarranted concerns. Antiwhiteism is never overt, it almost always comes in the form of an advantage offered to identity groups that are non-white. Sometimes, as mentioned, white people can identify as LGBTQ, but every single time without exception where identity politics is deployed, heteronormative white men are not welcome.
I began to notice this type of thing happening in Canada in 2022. The Ontario Bill C-67, known as the Racial Equity in the Education System Act, which thankfully lapsed in June of 2022 due to the election that year (however, later returned as Bill 16, which has not progressed beyond a first reading), would have imposed a regime of “anti-racism” and “racial equity” throughout the school system. According to the bill, the policy was to oppose “racism including anti-indigenous racism, anti-black racism, anti-Asian racism, antisemitism and Islamophobia.” Does the reader notice which group is missing? I did back in 2022. But Bill C-67 wasn’t the only thing I saw.
In February of 2022 I witnessed an awful display of the accepted bureaucratic antiwhiteism that pervades Canadian institutions, when Conservative CFRB 1010 AM radio talk show host Jerry Agar interviewed Rumina Morris – London Ontario’s director of anti-racism and anti-oppression. I wrote about this in the opening paragraphs of a piece published in these pages called The Resentment And Fragility Of Anti-Racism. After Morris was asked about anti-white racism, she replied “There is no such thing.” The only type of racism that Morris can perceive is, “embedded in the values of whiteness.” This was the moment when I knew that antiracism ideology (which is synonymous with anti-white racism) and Critical Race Theory practiced by our American neigbours, had fully infiltrated Canada.
Then, in April of 2022, I went down a black supremacy rabbit hole in the form of a parents advocacy group called Parents of Black Children (PoBC) which operates in, among other places, the school board that includes the school where my children attend. Further, my children are mixed race, so that qualified me to attend a PoBC meeting (this was during COVID so the meeting took place over Zoom). I wrote the experience up in what I feel is one of the most important things I have published. The piece, posted in these pages, is called Exploring The Grievance Pathway Of Anti-Racism. Do read that one when you are finished here.
Upon attending the meeting I learned various things about the plight of black students and parents. Robin Maynard writer of “Policing Black Lives: State Violence in Canada from Slavery to the Present,” told us parents of black children that, “In the eyes of the white society and the state institutions, including education institutions, Black children are so often not conceived of as children and are often attributed with supernatural abilities, dangerous abilities, far beyond their age, their size, and their physical capabilities due to the enduring realities of anti-Blackness,” and that “violence against Black kids is normalized in the school system.”
The co-founder and chief advocacy officer of PoBC, Charline Grant, told us, “What we see on a daily basis is that the education system, along with the child welfare system, and along with the criminal justice system, the police, are all in collusion. And they all rally around each other, to support each other, while our children are being abused.” She also made the following bizarre claim, “Our history has not been lying, our history has not been capturing and kidnapping people from other countries and colonizing. That’s not been our history, we’ve always been people of truth.”
Another presenter, Rohan Thompson, the first ever Director of People and Equity for Dufferin County, stated unequivocally, “Before we get into racial trauma and the impact and such, I just think it is really important to ground the conversation in how absolutely violent our education system is in Ontario…It’s the dehumanizing of black children that is a precursor, it's a gateway or a rationale for the violence against Black children.”
The entire meeting was intense, dark, depressing, and bat shit crazy. The anti-white resentment pervaded absolutely everything that was discussed.
Also in 2022, Ontario teacher, Chanel Pfahl was investigated by the Ontario College of Teachers for thinking that all children should be treated equally and for disagreeing with the tenets of Critical Race Theory. But then 2023 and 2024, as Woke Watch Canada readers know well, were also full of Woke identity politics which offered nothing to society but more division and resentment.
Luckily, Chanel Pfahl had turned her energies toward independent journalism, and began publishing gratuitous examples of identity politics and Social Justice indoctrination taking place at schools across Canada. Chanel still does this and continues to publish her findings on X. In September of 2023 I wrote a piece called Yes, schools are indoctrinating kids! Which featured evidence of highly Woke school materials, events, and practices published to X by Chanel.
Below is exhibit E from the piece mentioned,
A piece I wrote in 2023 about Durham District School Board Trustee Linda Stone, a white lady with conservative values who was bullied by the ideologically captured Durham board, called The term "White Supremacy" is a derogatory reference to Canada's majority population discussed, among other things, the video embedded below of Trustee Shailene Panylo speaking in Social Justice tongues, unfairly about trustee Linda Stone.
She begins her incantation with “when those who are marginalized and intentionally oppressed by systems, and have been historically, are forced to debate their right to exist, there is an imbalance of power in these conversations and in these spaces.” the rest of it is just as awful. Watch the video and see for yourself…if you can stomach it.
Also in 2023 I wrote about Elton Robinson, a concerned parent from the Windsor area who was called a white supremacist at a school board meeting. But I digress. This was not at all meant to be a comprehensive summary of antiwhiteism in Canada. I have not done justice to 2022 — I didn’t mention my first essay for Woke Watch Canada, The Peel District School Board and White Supremacy, nor many other bat shit crazy instances of racism in 2022 and 2023. Due to time constraints I won’t get into 2024 beyond the previous mention of the healing lodges for the marginalized.
A full accounting of all of it would be a tome, and nobody has that kind of time. However, I invite readers to peruse the almost 600 articles deep archive of Woke Watch Canada where one will find untold numbers of examples of the types of bat shit crazy antiwhiteism I have outlined.
Here is Part Three of Deprogramming from Leftism for Anglo Canadians
Thanks for reading. For more from this author, read Just Say No To Truth and Reconciliation
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Our family unit saw this as early as the v Canadian way.
I remained working in Toronto for 30 years today I hardly recognize it I have not been back for several years now and intend to never do so again with the exception pf the airport.
We in rural Ontario do not get the hateful disgusting 3rd world types rioting in our streets, burning our flags or waving terrorist flags such as the Palestinian one, those types would be dealt with rather quickly by our police who unlike Toronto cops do their job our OPP and even small-town forces are extremely good and not controlled by politicians like in major cities.
When I hear or see a land acknowledgement (at every public event and on every website and many email signature lines), I want to acknowledge the settlers who have made Canada the great country she is (or was, before Trudeau).