Gender Wars: Heavyweight Weakling With Unstable Identity Steals Woman's Podium Spot in National Power Lifting Competition - Can't be Moved to Fair Play
A Weekly Report on the Canadian Gender Wars - Feb 25, 2023 Vol 4
Weekly Report by
(assigned Newfie at birth)Here we are again with a list of weekly head-scratchers, head-shakers and facepalms in the escalating gender identity wars in Canada. As is often the case, there are frightening and heartbreaking stories in the world of Canadian Gender news; this week we cover a ray-of-hope lawsuit and national Think Tank that can’t help CBC activate any brainwaves about women’s sport.
We begin with a gender detransitioner whose lawsuit promises to shine a light on gender medical transition practice in Canada; a case many concerned parents will follow with hope and deep respect for the courage required to take a public stance like this. The National Post covered the story.
A detransitioner is a person who undertook gender-affirming medical interventions, such as taking cross-sex hormones and getting surgeries and then stopped. Reasons vary for detransition, but increasingly thousands of people who came to believe they were born in the wrong body thanks to online groups like Tumblr, and thanks to the public school system, are realizing that humans can’t change sex. A growing chorus of voices in the western world are expressing regret for having had serious medical interventions such as double mastectomies and hysterectomies that leave them scarred and infertile.
Known as Michelle Alleva online, she has been a quiet force in the conversation about the harms of gender ideology in Canada and the world for several years now. Her analysis last year on cult tactics of the trans, through her lens of experience was put up on the YouTube channel, “Thoughts on Things and Stuff.” Alleva gave us six thought-stopping hours of insights into how cults draw people into believing that aliens on comets are going to save us from our own destruction, and how, even otherwise very smart people can find themselves believing it’s possible to change sex.
Alleva was drawn into the trans cult as a vulnerable youth more than a decade ago and is now suing several butchers, er, doctors who allegedly steered her towards irreversible surgeries and sterility without doing psychological assessments. A word to the unfamiliar, it has only gotten worse in the world of gender medicine since Alleva transitioned and some of the beliefs of the gender cult would have Marshall Applewhite saying to his follows, “that shit is crazy!”
Alleva, has enlisted the help of the same lawyer who successfully represented a class action of mothers in a $13 million dollar victory against Dr. Norm Barwin, the fertility doctor who used his own sperm to inseminate unknown numbers, possibly hundreds of women in Ottawa.
Sidebar note on kinfolk of Norm Barwin: Dr. Nili Kaplan-Myrth, the shrieking Ottawa “DON’T INTERRUPT ME” school trustee, side-show regular on Steve Paikin, and eternally masked jab-a-lot vaccine doctor shares a clinic with Barwin - what a small world, but then everyone in Ottawa is somehow related to Barwin these days.
We move on to correspondence from the sporting front this week, where a tough guy claiming to be a woman takes third place in “HER” weight class in the women’s category of the national power lifting championships. Unlike a Parksville, BC “woman” who was not allowed to change with the ladies at a women’s only gym by a responsible adult gym owner, the Canadian Powerlifting Union lets this guy in, celebrates his right to dominate women and cries, “no malarkey!” in the face of protests.
Power Lifting is scored in three separate categories and also a combined overall total lift. The categories are Squats, Dead Lift and Bench Press. Top men in Canada in the category score over 1,900lb combined total weight
Iron-Pumping-Andres scored less than two thirds of what top men are totaling, but enough for him to win third place in the women’s category. The nearly 800lb difference between the finalist’s scores in the men’s weight class and the women’s weight class in which average man Andres competes, leaves me with the question: “dude, did you even bench?”
A former Canadian Olympian, real woman, and advocate for Women’s Sex-Based rights, Coach Linda Blade, hoisted actual victories this week in her fight against the bureaucrats who don’t allow ideas to compete with trans ideology in sports. As the founder of ICFS, the International Consortium of Female Sports, and co-author with journalist Barbara Kay of the 2022 book, Unsporting: How Trans Activism and Science Denial Are Destroying Sport., Blade published a knock-out piece with the respected think tank, MacDonald-Laurier Institute (MLI) in Ottawa on female Athletes Speaking out about how these policies, backed by Federal Legislation, are harming women. She released the results of a survey of female professional athletes, (below) in the MLI Article. She also made an appearance in Richmond BC, to the consternation of Identity-Crisis-Annie, whose grunts and heavy breathing sounded like accusation of hate and bigotry.
Karin Larsen, another former Olympian (synchronized swimming), reporting for CBC gave weight to the pro-trans argument but quoted the lifter in what looks to me like a narcissistic self-own on the part of Dumbbell-Annie:
(Anne) Andres says she is aware that transgender women probably have an advantage over athletes assigned female at birth.
"While the science does appear pretty clear that transgender women athletes do appear to have a sustained advantage having gone through male puberty, even after having testosterone blocking surgery, that's not the conversation we're having here," she said.
One wonders how Larsen, being assigned female at birth herself, would feel watching women’s synchronized swimming desecrated by dudes.
If you want to read some cringe pieces about sporting disasters when men pretending to be women compete in sports, here are some shockers starting with the recent testimony of Riley Gaines: 12-time NCAA All-American swimmer for the University of Kentucky, who was bullied into silence by swimming officials about 6’4” man with fully intact male anatomy, who calls himself Lia Thomas, who last year inserted himself into the spaces of female athletes, watched them change and stole their medals, titles and scholarships.
Next we come back to home with Canadian TiM (Trans-Identified Man) Veronica Ivy, aka Rachel McKinnon, born Rhys McKinnon, who won the Masters Track bracket at the Women’s World Championship 2018. McKinnon cried that not letting him compete in women’s cycling would be fundamentally unfair.
Cross my heart, Veronica, aka, Rachel, aka Rhys, completed his PhD in Philosophy on bullshitting and why that’s OK, titled: "Reasonable Assertions: On Norms of Assertion and Why You Don't Need to Know What You're Talking About"
Also Check out the failed men’s mixed martial artist who switched side to win, Trans fighter, Fallon Fox, (below right) who broke the skull of an opponent in a match. Fallon has met with serious criticism from female world champion, Rhonda Rousey, (below left).
There are too many tales of stolen titles, scholarships, brain injuries, broken bones and uncomfortable teenage girls forced to share locker rooms with intact males to list in sports from track and field, to volleyball, to rugby. Recently a middle-age man (50) who came out as trans went back to college, trying to be an All Star in a league of her own, maybe with a fancy to score points with the girls too. Imagine, a fifty-year old hetero AGP dude with policy-sanctioned access to college girl athletes in change rooms ffs! She’s the Man and maybe we can only laugh.
Let’s finish with author and GB News personality Andrew Doyle’s take on a the latest man, unashamed, playing cricket against little girls, leading to at least one serious injury.

Until next week my brothers and sisters in arms in the ongoing gender ideology wars in Canada.
Thanks for reading. If you missed last weeks Gender Wars report, catch up here GENDER WARS: "F*ck ME!" We're talking about TikTok Tourette-Like Tics' & a Giant Meltdown over Plastic Boobs
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Thank you for this article, Shannon. And for further example(s), see: .
BTW, I loved the title of McKinnon's Ph.D. thesis. That's one I'll have to record in my notes.
Edit: Here's that 2012 thesis, for anyone who'd like to check it out: .
Thank you for this, and good for woman swimmer Riley Gaines for speaking up!! I googled her and found she's described as a "right wing activist" for her views on biological sex. Believing men are not women makes you right wing now?! Women in Scotland and the UK are leading the charge against this nonsense and none too soon. Courage.