Gender Wars: Hershey's & International Women's Day both Sell Out to Equity - Not Sweet
A Weekly Report on the Canadian Gender Wars - Mar 3, 2023 Vol 5
- Living a truth stranger than fiction
Ottawa is the center of the Canadian Gender Ideology Report this week, and I promise it’s not because I live here. All-grown-up Veruca Salt, from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory makes a viral appearance on twitter this week, fresh from getting her $1million golden ticket last year, is now flogging chocolate once made in a giant factory in the Ottawa Valley, for an International Women’s day campaign. The federal public service has updated it’s employee benefits to include $75,000 for sex-change surgeries and a year after the most violent Women’s Day in history because of aggressive males attacking Gender Critical Activists, it seems like the Women’s Rights Movement has fully caved to gender ideology with the theme this year.
Thankfully, instead of giving Johnstone more oxygen, National Post continues to normalize criticism of trans ideology with more than one article this week. Conrad Black shares insights into how we might see it melt away with coming legal decisions that parallel the case that another fiction writer, J.K. Rowling, championed in 2019; and Adam Zivo pointed readers to the rising number of whistleblowers sounding alarms about the medicalization of children in the name of identity and Inclusion. If only we had a domestic protagonist or even a significant supporting role giving us the skinny about the abuses in children’s sex-change clinics in Canada because we’re certainly lacking character in the medical profession.
Someone reminded me this week that bureaucrats and middle-management types are not the kind of people who actually think, they just work from the policies put before them, in other words, they’re just following orders.
Moving on to some psychological research with Ottawa connections: Even though Roald Dahl character, Augustus Gloop, the embodiment of gluttony and greed can no longer be referred to as fat, we have enormous findings from the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO), McGill, UOttawa, and CarletonU about eating disorders, body image, stress and social media.
It’s well established that teen anxiety, depression, anorexia, bulimia and even TikTik Tourettes have spiked in the last decade thanks to the smartphone and social media, but it has truly turned into an emergency for hundreds of thousands of families in Canada with the compounding effect of the pandemic. The findings? Less social media makes teens and youth happier and reduces body image issues. A recent CTV report about muscle dysmorphia in teen boys related to social media made the news but no-one seems to be making the connection that kids who think they’re in the wrong body are in the same category.
Kids are simply spending too much time on the internet and as long as we’re rewriting the Willie Wonka stories, I wonder if we could update the character name for Mike Teavee (lazy kid who watches the boob-tube all day) with a modern interpretation; perhaps we’ll call her TikTok Tina.
Speaking of something we can’t stop watching, Halton District (HRDSB) trustees are clearly terrified of offending the woke dark lords over the Oakville Trafalgar High School Shop Teacher, they seem to be trying to find a magic spell to shrink the problem in the public eye and are finding parent confidence and public patience sagging. It’s still International News with Daily Mail coverage again this week.
International Women’s Day/Month sponsor, Hershey’s Chocolates, a company that once operated a chocolate factory (turned cannabis grow-op location for Tweet) in Smiths Falls near Ottawa, is platforming a local character right out a Roald Dahl book. This isn’t the first time Fae Gotstones has taken the stage at women’s only events, where he charges up to $600/hour to talk about women’s struggles. The International Women’s Day organizers have capitulated to male bullies like spineless Mr. Salt to his daughter’s tantrums in the Dahl story.
We should all get used to this because the International Women’s Day theme this year is #EmbraceEquity. Trans-lation: “Get used to it ladies, we’re replacing you with government funded TiMs (Trans-Identified Men) who culturally appropriate womanhood and speak for all of you.”

The government is now literally funding TiMs and TiFs to get sex changes. In a move perhaps to incentivize wokesters to get a job (with the federal public service no less) Justin Trudeau has announced that trans people can receive a lifetime of gender affirming surgeries with a $75,000 allotment to qualifying trans people working in the federal government. Friend of Lighthouse and Woke Watch Canada, Mia Ashton writes in Post Millennial here. Who knows if this will get government workers back to the office in Ottawa, but one anticipates a whole ++ of LGBTQIA2SPaledocious applications in the coming years to an already gussied up federal public service.
I somehow suspect that once our friend and Veruca Salt look-alike, Fae has burned through her $1million in funding for her organization, he’ll be in line for a job with the government. The vast majority of TiMs keep the important bits, but that jawline and Adam’s apple could use a shave, maybe his balls too.
We all know what’s in the candy wrapper sweetie.
That’s the weekly Canadian Gender Wars Report for this week: It’s been a treat.
If there’s a takeaway from all this, we all need to get our kids to touch more grass - and not the kind grown in the former chocolate factory.
Shannon B Douglas, Ottawa
Thanks for reading. For more from this author read The Last Word on Black History Month in Canada - Fifty Years of Open Arms and Opportunity
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Who voted for the $75K? Vivek Ramaswamy wrote an excellent book on the perils of corporate wokeism. I guess Hershey's c-suite folks didn't read it. Fae Johnson says "the far right are coming to get us." Honey, it ain't just the "far right." Normal, sensible people, people afraid of the gender pandemic that is sweeping the globe and the facilitators of irreversible medical procedures that condemn a CHILD to a lifelong regimen of drugs and psychiatry are not "far right."
Personally I do not give a rats behind about what simple servants want to do to themselves and in fact having stood in lines for hours waiting to be served by them while they talk to friends and do crossword puzzles I have often felt like telling them to go do something to themselves that quite frankly is impossible to do. I do not care if they wish to turn themselves into rabbits or the tooth fairy but I am furious that the government according to that half wit Trudeau will allow $75,000 of my tax money to each idiot working for the Feds to get a sex change when there are homeless people in the thousands sleeping on cold benches all over Canada, starving seniors and or others unable to work being given only one option by our fearless leader which is to commit Govt assisted hari kari and he gives them exactly jack sheet.