A few days ago the Peel District School Board was found to have edited a parent’s comments out of a delegation before posting the minutes to their website. Why would they do that? The deleted section, consisting of comments made by a parent concerned with Critical Race Theory indoctrination of both teachers and students at PDSB schools, was submitted to Woke Watch Canada. You can read this mystery parents full speech below. It’s a good one!

Deleted Delegation from PDSB:
Members of the board.
I thank you for taking the time to speak with me today. I come before you as a concerned father with children and family members who attend Peel Schools. The concerns I have stem from some disconcerting information made available on your boards website regarding critical race theory, systemic racism, the endorsement of Black Lives, Matter in schools, the equity program, and the indoctrination of the student body and staff today.
Please note that my primary concerns regarding these ideas have me fearing for the well being of my kids and family. Both in terms of their academics, but more so with the ideologies these theories promote as you are indoctrinating students to view each other and their teachers based more on their race instead of who they are as an individual. King himself said that he dreamt of a world where his children would be judged not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character. I don't think he meant just certain kids, but all children.
My family chose to live in Brampton because we love the diversity and multiculturalism we find here. I tried many different ways to figure out how to approach this without getting overly emotional like many parents do when it comes to their kids, but I decided that perhaps the best way would be to provide you with a brief history of some of these topics and help unpack the meanings behind them.
As such, I wanted to state my case on these issues and highlight my concerns to reach a mutual understanding. Let me begin with critical race theory. It's an ideology often credited to a man named Derek Bell in the United States. It's actually an adaptation of a communist doctrine created at the Frankfurt School in Germany. That originally stated that people fit into one category or another based on class that being of oppressed or oppressor.
Before I proceed, let me highlight that Communism as an ideology has unjustly killed and imprisoned, often without any type of trial, more people than any religious, economic and political ideology in history. CRT takes it a step further and instead basis those characteristics on race and teaches kids that because of the color of their skin, almost every outcome they will ever achieve in life will, whether success or failure can always be brought back to their race.
One of the books currently being used to push this goal is ibram X Kendi, How to be an anti racist in which he advocates that the only way to defeat discrimination of the past is by actively discriminating in the present and in the future. This is the idea of evil be getting evil and using two wrongs to make a right. This isn't what we want for our children or society. We want them to want to live and work together more than simply just coexist.
We want diversity of thought as that creates cohesion and innovation. And if you delve deeper, how are you going to speak to the kids who come from interracial families? Are they to believe that one parent is actively victimizing the other? Ideologies like that will only build resentment, anger, hate, self imposed groups of segregation and protect potentially violence? Please do not rob these children and young adults of their innocence and their ability to not see the world through a racial lens.
Race should be the main characteristic we choose not to judge people on. On the concepts of systemic racism and white privilege, I fully understand the need to teach all of our kids about the institutions, ideas, laws, and policies that once existed so that we learn from those mistakes and don't repeat them. We also need to stop teaching kids that only ideas like anti black racism or anti Asian racism is bad. We know it is the message coming from schools should be that all racism and discrimination is bad and not to be tolerated.
I don't think the idea of the use of using the terminology White privilege helps anybody, as all it does is imply guilt or innocence of one group or another based on race. Other racial slurs are not tolerated. Why has this one been allowed to manifest? That is not to say that things that happened in the past don't have lingering effects today. However, in order to better all of our lives, perhaps the focus needs to be a more positive one and figuring out solutions that can propel all of us forward together. I feel that lingering too much on the ideas of the past. I mean, we're not taking the opportunity to look forward.
I would also take this opportunity to ask any of you here that if there is a current policy law or institution in place that exists today that prevents opportunities based solely on the factor of race, please inform me so I can help abolish this policy, law or institution that is essentially what systemic racism is. Otherwise I think a better idea that we teach kids that at different times in history there was systemic racism, but choose to highlight the progress we've made instead of focusing primarily on the failures of our past, especially since in most cases nobody alive today was around when many of these policies were in place to either have suffered directly from them or caused others to have suffered directly, we should be teaching kids not to use race as a crutch in the face of adversity, but instead giving them the tools and concepts to stand up to it.
My next issue I want to pose a concern about is the equity diversion and inclusion program. I want all of our kids to experience the diversity of cultures from which we all come, assimilation into the Canadian culture is what makes this country and specifically the Peel Region a very diverse area and what I celebrate most about it. Peel s Multiculturalism is what makes it such a great community and why my family and I chose to make our lives here. The idea of inclusivity is fantastic, allowing kids of all races to see people break the typical stereotypes and participating in a variety of fields in the sciences, medicine, art, music, etc. And highlight those successes not only during the specific heritage months, but as part of the other big ideas in the entire Ontario curriculum.
My concern is the idea of equity instead of equality of opportunity. In this sense, equity implies equality of outcome, which, while a noble goal, has a tendency to fail when administered as policy. Having equality of opportunity is different than equity. For example, during the pandemic, the government and schools made efforts to get digital devices and Internet connections to those families that needed them. That was admirable, and you are to be applauded for providing everybody with an equal opportunity to learn. While equity often has the goal of trying to lift everybody up to see at the same height more often than not, it's simply ends up putting those set to excel into a hole. If you truly want to create equality, then these issues need to be treated individually instead of on the aspect of race. Equality of opportunity is giving extra resources to those who need it.
I raise these issues of concerns of what I and other parents may begin to see, perceive as disparate treatment in terms of standards of grading and or disciplinary actions that may or may not be taken against our kids. How are we supposed to have faith in this system when the board is openly stating they are actively seeking to help one group based on the lines of race as opposed to individual needs, dismantling and disrupting the whole system is not the answer. Looking at ways to continuously improve, improve it and stop all racism and discrimination is.
Finally, and perhaps the most controversial issue I will broach is BLM in our schools. I think we need to make some clear distinctions between the organization and the statement. I completely agree that Black Lives matter and police brutality towards black people is horrific and should not go unpunished. However, one of BLM doctrines in their manifesto is to completely dismantle the police. I don't think teaching kids to fear, hate and distrust the police is the way to go as that will only encourage more resistance to police which will lead to more violent altercations and inevitably more death. I think we've all seen enough death on a global scale over the past year.
What we need to be teaching our kids is that police today are almost always wearing body cams to provide a record. It is important that people are provided with a voice and a channel to file complaints and to make sure bad policing is held accountable. Perhaps even having police presence back in our schools in order to help build that positive rapport with young people in the community and hopefully even inspire them to want to do similar things to help in there own communities and become strong contributing members of society.
Look to other major cities in North American. See the escalation in violent crime and murder due to dismantling the police. Another point in BLM manifesto is the dissolution of the nuclear family. This should scare everybody - almost every study ever done has shown that the number one contributing factor to failure in school, likelihood to be abused or commit abuse, having children before completing high school, dropping out of high school, ending up in prison, or committing violent crime, across all races is single parent homes.
That means BLM is directly supporting an idea that will increase the odds of more black people and people in general dying or being put in prison? How does that demonstrate care for Black lives? As to BLM, the organization, one of the things we need to do is stop endorsing the Black Power Fist, as many people don't know that historically, it is merely the red salute with the color changed that was used by the Soviet communists, of which I've already touched on some of the atrocities committed by those regimes. There is a reason people escaped those countries as fast as they can to get away from true ethnic and religious persecution and come to places like Canada.
BLM founders are self proclaimed Neo Marxists who claim to endorse the ideas of communism. I use the word claim because in the last year the organization received approximately $95 million in donations, while dispensing almost nothing to help black communities. They claim to care, but one of those founders suddenly had the funds available to purchase 5 multi $1,000,000 homes in Southern California's wealthiest and predominantly white neighborhoods. Due to the scandal around this, she recently stepped down claiming racism in the press when one of the first people to break this story was actually a black former sports writer named Jason Whitlock.
While this organization and its members claim to care about black lives, they have yet to be found. When a black person is murdered by anybody other than a white police officer, they never seem to care. When it is a black officer who's killed like David Dorn, they appear to be merely for the optics and to gain control of the narrative and make money. Even here in Toronto one of the speakers of BLM candidate was interviewed and asked what would make the situation better. Her response was get rid of all the white people.
So essentially, she's preaching racial genocide. Is that in an organization we want our kids emulating. I should hope not. While I stand for the statement, Black Lives Matter, the organization and its symbolism has no place in the school system. I'm not here to make complaints that claim you are intentionally trying to implement detrimental policies, but rather that some of the history behind these issues I've discussed and the symbolism is not fully unpacked within the school system. Perhaps it's a simple change in titles to more clearly define the goals celebrating diversity. Inclusion of all and equality of opportunity rather than equity, and not using the ideologies or even title of critical race theory as a manner of education or training. Again, I thank you for your time and wish everyone a wonderful evening.
After reading the previous comments from this mystery parent it should be clear to you why the PDSB deleted it. This parent represents, what I believe to be the majority attitude of Peel parents. However, since the PDSB has been radicalized by the woke, dishonesty is how they operate. They would never willingly engage in these viewpoints, and instead will always choose to delete, suppress or bury anything that contradicts their agenda.
For more on this topic - The Peel District School Board and White Supremacy