By Scott Miller
Finding myself walking the University of Toronto’s downtown St. George campus this season, and with Chanel Pfahl’s and James Pew’s exposé of the indoctrination happening in Ontario schools in mind (, I have undertaken to document the sad ideological possession of what could otherwise be an inspiring learning institution.
Outside the University: the flyers attached to the streetlamp poles and post boxes on St. George street, which runs through the heart of the main campus at the University of Toronto, tell the story of a one-sided war against the capitalist and the liberal-democratic establishment: the organizers at print flyers inviting students to “Join the Communists” while the organizers at invite them to a conference on “Why does Capitalism suck?” A flyer from calls for “Indigenous land back now” and the trans-activists invent the topic of trans genocide in order to implore “end trans genocide.”
Official University Ideology: Social messaging from official sources at the university is voiced in the language of institutionalized activism, a language which, despite the veneer of intellectual credibility which generations of social scientists have sought to imbue it with, evinces the same uncalculating resentment of the liberal West as the street activism from which it originates. For such thinkers, the axiom that a white majority liberal values society can never be a fair one will be accepted without scruple, without genuine study (prima facia). Accordingly, the UofT tells its student body that the UofT is always “moving towards equity” (meaning, it is always moving toward unequal treatment of identity groups, toward special advantages and rules for minority groups); it raises up signs showing a non-white man and a non-white woman and a slogan declaring that the UofT is “changing the face of the legal system”; it hangs posters of a black woman with a construction hat with the exclamation “I belong here!” (sanctimoniously insinuating that, without seeing that poster, without this piece of institutional virtue-signalling, you would never have accepted a black woman construction worker); following its divisive identity rhetoric through on a policy level, the university advertises special financial aid and award programs which are open only to black, Latin and southeast Asian students.
Ideology at OISE (Ontario Institute for the Study of Education): There are many more photos from my photo tour which could be presented as examples of the dominant ideology on campus. However, I will here get to the root of it: OISE, a part of the University of Toronto downtown, is the institute which is most responsible in Ontario for educating and shaping the views of the people who are teaching your children, but also the higher-up operators who will design that education. To say that OISE has been ideologically possessed for decades would be an understatement (according to the OISE wiki, OISE hosted the inaugural meeting of the Feminist Party of Canada in 1979, and, more recently, OISE has opened its “Department for Social Justice Education”
While walking the halls of OISE, I stumbled upon what is surely the quintessence of illiberal identity agitation in the West, namely, black nationalist activism. In this case, it is made manifest in OISE’s new “Black Studies in Education” department. The department’s website (, states that the department opened in January 2022, although, unsurprisingly, they have yet to add anything to the “research” area of their website.
In the photos above, I document the core ideology of this department which is actually on display on the entrance wall to its department — the “writing on the wall” as it were. Under the heading “My Black,” the black nationalist ethos (spirit of a culture) is laid out plainly. The reader should understand that it is this same ethos which has lent the essential raison d’être to the identity agitators both on the street and within the institution, to the left of liberal operators within the institution, to create the identity-based formulas which are now our dominant institutional policies. From the Marxism on display on street posts of St. George street, to the Institutionalized identity activism of the university itself, to the black nationalism of this OISE department, they are one engine undertaking one action.
To respond to just a few of the statements on the wall: "they seek perfection using false standards and measures" (if by that you mean the majority culture imposes the norms of an advanced agricultural and industrial society, impose liberal universalism and meritocracy on its citizenry, yes); "descended from kings and queens and born to wear a crown" (technically, African tribal societies did have positions which translate to "king" and "queen" --- hence, the propensity of black divas today to call themselves "queens" --- but these were not titles referring to control over a large centralized state); "we never will fit their standard for our might is too great" (the standards of a liberal-democracy are envisioned as universal norms and rights: if we could agree to stop with “theirs” and “ours” there would be no “theirs” and “ours”).
Thanks for reading. For more from this author, read Refuting Gender Theory: a Disenchantment
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A university with “special financial aid and award programs which are open only to black, Latin and southeast Asian students” is a university that openly discriminates against my progeny on the basis of race. Those who push woke communism are reincarnations of those who slaughtered Kulaks in Soviet Russia. Our society is sowing the seeds of its own implosion.
I have zero tolerance for racist of any color or background and certainly none for snot nosed university students with a know it all attitude. Regardless off your education level I have found that the school of hard knocks slaps these type of idiots to the curb.
A B.A. in basket weaving, slogan calling and bitching will get you exactly no where with just a few exceptions like our current Prime minister.