Jun 17, 2022·edited Jun 17, 2022Liked by James Pew, Woke Watch Canada

As Reich Minister Joseph Goebbels was once able to conclusively 'demonstrate' in relation to 'The Jewish Question', he never had to allow the facts to get in the way of a good story.

More, by investing heavily in academic 'disciplines' like 'Aryan Studies' & Racial 'Biology', or producing 'authentic' films like 'The Jew Suss', & by systematically 'deplatforming' 'Aryan Haters', 'Jew Lovers' & 'Reichphobe history deniers' , it took a military invasion by an alliance of Commie Devils & Jewish Dupes to finally suppress The Nazi 'Truth' & enable the export of the European 'Jewish Problem' to the Middle East.

Racist idelologues think & behave in exactly the same shameless fashion, regardless of geography or historical circumstances.

Their rhetoric is timeless. Only the targets are different.

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Great piece. Like James, I’m waiting for evidence of the church’s murder and clandestine burial of 215 children in Kamloops, some “as young as three,”according to Chief Rosanne Casimir.

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