I enjoyed reading this very well written article but let me give you my perspective. I was for lack of a better description the class clown and having grown up in many schools abroad & in England was a little behind due to different reasons. While at my last school in England at age 15 was offered 6 strokes of the cane for disruptive actions which I declined so was thrown out of school.
With the equivalent of a grade 8 I made why way through life and became a very active reader so educated myself in that manner.
I can add subtract & divide numbers without any device very accurately and quickly, I can read & write without any issues other than some spelling errors on occasion can debate issues with the best of them. I have traveled widely speak & understand three languages and have owned several businesses over the years managing staff of up to 30 people. i was you might say one of the lower group of students however I know that today I would be capable of attending a University. Enough about me.
Several years ago when I started to slow down & took things slowly I became interested with our grandchildren while playing simple card games with them i noticed some but not all were having extreme difficulty with math i.e. at ages 11-15 simple addition was out of the question and even using pencil & paper they were making mistakes with even small numbers, we began remedial math at home with Mom & Dads help and guess what within weeks there was improvement.
We took the time to look back over their report cards and noticed the same thing time and again, at the beginning of the school year it showed some slow learning skills and as the year progresses they seemed to do so much better obviously under the guidance of the individual teachers. They were all passed on to higher grades at the end of the school year with mostly A,s & B,s, how could this be? How can children attain grade 8 & 9 without the ability to even add 7 & 15 without getting it correct?
Fast forward to today and the absolute disgusting trash talk as well as graphics, teaching perverted ways of acting to these young minds there is only one answer and that is to yank your children out before irreversible damage is done and home teach them.
Totally agreed, I think the unusual success of homeschooled students is down to the individualized attention, not the professional qualifications (or lack thereof) of the parents or whoever educating them. I don't have kids but if I did they would absolutely be homeschooled.
Totally agree. Was speaking to a friend telling me about CANADIAN engineering students (the university in Oshawa) with class average of 45%...YES, you read that correctly...45%. Profs will Bell curve them or some other magical trick to average them 30% above this abject failure! These kids will graduate without any ability to produce safe, effective ANYTHING. I can picture it now...a civil engineer's bridge collapsing....😱
Schools have been captured by race hustlers. A policy like destreaming is implanted uncritically.
I enjoyed reading this very well written article but let me give you my perspective. I was for lack of a better description the class clown and having grown up in many schools abroad & in England was a little behind due to different reasons. While at my last school in England at age 15 was offered 6 strokes of the cane for disruptive actions which I declined so was thrown out of school.
With the equivalent of a grade 8 I made why way through life and became a very active reader so educated myself in that manner.
I can add subtract & divide numbers without any device very accurately and quickly, I can read & write without any issues other than some spelling errors on occasion can debate issues with the best of them. I have traveled widely speak & understand three languages and have owned several businesses over the years managing staff of up to 30 people. i was you might say one of the lower group of students however I know that today I would be capable of attending a University. Enough about me.
Several years ago when I started to slow down & took things slowly I became interested with our grandchildren while playing simple card games with them i noticed some but not all were having extreme difficulty with math i.e. at ages 11-15 simple addition was out of the question and even using pencil & paper they were making mistakes with even small numbers, we began remedial math at home with Mom & Dads help and guess what within weeks there was improvement.
We took the time to look back over their report cards and noticed the same thing time and again, at the beginning of the school year it showed some slow learning skills and as the year progresses they seemed to do so much better obviously under the guidance of the individual teachers. They were all passed on to higher grades at the end of the school year with mostly A,s & B,s, how could this be? How can children attain grade 8 & 9 without the ability to even add 7 & 15 without getting it correct?
Fast forward to today and the absolute disgusting trash talk as well as graphics, teaching perverted ways of acting to these young minds there is only one answer and that is to yank your children out before irreversible damage is done and home teach them.
Totally agreed, I think the unusual success of homeschooled students is down to the individualized attention, not the professional qualifications (or lack thereof) of the parents or whoever educating them. I don't have kids but if I did they would absolutely be homeschooled.
Totally agree. Was speaking to a friend telling me about CANADIAN engineering students (the university in Oshawa) with class average of 45%...YES, you read that correctly...45%. Profs will Bell curve them or some other magical trick to average them 30% above this abject failure! These kids will graduate without any ability to produce safe, effective ANYTHING. I can picture it now...a civil engineer's bridge collapsing....😱
Yep. Wokeism is toxic.