The Canadian Press in their little radio news snippets stated Biden's "apology" was prompted by the "mass grave of 215 children found at Kamloops residential school in 2021." I recorded the announcement. That's what it said. Canada's media -- big on division; short on facts.

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This media outlet has a reputation of spreading outdated gossip, presumably because it is to much work to look up facts. A national embarrassment on par with our current glad hand, vainglorious PM.

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and then the little radio "news" blurbs say "by the Canadian Press" as if that's something good, and then people believe it all.

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A George Orwell prophecy coming true.

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The Americans owe their Indians an apology, but it is not because they tried to give them an education. Indian wars were bloody, unlike Canada’s comparatively honourable history with our indigenous people, and definitely merit apologies. However, as in Canada, those apologies, accompanied with massive social spending have been made for a century. It’s time that today’s indigenous people stop focussing on their grandparents, and start focusing on their children

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Exactly. Whenever the Indian money-seekers keep whining about the evils of the schools from which they 'survived' they need to be asked why they weren't teaching their own kids in their own schools and why their children were dying in their homes on the reserves. People who ask these questions are called racist. The real racists are the Indians who take no responsibility for their own situation but blame others. It is all too easy for them to deflect blame and spend someone else's hard-earned tax money.

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They weren't teaching their own kids in their own schools presumably because they weren't teachers (or even literate or numerate to any appreciable degree -- and you can't very well have the illiterate teaching the illiterate) and they had no schools. They were "stone age" people, as Hymie noted, and it is simply normal practice for such people to have different inculturation methods from formal schools and teachers. It would be silly to blame and shame them for this, wouldn't it?

And it's all very well to take responsibility for the death of one's own children, but when pneumonia/tuberculosis/smallpox is pretty much rampant, it would be rather Trudeau-esque to tearfully step forward and apologize: "it's our fault. we did it. these people -- these children! -- would never have died if only our policies had been more enlightened/woke."

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In the U.S. “the citizenry may well rebel when they find out how costly the American Indian Board School virtue signaling turns out to be.” Or the government borrows excessively and keeps tax rates where they are, the cost to be borne by future generations, as in Canada.

Excellent article.

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Biden and Trudeau along with others like them are a collection of fools who are too lazy to do any research or reading on their own. They become the useful tools of the shills and scam artists who manufacture fake stories that play on the guilt of the uninformed. The media is their constant partner; whatever the fake story of the day is the media is ready and willing to spread it. Notice now, our so-called minister of justice is promoting the idea that you could be charged for publicly exposing the lies that are out there. We can't have an election soon enough to suit me.

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Real journalists like Woodward and Bernstein are a thing of the past. Today what passes for journalism is simple cookie cutter reporting.

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"the asinine premise that indigenous people never exaggerate let alone lie." Not to mention the possible(!) indigenous susceptibility to all of the normal liabilities to suggestion and distortion of memory that every other human person is susceptible to (i.e., the 'Satanic panic' syndrome).

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Bye bye Biden

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"I am in the prime of senility." ~ Benjamin Franklin

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