My favourite passage is about what I experienced as a teacher: the presentation of “a simplistic and misleading account of Canada’s past, and the people who shaped our history, in the service of affirming a putrid and deceitful narrative of oppressors Vs. victims in Canada.”
I agree that it “is starting to lose its credibility. People are starting to demand a more comprehensive, nuanced, and accurate account of what really happened, and why.”
Sadly, the treasonous woke race hustlers and self-promoting deconstructionists and illiterate history revisionists are still running most school districts.
This point cannot be stressed enough. But look at what we stand against: here is Sugarcane up for an Oscar and those who do not know better or care enough to know what's true will be full of celebratory congratulations if this kind of deceitful travesty 'represents' Canada's story. This country is so broken.
"They (students) are being taught that their school was named after an evil person for a long time, and that, by extension, Canada has been an evil country for a very long time and we need to listen to the activists and do what they say in order to fix it."
And then these same students (and parents, of course) are asked to rally to a flag supposedly representing systemic 'evil' - including genocide - during threatening times. The hypocrisy is jaw dropping, the 'ask' absurd. THIS is what the activists TODAY have produced: the dismantling of the nation. Oh, well done you wonderful champions of social justice. This is the real world consequences of doing what you do and the result of so many going along with it.
If the TDSB is going to rename a school they must select a figure unblemished by the sins of man and someone who is righteous in the eyes of DEI critics. There is only one name that immediately comes to mind and that is, "Joseph Brant". Of course we must disregard the unsubstantiated and malicious rumors circulated by racist critics that Brant had slaves.
"Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that." ~ George Carlin
Excellent piece. Things would be so different if more people would just take an extra minute or two out of their day to use their brains for something more than just spongeing up the latest regurgitations from the activist classes. It would also help if they taught actual history in schools but maybe they think that's what the internet is for.
I really wish we could put all the blame on the activists and spineless, cowardly leaders, but really it's the apathy of the general public that's gotten us here. It's supposed to be up to us to fire those cowards and install competent, strong leaders but so far we've been largely disengaged and now we can see the fruit of that.
Hope that one day, they get rid of those names, and say the same thing!! really God is missing, in this country, because IF they knew anything at all, the LORD'S PRAYER, says to forgive those that tresspass against you! and Caste ye the FIRST stone that has not sinned.
So who ever is replacing our beloved forefathers , they are just not picture perfect !! THE TDSB, is a bunch of antiGod, multicultural leaches that come here and want to make Canada the country they left! And its Canada's fault because the atheist's love to hate God! and this is were we are! I shudder to know what Canada will look like in 50 years. Mosques, Muslim names, nothing remotely what it was! SHAME!
My favourite passage is about what I experienced as a teacher: the presentation of “a simplistic and misleading account of Canada’s past, and the people who shaped our history, in the service of affirming a putrid and deceitful narrative of oppressors Vs. victims in Canada.”
I agree that it “is starting to lose its credibility. People are starting to demand a more comprehensive, nuanced, and accurate account of what really happened, and why.”
Sadly, the treasonous woke race hustlers and self-promoting deconstructionists and illiterate history revisionists are still running most school districts.
We need many more Igor Stravinskys exposing them.
This point cannot be stressed enough. But look at what we stand against: here is Sugarcane up for an Oscar and those who do not know better or care enough to know what's true will be full of celebratory congratulations if this kind of deceitful travesty 'represents' Canada's story. This country is so broken.
"They (students) are being taught that their school was named after an evil person for a long time, and that, by extension, Canada has been an evil country for a very long time and we need to listen to the activists and do what they say in order to fix it."
And then these same students (and parents, of course) are asked to rally to a flag supposedly representing systemic 'evil' - including genocide - during threatening times. The hypocrisy is jaw dropping, the 'ask' absurd. THIS is what the activists TODAY have produced: the dismantling of the nation. Oh, well done you wonderful champions of social justice. This is the real world consequences of doing what you do and the result of so many going along with it.
If the TDSB is going to rename a school they must select a figure unblemished by the sins of man and someone who is righteous in the eyes of DEI critics. There is only one name that immediately comes to mind and that is, "Joseph Brant". Of course we must disregard the unsubstantiated and malicious rumors circulated by racist critics that Brant had slaves.
"Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that." ~ George Carlin
Last year the Queen Victoria Public School (established in the 1800's) in Parkdale had its name changed to 'Rita Cox - Kina Minagok'.
Rita Cox was a Black librarian a few miles from here in the Swansea community.
I have no idea what the Hell 'Kina Minagok' means other than it is in some Native language.
Those woke left radical TDSB school boards are ndp-captured and should have been placed under trusteeship long ago.
Who are the crazies that elect this school board?
Thanks. The TDSB is run by idiots. I am pleased though to see 7/18 trustees say NO.
Excellent piece. Things would be so different if more people would just take an extra minute or two out of their day to use their brains for something more than just spongeing up the latest regurgitations from the activist classes. It would also help if they taught actual history in schools but maybe they think that's what the internet is for.
I really wish we could put all the blame on the activists and spineless, cowardly leaders, but really it's the apathy of the general public that's gotten us here. It's supposed to be up to us to fire those cowards and install competent, strong leaders but so far we've been largely disengaged and now we can see the fruit of that.
Change their emblem ffs. Looks similar to the savage islam
Hope that one day, they get rid of those names, and say the same thing!! really God is missing, in this country, because IF they knew anything at all, the LORD'S PRAYER, says to forgive those that tresspass against you! and Caste ye the FIRST stone that has not sinned.
So who ever is replacing our beloved forefathers , they are just not picture perfect !! THE TDSB, is a bunch of antiGod, multicultural leaches that come here and want to make Canada the country they left! And its Canada's fault because the atheist's love to hate God! and this is were we are! I shudder to know what Canada will look like in 50 years. Mosques, Muslim names, nothing remotely what it was! SHAME!
Why not rename Dundas Square Lincoln Alexander Square. The reasons are positive on so many levels.
Mrs.Lincoln Alexander
(Lincoln’s widow)
Get rid of these communist agitators.