Yes but.........in this upside down world of Canada woke today people are in very real danger of being involved in extremely expensive court cases for simply offering an opinion and some have already been jailed without trial for example the Freedom convoy. We also only need to look at all the Doctors and Nurses loosing their creds and being suspended even when evidence shows they are in the right. Veterans being disgraced and in one recent case a hero presently under court martial for again simply offering an opinion.

Such is life today under the communist like government that is in total control of this country, we live in the day of the "Thought Police" 1984 has come and gone this is the new world order .

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Excellent letter. Terry Glavin has written at length about the incompetence or the bad faith, or both, of the Canadian MSM in reporting this story.

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Thank you again, Michelle, for another insightful and articulate letter, although I would be greatly surprised if you receive a response that is worthy of your efforts.

“When a great genius appears in the world you may know him by this sign; that the dunces are all in confederacy against him." Jonathan Swift

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Good letter- cheers!

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I want you to know that I met with DENE ELDERS North of Wabasca-Desmarais Alberta in a hidden wooden Longhouse. I was nineteen years old. I asked the head of this group of sacred men (about 15 older gentlemen),

"why did you take your families off the reservation(s) forfeiting the little bit of government money to live deep in the bush?

He told me, supported by the others, "To avoid the Census Taker".

I was surprised at this statement though I was told earlier at University of Calgary, where on campus, I obtained my government-issued Social Security Number.

Since I went so long without a SSN students around me in line told me I should not apply. The small crowd agreed. This caused me to reflect. I did obtain one, though the reflection back to this incident caused me to listen hard to this old Dene man and 'prick up my ears'.

"Why I said? What is wrong with the Census Takers? "

He seemed so surprised by my question; I could not help noticing. He responded,

"We don't want them taking our children!"

"Government taking your children?" I said completely floored.

"Where are they taking them." I asked

"They are taking them to other peoples homes and schools far away from us."

As told by Donna Tkachuk Blanco OCT from Travels with Mary 1970

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You don't comment on the welfare of the children taken to live “deep in the bush”. You do not mention how keeping those children from an opportunity to learn skills that might help them as adults in the profoundly changing world that surrounded them, ultimately benefited those children. You simply imagine a fanciful Garden of Eden you refer to as “Turtle Island”, neither of which ever existed, would persist somehow today, and be a better place to live, despite the evidence of how indigenous people were living in the early days of contact.

Aside from the privations of that existence, how is it you imagine it would persist to exist in the modern world, untouched by some other culture? How do you imagine a few million people could have kept such a vast land mass from the encroachment of a modern world, and keep the people who lived on that land mass safe, and from learning about and wanting the things that existed in the modern world around them?

And most important, you don’t speak to the fact of chiefs who saw the benefit of education and lobbied for their children to have that opportunity. Nor do you consider what happened to the children taken to live “deep in the bush”, or what became of their descendants. You simply fantasise a romantic vision that living nomadic on a challenging land without acknowledging that existence was “brutal, nasty, and short”, and nothing would have changed that fact if, by some miracle, it had persisted.

Perhaps what happened to the children taken to “live in the bush” and their descendants is that they became permanently attached to a fantasy, and cannot imagine that their conditions today are the result of choices made for them by the adults who kept them away from the opportunity to participate fully in a modern world.

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Janice. We do not know each other so this is speculation at its finest. This was 1970. Perhaps you were not born yet? I have direct experience with the children on the reserve and going to "school". It wasn't until I was asked by a desperate teacher to her combined grade school students, "they don't want to sit still; all they want to do is go outside." My reply, "then take them outside."

She did and her students couldn't stop sharing with her the bark of a tree; the sound of crunching on the ground.

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I was born quite some time before 1970 and had finished my own pre-university schooling then. I did not thrive in school. Many children did not as it was designed, back then, mostly to instill habits of workers: answer a bell, break time, tedious tasks, focusing. Despite my challenges in school, I eventually obtained a graduate degree, supported myself throughout my life, and retired with a decent pension. Outside of school, I played hard, worked hard, went to foster homes and group homes, and suffered various significant abuses children should not, as have many others. I have no doubt that my academic education has made my life better in many ways, not the least of which is having been able to make it my own.

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Yes it is the best to speak from experience and you have this Janice. Be safe and hope you enjoy the springtime. dTb

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*SIN Social Insurance Number

I did not know at the time and didn't find out what this meant throughout Canada until 2017 as 'THE 60s SCOOP.

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I think we have all been mistakenly worded the horrific suffering of our indigenous peoples as arising from housing in The Residential Schools across Turtle Island. This is misleading, not that it didn't happen but it really clouds what did happen on the battle fields of Canada-USA-Mexico ORPHANS The slaughter of millions of families, units, tribes, communities. Eliminating the adults, governments ordering women to lose their

matriarchy rights if she married an outsider-non-aboriginal meant the LOSS OF THEIR INDIAN STATUS. Not for men though. IF the Native Indigenous Male married let's say, a White Woman or SLAV he would NOT lose HIS STATUS. Matriarchial Genocide by Government Decree is what is hidden here.

ALSO at Windsor Castle Armory in England are held hundreds of drawings on bits of paper BEFORE LEDGER ART (maps created by Native Americans primarily) to document battles. Many obtained by captured warriors given pencils of lead to draw what they saw. These 'bits of paper' have not surfaced on the internet as far as I can see though revealed at ART GALLERY OF ONTARIO The Entangled Gaze Lecture PART 11 after Elder Pauline Shirt was escorted out for whatever reason not returning to view that portion of the presentation. There were approximately less than 100 people at this event. I still own my ticket! dTb

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Michelle Stirling is a nice lady and a serious researcher. But she doesn't get the academic treachery or the pettifogging illogic, even of the sophomoric variety of Sean Carleton. In her letter to the Human Rights Research Centre of Manitoba she accuses Carleton and his grad student of "cherry picking" examples of journalist mistakes involving allegations of "mass grave" discoveries. Quote:

STIRLING: They claim that “…factual errors by journalists and media outlets are not uncommon, especially in the rush to report on a developing story outside of a reporter’s area of expertise.”

The authors then cherry-picked a few such examples to prove their point.

TO DIFFER: The boys made their point with tons of examples. But their point about journalistic errors; subsequently allegedly corrected; disguised more than one "red herring". The first red herring is Carleton's assertion of quote POTENTIAL UNMARKED GRAVES. But nobody talked about unmarked graves being "potential" until well after it was explained, more than once, that Ground Penetrating Radar doesn't reveal either actual graves or actual remains. The initial report was actually about "remains" allegedly "confirmed" by a ground penetrating radar specialist and the "remains" had been found in actual (not potential) "unmarked graves" (May 27, 2021). When Murray Sinclair went on television on June 1st, 2021, it was allegedly BODIES found in unmarked graves, with more to come. He repeated the allegation of BODIES in actual (not potential) unmarked graves before an emergency meeting of the parliamentary committee of Indigenous and Norther Affairs two days later where he admitted receiving a call from Kamloops concerning the R.C.M.P. wanting to investigate the allegation of "remains/bodies" in (actual; not potential) unmarked graves. Sinclair said the R.C.M.P. were acting in a "ham handed" and/or "intimidating" manner, especially with Sarah Beaulieu who had been "scared" by their tactics. So he had counselled her and others to engage legal counsel so they wouldn't be, quote, "mistreated going forward." [Inan 39; Witness Testimony; page 12; Section 1225 - 1230] A false inference which is suggested by the phrase "mistreated going forward" would be that Beaulieu was "mistreated" going backward by the R.C.M.P.'s allegedly "ham handed" tactics. She, almost certainly, was treated nicely by the Mounties. But to be certain about Carleton's sophomore sophistry, quote


In the two years since the Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc First Nation’s 2021 announcement about the location of 215 POTENTIAL UNMARKED GRAVES at the former Kamloops Indian Residential School, a number of priests, pundits, and politicians have downplayed and questioned the validity of the findings. Some have declared the news of POTENTIAL UNMARKED GRAVES at many former residential school sites sites across Canada to be a “huge lie” (Zoledziowski, 2021). Others insist that mainstream media, the federal government, and First Nations have conspired to created a “hoax” by misrepresenting the news of POTENTIAL UNMARKED BURIALS sites as a “mass grave” to shock and guilt Canadians into caring about Indigenous Peoples and reconciliation (The Canadian Mass Grave Hoax, 2021).... we — as academic researchers — decided to investigate the claims of a media conspiracy and fact-check them against the evidence of what was actually reported in Canada. ... [YADDETY YADDETY YAK] ...

So the "potential unmarked grave" reference is Carleton's first red herring. His second red herring, to wit, a so-called "media conspiracy" (above) is underscored with his conclusion, quote


This report debunks the “mass grave hoax.” The claims of a conspiracy or cover-up being deliberately orchestrated by mainstream media, government, and First Nations is not supported by the evidence. It is true ... [Yaddety etc. etc.]

But nobody, with an I.Q. above 50, has claimed that the "mainstream media" or "government" has been involved in "orchestrating" a mass grave hoax. TO THE CONTRARY, it is the media and government who have been hoaxed by native activists and their fellow "allies" like Carleton and his buddy Niigan Sinclair --- Murray Sinclair's baby boy --- who has a seriously invested interest in his daddy not being convicted of defrauding the Canadian public in collusion with whoever phoned him from Kamloops on June 3rd, 2021. Quite often, serious fraud artists, like Murray Sinclair, are required to pay large fines when convicted of fraud, which would seriously deplete the younger Sinclair's actually POTENTIAL inheritance. But, back to Niigan's activist academic colleague, Sean-Settler-Carleton:- Talk about getting "things" all backwards: Sophomoronic-Sean, can't make the correct distinction between "hoaxing" and being "hoaxed"! Thus his second obscurantist red herring.

Michelle Stirling's references to WHAT residential schools actually were, according to Mark Carney's dad and her own Southern Alberta research, and her 92 page pdf attachment to her letter, which begins with, quote:

STIRLING: Canada is in the grip of a ‘mass grave/missing children’ psychosis related to Indian Residential Schools.

is almost as obscurantist as Carleton's red herrings, with respect to the actual ongoing fraud against the Canadian tax paying public. Stirling's 92 pages (I read them all; Fine Report) and more than 40 thousand words entirely misses the point of Sinclair's and his non-psychotic AFN friends fraud on the Canadian public. Amateur psychology and references to Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder simply don't "cut it" with respect to convicting actual fraud artists like Sinclair, Littlechild, Roseanne Casimir of Kamloops and Cadmus Delorme of Cowessess, along with lesser co-conspirators like Kimberly Murray, who would much prefer that Michelle Stirling go to jail for "denial" than herself going to jail for being the actual fraud artist that she is, in fact and in law.

Kevin James Byrne

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Thank you for your detailed review, Kevin. I admit when I first read it I was astonished and pleased at your analysis and that you'd read the whole report. THANK YOU!! However, I initially misread the closing comment and thought you were suggesting that I go to jail (my bad!) and this freaked me out, since there are lots of people out there who would like that to happen. However, colleagues calmed me down and assured me that was not the case. I'd forgotten to get back to you and thank you until just now when it came up in an unrelated comment from a friend. Many thanks! Michelle

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You are welcome. It is one of those clear either or questions. Either you should go to jail for denial (according to Kimberly Murray) or she should go to jail as an aider, abettor and accessory-after to fraud (according to Kevin Byrne) --- a 2.8 billion dollar fraud called the "Day Scholars" law suit, sanctioned at the Federal Court of Canada in Vancouver.

I've been listening to you for years as the spokesMAN (My aunt was adamant that she be called a LandMAN, when she worked for Canadian Pacific Oil and Gas as a landman; she liked being a MAN among "the boys" that she constantly "schooled") for FRIENDS OF SCIENCE. I even had a legal run-in against your "admirers" from Ecojustice, during the Public Inquiry into Foreign Funding of Anti-Alberta-Energy campaigns! They (at least one or 2 of them; probably more) are certainly as crooked as Ms. Murray and Murray Sinclair. I know that they, especially, would like you and your friends to be jailed!

You're bad for their business of representing "folks" who want Alberta's oil to stay in the ground until their foreign supplies have been sold and depleted, at which point they [Ecojustice's clients] would "help" us redevelop our resources after, first, ruining Canadian companies and then buying them up for peanuts after they've been ruined! Americans have been doing that sort of "$hit" for years in other countries. Here too.

So keep up the good work on all fronts. Man, you work hard. You seem to be from my aunt's "school" --- just about 1/2 generation after her cohort, I'd guess.

Your "observer".


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Thank you, Michelle.

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