And every person can tell two friends. Make it 10. Sign the 1 click. I believe in people power. James what a great stack.

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I signed the one click and retweeted on X.

Our Young Global Leader feminist Trudeau has had us on this track since 2015. His relentless attacks on Canada, its identity, unity and reputation now makes sense as he delivers her national sovereignty to a globalist entity. This man and his government has to go.

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While I agree with everything you've said, I no longer have faith that we can vote our way out of this predicament. They may say what we want to hear to get elected, but once elected I believe Trudeau's replacement (and he will be replaced next year) will simply pick up where he left off. The top politicians at the national level in most western nations are chosen for their "cooperation."

Politics isn't the answer. We, the generations who've never had to fight for our rights and freedoms, will have to learn to stand up to tyranny as many of them did. And it won't be as easy as voting every four years, I'm afraid.

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"Scratch a Liberal, get a Fascist." Don't tell them about all the Turbo Cancers everywhere, perhaps, by the you know, forced, coerced, mandated and ineffective Money grab, oh I mean, "Vaccines." So sad.

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This sniffs of conspiracy thinking. Not your best stuff James.

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