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Are We In Canada?
Over the Christmas holiday we have seen terribly disruptive Palestinian protestors making everything miserable for those who thought that celebration and joy might be on the menu. This includes Canadians silly enough to think they could go shopping at the Eaton Center in Toronto on boxing day. As well, Indigo books in Vancouver was shut down by the anti-Semitic protests on its busiest day of the year because of Jewish Canadian founder and Chief executive Heather Reisman’s ties to the HESEG Foundation (who provide scholarships for post-secondary education to former lone soldiers who have completed their service in the Israel Defense Forces), which she co-founded in 2005 with her husband, Gerald Schwartz. Last but sadly not least, there was no peace for holiday shoppers in Montreal as mobs of protesters waving their Palestinian flags screamed at them about the conflict in the Middle East. All of this led at least one frustrated X user to ask: Are we in Canada?
In a recent essay for the Free Press, The Explosion of Jew-Hate in Trudeau’s Canada by Terry Glavin, a depressing summary is provided of the rash of anti-Semitism that has taken place in Canada since Oct, 7 2023 – the day Hamas massacred Israeli citizens and others in an unprovoked surprise attack. Glavin reports that there has been an unprecedented 670% increase in anti-Semitism and that Canadian Jews, most of them Canadian born, do not feel safe in Canada. What!? How is that possible?
From Glavin’s Free Press piece:
“‘Most Canadian Jews feel unsafe and victimized,’ the University of Toronto sociologist Robert Brym concluded in an in-depth attitudinal survey of Canadians, undertaken in collaboration with EKOS Research, published earlier this year. ‘They perceive a rise in negative attitudes toward Jews in recent months and years. Most doubt the situation will improve’.”
No one would feel safe with mobs (which include large groups of men from the Middle East – one of the most unstable and violent regions of the world) marching through their neighbourhoods chanting several different iterations of a genocidal theme: to eradicate the particular people group they happen to be a member of, through no fault of their own, other than being born into it. No one would be able to brush this off. And it wouldn’t be stood for if it were any other group other than Jews or lowly Christians. It makes perfect sense that Canadian Jews are fearful, and might want to conceal their Jewish identity, or sadly, escape to Israel before things get worse. But even so, no matter how loud the chants to gas the Jews or the calls for Intifada may be, there is always an alarming number of people who write it off as peaceful protests concerned with the “crimes of Israel.” This is a gut-wrenching, sickeningly sadistic psychological game, a conspiracy theory, and a cruel inversion of the truth.
One thing is clear, this hatred that is understandably making Jewish Canadians feel unsafe, is not coming from the Anglo Canadian sphere, nor the Franco, nor the Indigenous. This is an entirely new element, an existential foreign threat: Islam. There is a domestic component as well: the embrace of radical Islam by the far left. We must oppose this at all costs. However, since there are few Western leaders with the balls to actually ban Islam and rid the West of the problem, we must find another way. Unfortunately, this may mean in the final equation that the West fell because the people and their leaders didn’t have the stomach to deport those who were parasitizing and attacking the society from within.
Back to the realm of the pragmatic. Instead of expulsion, Islam must be contained in the West. Similar to the official policy the Americans took during the Cold War where international Communism was dealt with by a policy of containment. The Americans could have initiated a hot war with the Soviets, but they didn’t have the stomach for it – I’m glad they didn’t. They elected to not attack Communism directly – to somewhat, leave the Soviets alone – but acted in various ways to prevent the expansion of global Communism. The strategy, although it involved many smaller satellite hot wars (i.e. Vietnam, Korea), also involved waiting it out over the long term, preventing the growth of Communism, helping where possible to hasten its demise.
Maybe the Americans knew – or at least did George Kennan, who’s long-telegram is what inspired the official policy of containment – that good or bad ideas can never be defeated, only contained. It might be worthwhile to think of Islam this way. If there are good Muslims who love the West and claim to practice a non-expansionist peaceful version of Islam that is compatible with our Judeo-Christian culture, then they should do everything in their power to help contain radical Islam in the way I am describing. Why wouldn’t they? Highly suspicious if they refused, is it not?
We do not have the stomach to mass deport Muslims. Or to shut down Mosques, or ban the Koran. The best that can be expected from Western countries (as has been shown in the past) is inspections of Mosques, including listening to what is being preached, reading and analyzing all the Islamic texts recommended by Imams, or shared within the Islamic community, and the examining of all Islamic media. Any and all traces of extremist Islamic ideology or attempts to radicalize need to be eradicated.
I would hope that we require far fewer terrorist atrocities perpetrated by Middle Eastern jihadists before we decide at the very least that the radical Islamic world, as it exists in peaceful Western nations, needs a policy of containment. And since we are dealing this time with an enemy that is fully within, as well as without, this particular policy of containment can only be effective if accompanied by a policy of surveillance. The religious community of Muslim Canadians owes it to the rest of Canada – a country that welcomed Muslims and Islamic culture – to submit to having their Mosques surveilled and their books, media, and religious texts examined in an ongoing fashion by our Canadian agencies who deal with intelligence. Their religious sermons, classes, talks, seminars, conventions, should all be surveilled, and investigated in an ongoing fashion. The cost involved will be enormous, and the Islamic community should pay for most of it. Because the threat of terrorism is ever-present and that wasn’t the case before masses of Muslims immigrated to Canada and began transplanting their Islamic culture. Because of this one group of people with far too many barbaric extremist factions attached to their religion – a religion which on its best day still contains all sorts of practices that are abhorred in the West – all of Canada is unsafe.
The Jews are not the problem, they are the canaries in the coal mines. If the Hamastinian activists manage to terrorize Jewish Canadians to the extent they all flee to Israel out of fear for their lives, we can be assured that the Canadian majority who inherited a Christian culture, and the greater settler society in general, will be the next targets of this newly imported jihadist terror that our weak politicians, media and police misconstrue as activism.
Anti-Semitism is both a hatred of Jewish people and a conspiracy theory involving a global cabal of Jews who control the world through the banking system and the media. Jew hatred has an ancient history, but the modern period of anti-Semitism involves the pernicious influence of the half-plagiarized, fully fabricated documents from the early 20th century known as the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. The “Protocols” are supposedly the plans of the Jewish elite to bring about a totalitarian global government ruled by them. They are detailed, comprehensive, systematically laid out, and not unlike a horoscope, are written in general enough terms that one could easily imagine it describing our present day or situation. This leads many conspiracy minded folks in the West to believe that there might be something to this Jewish conspiracy theory. Jews are over-represented in many elite spheres of society, they say. I confidently assure readers there is nothing more to Jewish over-representation than evidence of the winning ethno-cultural formulation of Jewish heritage. If you live in a culture that prioritizes learning and tradition, as do the Jews, you can expect to see many examples of your people flourishing in well earned stations of achievement. When you consider the intelligence of the average Jewish person, merit seems a far better explanation for Jewish success, than does a complicated multi-generational global conspiracy unfolding over centuries with a singular objective of world domination unwaveringly pursued.
On the other hand, admitting to oneself that the Jews have something that maybe one does not, but wishes one did, might be a more difficult thing for some. The easy route is the conspiracy theory. Often, conspiratorialists consider themselves truth-seekers who are exposing the secret plans of the Jews. However, I fashion myself as somewhat of a truth-seeker as well. I declare, if your search leads you to an evil global cabal of Jewish bankers who control the media and everything else, you’ve taken the wrong way; You’ve referenced the wrong map; You’ve consulted the wrong blueprint; You’ve read the wrong books!
The real conspiracy is entirely against the Jews. It operates by inverting the truth. It is cunning and ruthlessly propagandistic. It has thoroughly infiltrated Western institutions. It has shown alarming signs of its rapid expansion, and there is nothing slowing it down. It is Islam and its embrace by Western leftists. It is not a conspiracy theory operating in the shadows, it is a reality unfolding in broad daylight, right in front of our stunned faces. By the words and deeds of the Islamists and radical leftists themselves, it is Jihad, it is global, and it is totalitarian. In a number of ways it is an inversion of the anti-Semitic Jewish conspiracy. If you research it a little you will find plenty of Western and non-Western scholars telling you jihad is a good thing that should be embraced. The very openness of Islam’s expansive operation occurring under conditions of multiculturalism in a historically high-trust society, may just be the dynamics that will ultimately destroy Canada. I hope that is hyperbole. In two or three years from now, I invite readers to bring up this essay and point out what a pearl-clutching histrionic disaster I was. I hope it turns out that way, I would be happy to be the maniac who was way off base.
Returning to the issue. Compare the Jewish Canadian population to the Islamic one. The Jewish population has been here longer and is marked by very low levels of expansion. They do often congregate in Jewish areas. There are synagogues and Jewish neighborhoods. Not always, but often, Jewish people are known to live in and practice their Jewish ethno-cultural traditions in these places. With the exception of a minority of ultra-orthodox types, the Jews are highly enculturated into the Western world, and their lifeways are commensurate with Canadian society. They are not known to bring the problems and the dramas of the Jewish world into the greater Canadian society, they keep them contained to Jewish people and Jewish quarters. Although there was some anti-Semitism in Canada in the first half of the 20th century, for the most part Jews have lived for generations peacefully and cooperatively alongside cultural Christians, in a society with shared Judeo-Christian values.
If an acquaintance encountered me and one of my Jewish friends having coffee, they would see two men who are culturally indistinguishable. They might mistake us for brothers. If they sat down and joined us, an hour could go by without ethnic backgrounds ever entering the fray of conversation, and they most likely would still not know that one of us is Jewish. We are compatible, and in many ways the same. We are not exactly the same, but sameness is not what is important, compatibility is. Jewish Canadians are good Canadians, when they protest (which they rarely do) they wave Canadian flags and sing the Canadian and Israeli national anthems. No one in recent days who has said the words, “Canada doesn’t feel like Canada anymore,” was referring to Jewish Canadians.
Muslims are a newer presence in Canada and their rapid expansion in both population and in the visibility of Islamic culture, especially in major Canadian cities, is alarming. When Muslims protest (which they often do) they wave flags of Middle Eastern countries, they block traffic and pray in the street, they scream death to Canada and Israel, they celebrate effigies of terrorists, they burn Canadian flags, they congregate in Jewish neighbourhoods to deliberately intimidate Jewish people. The multicultural situation of Canada has invited the problems of the Middle East, and while it may be true that many Jewish Canadians have interests in Israel, it is not them who make up the ugly, anti-Western, anti-Canadian, anti-Semitic Middle Eastern derived protest movement that has made Canada feel like another place; a foreign place; an awful and dangerous place.
But anti-Semitism is such a pervasive and monstrous almost supernatural force. The conspiracy theory element is attractive to Western minds – especially minds that are not fully formed, or not fully informed on the long and deeply complex history of anti-Semitism and Israel. I can’t blame others for not being up to speed on such a rich and intricate story, however, I do implore them to exercise extreme caution when tempted by the outlet for frustration that the conspiracy theory provides. We have seen this before, the Jews were scapegoated by the Nazis as the conspirators pulling the strings around the globe through the levers of finance controlled within their Jewish dominated banking system. It is so easy to fall into this explanation. It is so easy to just blame the Jews. It means you don’t have to do any of the work that was involved when I wrote The Case for Israel, and then later Israel, A Promised Land. It means you can avoid a major reading effort, and an even greater effort put forward when weighing the moral components of the issue.
Israel is not a perfect country. And the IDF is not a flawless fighting force. I doubt there has ever been a war in the history of wars where crimes were not committed by both sides. In some cases I’m sure the crimes are accidental, but in other cases I’m sure they are not. War is awful. Terrorism is like a version of war. It’s the getting attacked part. But worse, innocent people are targeted, not soldiers. Not responding to terrorism is not an option. When one is attacked, defense is required for survival to continue. When one's attackers turn, run and hide immediately after mounting their attack, the defense takes on the appearance of an offense. If the attackers are hiding behind their own people, among parents, and children and grand-parents, then the moral failing is entirely on the part of the attackers who have placed their people in peril. Those who were attacked, but now are poised to strike, have a moral imperative to perform their task effectively for the safety of their people. They cannot prioritize the safety of their attackers' children – even though they may be innocent – over the safety of their own children. Children died in Gaza not because the IDF targeted them, as Hamas had targeted Israeli children, but because terrorists, with the blood of entire Israeli families on their hands, hid behind them. Palestinian women and children and the elderly were used as human shields. In all wars innocent people including children are killed. In Gaza, the direct reason for this is that the terrorists cowardly used and sacrificed their own people. This should be the war crime being discussed in international forums, not Israel's tactics in defending against it.
Islamists do not value human life the same way people of the West do. Our Judeo-Christian roots teach men to protect our women and children at all costs. Our Western values prevent us from using children as human shields, or strapping them into suicide vests so they can blow up Jews along with themselves. A Judeo-Christian moral framework precludes one from marrying 9 year old girls, or from covering women and girls from head to toe in black cloaks, or from stoning to death a women for infidelity who was actually raped but there were no witnesses to attest to the woman’s story, or from throwing homosexuals off of rooftops, or burning kidnapped Yazidi women to death for refusing to convert to Islam to become the sex slaves of their captors, or from committing tens of thousands of massacres and acts of terrorism, etc.
I could go on and on. If my lack of coverage on this issue, followed by today's essay, has shocked readers who may not believe things are so serious, I implore you to read Terry Glavin’s piece to get a sense of the scale of the problem. However, for readers who are on X, or who live in or near major cities, there is no way to escape the constant barrage of anti-Semitic protests, so there is little chance they are not fully up to speed. It is truly surreal, and it truly does not feel like we are in Canada.
Thanks for reading. For more from this author, read the essay series Deprogramming From Leftism For Anglo Canadians, here is Part One.
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I follow the international news daily, so I see quite a few countries now starting to deport these troublemakers. We need to do the same. We have an election coming sometime in the new year, so we all need to inform those running for both federal and provincial elections that we want our government to do the same thing here.
Every single voter that gives a damn should demand the laws be changed to deport immediately anyone that causes any of the problems mentioned in your article. I believe any new immigrant, refugee or foreign student who commits any crime in Canada gets deported post haste.
Totally 100% agree Mr. Pew. Only an evil ideology martyrs their children. Islam is an enemy of the West and it must be dealt with firmly and with conviction.