I follow the international news daily, so I see quite a few countries now starting to deport these troublemakers. We need to do the same. We have an election coming sometime in the new year, so we all need to inform those running for both federal and provincial elections that we want our government to do the same thing here.

Every single voter that gives a damn should demand the laws be changed to deport immediately anyone that causes any of the problems mentioned in your article. I believe any new immigrant, refugee or foreign student who commits any crime in Canada gets deported post haste.

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Totally 100% agree Mr. Pew. Only an evil ideology martyrs their children. Islam is an enemy of the West and it must be dealt with firmly and with conviction.

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So right wing gun nuts in the US who sacrifice children are...???

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Gun nuts are generally mentally ill individuals who should never be allowed to own them. That's a totally different topic. The last American gun killing to make the news was the murder of an insurance executive, allegedly by a likely mentally disturbed man named Luigi Mangione, who is being lionized by the left wing.

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And yet most civilized nations manage to protect their schoolchildren by not making it easy for whom you admit are nuts to obtain guns to fulfill their murderous fantasies with. US gun culture fans tacitly allow the sacrifice of children.

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Indeed, the US gun culture is absurd, held within certain American fundamentalist beliefs, but I don't believe they want the sacrifice of children. Most gun owners have children. They want their children to be protected. They just believe more guns are the answer.

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Maybe their children, but they don’t seem to care about children in general. Unless it’s to point fingers at how awful other people treat theirs, like you did.

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I dont have any children.

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Spot on essay! Only a minor correction: It's Glavin, not Glaven.

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Damn, that is the second time I've done that!! Thanks for pointing it out.

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People who come to this country should leave their hatreds behind them.

They should also be vetted to make sure they agree with Western values.

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What about those born here who keep their hatred, like right wing extremists? Can we deport them?

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You can't deport someone who was born here. You can deport someone who is not a citizen and was not born here. G M is saying vet people first before they arrive.

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That’s too bad. I guess we’ll have to learn to tolerate certain kinds of hateful people. Seems there are more and more of them.

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All religions have the potential to deviate into extremism and certainly what we are witnessing in Palestine, in the genocidal actions of Israel, is proof of this. To suggest that Israel is the good guy in this murderous conflict is to ignore the obvious for the obscure. Israel’s war on Gaza has seen cases brought against it in both the International Court of Justice (ICJ) and the International Criminal Court (ICC). The Israeli response resulted in one of the worst years of recorded atrocities against civilians in recent history. Nearly 42,000 Palestinians have been killed in bombardments and attacks that have continued on a near-daily basis, including the largest reported killings of children and women in a similar period for the past two decades. Thousands more are missing and feared dead.

If antisemitism is off the charts, as you suggest, this may well be the reason.

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This is an awful way to think. Israel is not committing genocide. I don’t know why I allow comments like this. I should delete it.

The 42,000 killed include terrorists, but you won’t say that because then people might put two and two together. You also won’t say that the 20,000 terrorists killed were hiding behind the other 20,000 who were civilians. You don’t think those details matter? Nope, you don’t. It’s just a constant drum best of the same trope.

There are 2 million Gazan’s - less than 2% of civilians (non-terrorists) have been killed, and Israel provides aid to the rest of Gaza. There is no way that the military campaign comes even close to what genocide is. You are a Jew hater my friend - you should work on that.

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James do you prefer an echo chamber vs debate that I and Kemosabe and others offer? Threatening to delete comments and censor is lame, and I sincerely hope you are better than that. I am with Kemosabe on this one, re genocide. It's real streamed 24/7. Where did you get the 20,000 terrorists killed number ? I am not a leftist but an Anglo Canadian with conservative values, and I am not a huge fan of 'any' ideological zealotry, including religions....I sincerely believe the Israeli political regime has brought this international anger upon themselves for their acts & deeds as recognized by the ICC arrest warrants on Netanyahu/Gallant...I cannot imagine what writing an article such as this does to your health, blood pressure and heart rate as you show us all your anger, as a Christian in defence of Israeli's. Oh and that 'policy' of containment of Arab/Muslims, you write of, would that be administered by B'nai Brith? Happy New Year.

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Just goes to show you even some with “conservative values” can fall for the woke horseshit. There is no genocide, and yes deportation is the only way to treat stage 2 cancer.

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Thank you for your comments, Scott.

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And thank you for yours too. I sincerely hope James does not start deleting them as he threatened...

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Don't take my word for a genocide occurring in Gaza. From Prof. Mearsheimer's substack,



On 19 December 2024, Human Rights Watch issued a 179-page report detailing Israel’s genocide in Gaza.

On 5 December 2024, Amnesty International issued a 296-page report detailing Israel’s genocide in Gaza.

On 21 November 2024, the International Criminal Court issued arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and former Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant for crimes against humanity and war crimes.

On 26 January 2024, the International Court of Justice found that a plausible case can be made that Israel is committing genocide in Gaza.

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Trump said "finish the job".

I don't know what other words you have for the slaughter of thousands of women and children.

Netanyahu even said himself that he prefers to support Hamas than have to negotiate a two-state solution. He's partly to blame.

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Yes, according to this article and others I have read, Hamas is a creation of Israel's Mossad. https://www.sott.net/article/172135-Hamas-is-a-Creation-of-Mossad

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If evil be spoken of you and it be true, correct yourself, if it be a lie, laugh at it.


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Yes, and to James because he mentions Mark Twain in his essay 'The Case For Israel' I thought I would drop this quote here for James. Mark Twain popularized the saying, “There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics”

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Did Israel explode a small nuclear bomb in Syria? Spike in radiation report says… https://www.india.com/news/did-israel-explode-a-small-nuclear-bomb-in-syria-spike-in-radiation-report-says-7490316/

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It wouldn't surprise me in the least if Israel just detonated a nuke in Syria.

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Israel, has but a SPECK of land! why can't they live in PEACE! what do they do, this is the most ridiculous argument.

They have a speck of land, can't they just live their lives ?? Arabic nations have pillaged and murdered much more than the Jews!

They just want a land because they were very persecuted ie. World War II... Jews live quietly among themselves. In Canada I don't even see them burning, yelling, beheading people.. they live amongst themselves and do not disturb, but the Palestine come here and harrass innocent shoppers, wave their flags, shoot at schools.. what kind of behavior is that!!

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Two million Arabs also live in Israel and have the right to vote and all other rights of Israeli citizens. They seem to live there peacefully. Just prior to the October 7th massacre, Israel was going to increase the numbers of people from Gaza allowed to work in Israel, and increase it again over time if all worked out. They were also about to make an economic deal with Saudi Arabia. Hamas wanted conflict and turmoil. They purposely attacked with this in mind, to scuttle everything.

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Its all a conspiracy .... Hamas is actually a Jewish organization... and I can also give you many links to news the moon landing was fake.

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Israelis, with support from the IDF, keep stealing land from Palestinians. Should they just sit back and let it happen? Would you?

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Now that we're on rhetorical questions...If an army invaded a country in a surprise attack and massacred over 1000 of its citizens, should that country sit back and let it happen?

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Hhhmmm…loaded question.

Ask how it all came to that in the first place, and why your PM aided and abetted the invaders.

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I asked "should that country sit back and let it happen?" I mean, what did the attackers expect would be the response? That attack was a huge military and strategic error... and I don't think our PM had anything to do with it, I believe he's skiing right now.

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Wrong question. More like “What did Netanyahu expect when he tacitly approved of them being in charge of Gaza?”.

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Free the hostages Kemosabe, and compensate the victims, and families, of the butcher puppets of Iran.

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The casualty figures you quote and that are used by much of the media come from the Palestinian Health Officials which is Hamas controlled.

There is no evidence that the numbers are factual.

But unfortunately the media uses these figures without demanding proof.

What are the names, addresses, where were they killed, when, circumstances, were they Hamas or Hamas sympathizers etc.?

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They’re all women named Mohammed. They took the ages down from 18 to 15. They faked it all. War sucks, the Palestinians lie and the world guzzles their propaganda

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"There is no evidence that the numbers are factual."

There's no evidence, aside from IDF propaganda, that they aren't.

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I agree with you about religion, and the Middle East conflict is all about that. It's about radical Islam in the form of Hamas (October 7 attacks etc.) and the Israeli government which is increasingly dominated by religious extremists or political radicals. There are parallels with the conflicts in Syria, or the proxy war between Saudi Arabia and Iran in Yemen and elsewhere. In the six years of the war in Syria over 600 thousand people died, but there were few protests here, even among Syrian refugees. Why would that be? There's currently a horrible civil war in Sudan killing thousands. No demonstrations. Even the Russian-Ukraine war didn't have many demos, and those I saw were very low key. There's been no anti-Russian attacks here in Canada, for example. Indeed, the war in Gaza and Lebanon is horrible and there needs to be a ceasefire. I think the demonstrations in front of Indigo Books though are likely counterproductive.... in my town people in keffiyehs, many with their faces masked, marched down the main commercial street yelling through a megaphone "While you are shopping, bombs are dropping." There are fewer people at these demonstrations all the time, and the ones left are the most radical. The way I see it, the October 7th attacks were a massive strategic error, likely driven mostly by emotion. Apparently, Iran wanted them to hold off until they were better prepared, but they jumped the gun with their massive move over the border wall and the indiscriminate killing of over a thousand civilians. What did Hamas expect Israel would do? As I see it, it's an eye for an eye until the whole world goes blind. There has to be a ceasefire at this point.

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Al Jazeera is a biased source, although I do agree with some of what they say. Al Jazeera is funded by the government of Qatar, which allowed Hamas leaders to live there as a safe haven, including the former leader, Ismail Haniyeh. Al Jazeera supports Hamas.

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And Hamas was created by the Israeli Mossad...

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Yes, the leaders and members of Hamas are all actually paid by the Mossad. Or they're Mossad members in disguise. Pretty sneaky bunch, eh? Like French Fries are not really from France. They were invented by the Mossad to poison all our arteries.

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There is no reason for Jews to flee Canada. This is your country, just as much as it is mine. There are simple steps that need to be done; steps that should have been taken a year ago.

I don't understand why the management and the owners of the privately-owned shopping malls—plus the municipal governments—don't give trespass notices to these protesters. If they show up again, apply for a court order. That would be a good start.

If the troublemakers park in shopping mall parking lots and they go out onto the public sidewalks, or elsewhere to protest, tow their cars.

College and university students that bait Jews need to be expelled. Give them the bums' rush. If the colleges and universities refuse to recognise equal human rights for all, then de-fund them.

Why are you letting our politicans avoid their responsibilty for this mess? The ones that do not stand up against this bullying need to be voted out of office. There is a federal election coming in just a few months and in a year or so an Ontario provincial election.

If they haven't started yet, the politicans will be sucking up for votes and cash. Check their stands on these issues before offering support. If they fail the smell test, support their opponents if they are worthy.

Fight back. Me and my house are with you

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Canadian public officials are woke and gutless, and do not care about the Jews, who have few votes. University officials are spineless and too afraid to do the right thing. They are all a disgrace to what used to be Canada.

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Some day CANADA will have two GAZA like communities.


East Moose-Ilum in Northern Ontario, and West Moose-Ilum in Northern Saskatchewan.


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Excellent article, and should be disseminated throughout all Canadian news outlets, and university newsletters. This problem rests squarely on the shoulders of Trudeau and his government, their radical immigration programme, and their failure to immediately squelch the hate-protests. It also rests on virtue-signalling white women, often seen at these protests, who feel they need to support every group they perceived as oppressed, without thinking through the consequences of their support.

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It’s not the first time in history the do gooders welcomed in these radical medieval haters, look at Lebanon, and many many other once prosperous nations. Look at them now.

The radicals are nuts, clearly, which is why they should have NEVER been allowed into western nations, but to all the western woke fools who were indoctrinated to support this crap, wait until they get the numbers, then all you useful idiots, will be forced to bow down wearing a rug on your head, if you don’t submit, you’ll be thrown off a roof, just the they did in gaza.

I stand with Israel, thank you Netanyahu for bringing a strong leader in a time a great moral and hypocritical chaos (created by weak leaders). Enough of the keffiyehs wearing radical fools. So sad what has happened to a once free strong unified and proud nation.

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So they came here because bleeding hearts liberals felt sorry for them, they are in our land of milk and honey. they could prosper here, nice homes, nice business., health care, clean roads and land.. yet they bring their hatred here.

What purpose to they serve, raping our country and bringing their delusional behavior to Canada. We should be concerned that they would not of hesitated to place a bomb in Eaton Centre.

This is vile, and the Emergencies Act should be invoked here! I heard one of them call a police officer a 'bit*ch"... they are disrespectful .. what happened in Germany can happen here. They are instigators, and have no clue of peace!!

Yes unfortunately we are in Canada, we let the enemy in!

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It is too bad you see things that way, making such grand generalizations about large groups of people as being all good and all bad. I hope you are able to get beyond this way of thinking.

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how is that 'grand generalizations' have you not seen the destruction of these people. Have you not seen that they don't contribute to a productive Canada. I worked with them, they leave our country for months on end, come back and all cozy here. Then they call death to Canada? really look from under your rock!

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"They" "Them". Do any of "them" have names? Do they come from particular countries or cities or do they just come from some figment of your imagination called Muslimland? Are the Muslims from the Arab countries the same as the Indonesians? Do you make allowance for those Arabs who are not Muslims but Christians? Are the Christian Arabs bad too in your mind? Have you never met a single Muslim in Canada who is successful, well integrated, pays his or her own taxes, and does credit to Canada? Have you ever befriended a Muslim or even talked to one? Is every Muslim calling "Death to Canada"? Do you believe everything your read in the newspaper? Do you think the media is objective when it comes to reporting Israel-Palestinian acrimony?

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my figment of my imagination, LOL..

Have you heard of halal mortgages, some don't like to pay taxes on mortgages -- have you!! Some Muslims are being offered that choice, have you because you are Canadian. And we have to pay our taxes!

I have met many, my city has a lot of Muslims, and most hate paying interest they don't believe in it and they have had special exemptions because of it!

Have you been helped by a Muslim community simply because you have some sort of need! don't think so! they are very much into their community.

Did you see the Eaton's Centre! enough said! this weekend, where Christmas was disrespected!

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Halal is an interest free mortgage.....not taxes on mortgages. You betray your abject ignorance with your post.

As I recall from the Old Testament, it was the Jewish Sanhedrin that created the usury (interest on loans) system and to which Jesus allegedly called them out by overturning the moneychangers table at the Temple. The business of 'moneychanging' aka loans was created by the Sanhedrin and administered at their temples. 'All' peoples should be against excessive interest on loans.

Luke 6:34-35

Here we have Jesus saying, “lend, expecting noth- ing in return,” again to the crowds as well as to Jesus' disciples (Lk 17, 7:1). Garland (2011) suggests that Jesus says this because his teaching reaffirms the essence of the Old Testament prohibition against interest.

You fail to explain how alleged Muslims disrespected Christmas. My view was people were protesting against the genocide in Gaza !

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Pfft!! that is all I have to say, you embody all that is ignorant and I will not engage with you dumb rhetoric, you embody all that is Ignorant of Canadians..Bleeding hearts that betray Canada, Canadian Values, History.

that is right a interest free mortgage not available to the Canadian public.

=You fail to explain how alleged Muslims disrespected Christmas. My view was people were protesting against the genocide in Gaza !

Ask, Seek and you Shall receive, there are many hate filled videos on hating Christmas!! idiot! your an idiot! I refuse to show you the videos you should if you were Canadian and wanted to protect this Nation! but you are not! You are those cultureless Canadians, probally from loyalist roots that feel we should fill Canada up! with Godless people!

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Israeli prosecutors order an investigation into Netanyahu's wife.....imagine that, eh. https://www.sott.net/article/496905-Israeli-prosecutors-order-investigation-into-Netanyahus-wife

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Let's hope the investigators use PPE when they begin the investigation into Netanyahu's wife... ecch !

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What bigotry!! The author's bigotry. "we have seen terribly disruptive Palestinian protestors." Decent people all over the world from all kinds of backgrounds are appalled by the US-Israel centred mass murder in the most ruthless cruel genocide ever witnessed. This is not an ethic-based understanding. It is a humanitarian response to the inhumanity of the perpetrators including those inciting the genocide.

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Perhaps Anthony if you have enough space between your blinkers you should look up the word genocide in the dictionary and then compare its meaning to the facts on the ground.

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You go first.

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You are the blinkered one Hank. Well lets start with the wording of the UN's Genocide Convention.

Article I

The Contracting Parties confirm that genocide, whether committed in time of peace or in

time of war, is a crime under international law which they undertake to prevent and to


Article II

In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with

intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as


(a) Killing members of the group;

(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;

(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its

physical destruction in whole or in part;

(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;

(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

Article III

The following acts shall be punishable:

(a) Genocide;

(b) Conspiracy to commit genocide;

(c) Direct and public incitement to commit genocide;

(d) Attempt to commit genocide;

(e) Complicity in genocide.

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Pick out the odd one that doesn't apply to what Israel is doing to Palestinians.

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Said the blind man to his deaf wife over the telephone.

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Well said Tony !! Thanks for weighing in. As a Prof. Emeritus of Globalization studies, who writes frequently on these issues, you speak from learned experience in these matters. Thanks.

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As a Professor Emeritus who specialized in Middle East Studies, I am not impressed by a Prof. Emeritus of Globalization studies who does not know the meaning of the word genocide as clearly set out in international law and illustrated by well known historical examples. By the way, the population of Gaza increased in 2023-24.

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Of course, it's merely a haircut.../s

Amos Goldberg, another Israeli Holocaust expert, noted that Raphael Lemkin, a Jewish-Polish scholar who coined the term "genocide", described its two phases.

"The first is the destruction of the annihilated group and the second is what he called 'imposition of the national pattern' of the perpetrator. We are now witnessing the second phase as Israel prepares ethnically cleansed areas for Israeli settlements."


Perhaps Amos Goldberg is just another Jew hating Jew, like Professor Norman Finkelstein https://youtu.be/-GeCzBHoKBY?si=Mjc2PNb_1g-dWWOF&t=3834

By the way, your last sentence about the population of Gaza increasing in 2023-2024 is sourced from the CIA factbook. https://www.cia.gov/the-world-factbook/countries/gaza-strip/#people-and-society

Yeah, that's a legit source... especially since there are CIA agents on the ground in Gaza wearing IDF uniforms and killing innocent civilians.

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Its quite clear the US government, including the CIA, are full partners in this genocide. The US role goes far beyond complicity into the realm of partnership supplying the weaponry, the money, the "intelligence", the

diplomatic cover and, no doubt, some of the key armed personnel. What stands out about this genocide is the utter cruelty, the obvious sadism, the bloody mindedness, and the wide public support of Jewish Israelis and Christian Zionists who seem to love what they are seeing. If anything they want the mass murder to go faster and harder. Another unusual aspect of this genocide is the deep and close and longstanding friendly relationship of the Genocidaire-In-Chief with Hamas. I think everyone in Israel is well aware but they don't want the news to get out to the Goyim recipients of Israeli propaganda.

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Jewish trauma expert Dr. Gabor Mate speaks against the genocide by Israel IDF/USA of innocents in Gaza and the sadism you speak of Tony. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bUQWwo5a4t4

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Thanks for the relevant post my friend !

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How do you know that re: CIA agents? Everyone is making all sorts of claims in the fog of war. There's a media propaganda war and both Hamas and Israel are fighting it. I take any wild claims like this with many grains of salt.

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Well we know that 'US Army Finally Has 'Boots on the Ground' in Gaza in the Most Humiliating Way Possible' https://redstate.com/streiff/2024/05/25/us-army-finally-has-boots-on-the-ground-in-gaza-in-the-most-humiliating-way-possible-n2174651

And the Iranians were also speculating about US intervention: 'US boots on the ground in Gaza?' https://www.irannuances.com/2023/11/17/us-boots-on-the-ground-in-gaza/

But then it was confirmed in October this year that "...The U.S. Department of Defence stated on 13 October 2024 that they were sending U.S. troops to Israel as crew for a high-altitude air-defence system to “underscore the United States’ ironclad defence of Israel”. https://mronline.org/2024/10/18/u-s-boots-on-the-ground-in-israel-demolishes-international-law/

We also know that the CIA has been in the West Bank training the Palestinian Authority, and their presence there is still ongoing. Also Max Blumenthal has had contact with retired IDF soldiers that have corroborated that US intelligence adjuncts were in GAZA during the last year during various phases of the IDF operations, still ongoing. At present looking for that video on Gray Zone.

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The CIA is also in the West Bank training the Palestinian Authority? Seems like they're involved with both sides, according to what you say. Possibly also on the scene in response to Iran militarily funding Hamas and Hezbollah, and having their own trainers in Lebanon. I'm sure the Iranians would be speculating.

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Ditto from above

Article I

The Contracting Parties confirm that genocide, whether committed in time of peace or in

time of war, is a crime under international law which they undertake to prevent and to


Article II

In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with

intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as


(a) Killing members of the group;

(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;

(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its

physical destruction in whole or in part;

(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;

(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

Article III

The following acts shall be punishable:

(a) Genocide;

(b) Conspiracy to commit genocide;

(c) Direct and public incitement to commit genocide;

(d) Attempt to commit genocide;

(e) Complicity in genocide.

Article IV

Persons committing genocide

Heh Prof. Emeritus. Please give us some learned talk to explain how article II, a-d do not apply. If any one of the 4 points apply, its genocide. Most people who are aware of the Genocide Covention's terms, agree all 4 apply. Are you inciting genocide by suggesting the US-Israeli actions are legally permissible?

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The Israeli military is not engaged in attacking a population, but in a defensive attack on a military force that declared in its founding charter the desire to kill all Israeli Jews and all Jews around the world, and which initiated its attempted genocide on 7 October 2023. Israel is fighting back to defend its survival by removing the military organization, which uses the other residents of Gaza as human shields, hoping for many deaths to blame on Israel. And you have fallen for it. Are you naïve, dense, or antisemitic?

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This is enlightening. So if I understand you correctly, all the official agencies are completely wrong about genocide and it just self defense and you profess to have expertise in this field. Wow.

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Likud created Hamas as a religious alternative to the secular PLO. Begin , Sharon, and Netanyahu built Hamas up with shekels and certifications to do various social and religious services. The Revisionist Zionists used Hamas to avoid any negotiations on the two state solution with a unified Palestinian authority. Netanyahu was perfectly happy to let Emir Al-Thani of Qatar fund Hamas big time, including the military wing.

After all Netanyahu needed "terrorists" to sell his prowess to Israeli voters as a vigilant defender against Islamic terrorism. Its an old political game in Israeli politics. You know that.

By far the major suspect when it comes to the planning of the Oct. 7 event to justify the genocidal assault on the people of Gaza is Netanyahu, who had lots of advance info from many sources about what was coming on Oct. 7. The two dozen or so young female IDF spotters were watching by security cameras Hamas practice around the fence for weeks prior to the Oct. 7 event. The spotters kept reporting what they saw and kept being ignored when they passed their info up the intelligence chain of command. But many of the spotters told their parents about what they saw and these parents have become something of a smoking gun.

Then on Oct. 7, 15 spotters who knew too much were eliminated. But the parents have made sure that Netanyahu found out what he was trying so hard not to know about. Five of the spotters were taken into Hamas custody where they remain. Its likely that is one reason that Bibi doesn't want the hostages released. And speaking of hostages, how many thousands of folks in and around the illegal West Bank settlements are being jailed and tortured often on the basis of nothing more than detention certificates?

Netanyahu doesn't want a real investigation of the prelude and duration of Oct. 7, when the IDF was delayed from doing its job for several hours. How many Israeli citizens killed on Oct 7 were killed by the IDF? Are you following Grayzone, Mondoweiss and Electronic Intifada on all this?

Are you in favour of a genuine international investigation of Oct 7 by objective arbitrators or are you satisfied to limit your research to the content of sensationalistic Israeli news reports? See


I am surprised, Prof. Salzman, to see you resort to ad hominem attacks. Please try to raise the bar a bit, my dear colleague. We should be able to treat our differences of interpretation in a civil manner, don't you think?

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I have read all the sources you refer to Tony and I also concur with your summary of what took place.

On a slightly different note I just came across a news story on Haaertz claiming Bibi is about to undergo surgery to remove his prostate....maybe that will tone down his psychopathic traits ! Here is to hoping so...


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It's all a Zionist conspiracy, according to what you say here. Israel wanted the October 7th attack to happen so it could enter Gaza, and was willing to sacrifice over 1000 of its citizens. Those conniving Jews! What they won't do to advance their master plan! Even slaughter each other! Likud created Hamas... really? Hamas won an election. If Palestinians believed your conspiracy theory, that Hamas are all controlled by Zionists, they'd never support Hamas. Palestinians have agency, they're not total victims. Your writing pretty much corroborates a lot of what James Pew says in his article regarding this sort of Jewish conspiracy mindset.

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Unfortunately, I have seen no evidence in any country, that this middle-road approach works. It didn’t work with communism: our schools and universities(US and Canada) have been overtaken by a uniquely N. American brand of Marxism, as communism took this post cold war period to make the long March through our institutions. As for Islamism, that has been tried too. France has been demanding a French version of Islam for lo these many years - and today France, as we know it, is finished. The more recent migrants to western countries have made it clear that they are moving there to take over the western countries and that one of their tactics is to have large families, which, after several generations, gives them political power. Part of this middle-of-the-road approach in Canada seems to be pretending that these huge protests are organic or grassroots and not that they are organized via a cross-continental network of Muslim Brotherhood organizations (which we also choose to view as “mainstream”, along with the many mosques and seminaries which preach extremist/fundamentalist Islam. No, I am afraid that the Canadian way of refusing to deal with problems will lead to our demise as a nation. The only question is how long it will take.

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So why are they even here? Didn’t they come here to get away from each other? Why bring their nastiness with them?

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You will note there were zero demonstrations by Syrian refugees against the Syrian Civil War when it was here. Why was this? 600 thousand people were killed in that war over its six year period. Ukrainians did demonstrate against the war in Russia, but these were very low key and they also flew Canadian flags. The only flags at these Palestinian demos are huge Palestinian flags. I think this was and is a big strategic mistake, but their allies are mostly radical leftists who have no respect for Canada either.

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This article covers a large part of the problem. The history is clear: Islam is by doctrine supremacist. By action, it is imperialist and expansionist. Muslims spreading through the world are engaged, some intentionally and some unintentionally, in immigration jihad (holy war).

But there is another important dimension to this story, and it implicates Euro-Canadian "settlers" and their government. Marxist DEI (diversity, equity, inclusion--all terms which are used in misleading and deceptive fashion) was mandated by the Prime Minister and implemented by every institution in Canadian society. DEI defines Jews as "oppressors" of innocent and helpless victims. Every school pupil and every university student in Canada has learned this. No wonder there are so many ready to celebrate the Hamas atrocities and to shoot and firebomb Jewish schools and places of worship. Furthermore, DEI defines Muslims as BIPOC victims that deserve protection and special benefits. How can it a surprise that antisemitism and anti-Jew hate crimes have multiplied?

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Judge Napolitano and Prof. Jeffrey Sachs on the Israel/USA issue....https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WAs4PkHL1-c

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Is this the aid you speak of James, offered by the Israeli's to the non combatants ?


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Fuck unrwa and fuck you

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I think you have a potty mouth Mouth Mark.

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That is very impolite of you.

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Plurals do not take an apostrophe.

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