The part I like best about this timely and cogent essay is in the caption at the beginning — that Indigenous Canadians forget they got a free education when the alternative was no education.
When people like Jim (who as highly educated in indigenous history) and I go about the work of fucking educating ourselves on the Indian Residential Schools, we find corruption and lies designed to extract undeserved reparations form tax payers. We also encounter low information bullies who relentlessly badger us to fucking educated ourselves. My only question is when are the badgers going to fucking educate themselves?
As always, a very well-constructed, thoughtful essay that states the facts and avoids myths and the fiction. However, as we sceptics know, the content of articles like this with opinions and facts that are highly damaging to the current- day ruling, Wokist class, essays that threaten to expose or even to crush the life from the now accepted narrative of colonial victimhood, that will never be entertained by the leftist activists in the newsrooms of our MSM. Criticms of this appaling state of affairs will for the foreseeable future be classed by the Aboriginal Industrial Complex and their supporters, as nothing but coming from the quarter of those, as the article points out, they brand as just "deniers." Do the American's really realise they have opened a can of worms not understanding what a Pandora's box this topic really is? If not they had better get acquainted with more of the Canadian experience, and then go study the struggles of the descendants in the settler populations that make up the present day majority in Canada, Australian and New Zealand. It is insulting and bordering on warped ideology of the present-day ruling class that the six (6%) of Canadians - those that identify as being Indigenous - are sucking out billions of taxpayer dollars from the coffers of Provincial and Federal Governments , that could be spent on improving the health, wealth and enjoyment of the other 94% of Canadians, supposedly as "reconciliation" when in fact it is just "reparations." The Aboriginals in all three countries are in the minority, so they rely on the alturistic sacrifice of the present day offspring of the those settlers generations ago, to support and agree to the leftist idology of the present day ruling class to forever churn out "generational guilt" as an excuse to loosen the purse strings of the taxpayers coffers.
The leftist readers of the Washington Post are thrilled. Almost no dissent in the comments. The little dissent that exists is that it’s an election stunt and should have been done earlier. (Subscription required. I couldn’t find a free report with reader comments.)
The link wasn't paywalled. I was able to read it and I'm not a subscriber. Among the ominous and familiar-sounding statements from attending Native Americans was this fairly typical one:
<< “It brought all that pain back to me,” she said. “We need to begin the healing. The apology is the first step.” >>
Shudder. I wonder if they handed out boxes of tissue and paper bags so that those assembled could collect their tears and later throw them on the sacred fire, as they do at gatherings in Canada? I wonder if any Democrats are sitting right now and watching Kimberly Murray's livestream? (I had to take a break from it; I may not go back. I stopped it after hearing Murray declare "There is an urgent need to establish a commission of investigation into the enforced disappearances of Indigenous children in Canada." Yes, of course! Rephrase the Issue, Strike another Commission, Rinse, Repeat!)
And of course, the Canadian state cannot investigate its own wrong doing. The investigations must be Indigenous-led, but they will need support.
Kimberly Murray:
<< These investigations must not be led or constrained by the existing legal and death investigation systems that have harmed Indigenous people for over one hundred years. A new mechanism must be created, that meets international human rights principles, norms and standards. Canada has an obligation to establish a commission of investigation into missing Indigenous children and unmarked burials. This commission should be created by legislation that upholds Indigenous sovereignty and laws, and explicitly recognizes that survivors, Indigenous families and communities CAN FREELY CHOOSE whether to work with the commission of investigation, or conduct their own, independent investigations. . . . The federal government must provide the commission of investigation with STABLE and FLEXIBLE FUNDING for at least 20 years. ... >>
One response I noticed so far from an Indigenous activist in Canada was the sharing of this meme: "F**k your apology Amerikkka. This is all Native Land." (courtesy of one of the Tiny House Warriors)
As former President, Abraham Lincoln once said, ""Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt." ~ Abraham Lincoln
Apologies like this only open up the door to demands for huge reparations which is why indigenous people keep asking for them.
The part I like best about this timely and cogent essay is in the caption at the beginning — that Indigenous Canadians forget they got a free education when the alternative was no education.
A free education, fucking educate yourself on what the nuns and priests did to them, it wasn’t education it was torture and slavery
When people like Jim (who as highly educated in indigenous history) and I go about the work of fucking educating ourselves on the Indian Residential Schools, we find corruption and lies designed to extract undeserved reparations form tax payers. We also encounter low information bullies who relentlessly badger us to fucking educated ourselves. My only question is when are the badgers going to fucking educate themselves?
Fired teacher continues to lie, bitch and moan because he was fired for cause…
As always, a very well-constructed, thoughtful essay that states the facts and avoids myths and the fiction. However, as we sceptics know, the content of articles like this with opinions and facts that are highly damaging to the current- day ruling, Wokist class, essays that threaten to expose or even to crush the life from the now accepted narrative of colonial victimhood, that will never be entertained by the leftist activists in the newsrooms of our MSM. Criticms of this appaling state of affairs will for the foreseeable future be classed by the Aboriginal Industrial Complex and their supporters, as nothing but coming from the quarter of those, as the article points out, they brand as just "deniers." Do the American's really realise they have opened a can of worms not understanding what a Pandora's box this topic really is? If not they had better get acquainted with more of the Canadian experience, and then go study the struggles of the descendants in the settler populations that make up the present day majority in Canada, Australian and New Zealand. It is insulting and bordering on warped ideology of the present-day ruling class that the six (6%) of Canadians - those that identify as being Indigenous - are sucking out billions of taxpayer dollars from the coffers of Provincial and Federal Governments , that could be spent on improving the health, wealth and enjoyment of the other 94% of Canadians, supposedly as "reconciliation" when in fact it is just "reparations." The Aboriginals in all three countries are in the minority, so they rely on the alturistic sacrifice of the present day offspring of the those settlers generations ago, to support and agree to the leftist idology of the present day ruling class to forever churn out "generational guilt" as an excuse to loosen the purse strings of the taxpayers coffers.
Very good comment, what is needed is for millions of Canadians to come to see that truth.
I want to buy a book for my kids to counter the IRS propaganda they get in their Ontario public school. Would you recommend Permanent Astonishment?
The leftist readers of the Washington Post are thrilled. Almost no dissent in the comments. The little dissent that exists is that it’s an election stunt and should have been done earlier. (Subscription required. I couldn’t find a free report with reader comments.)
The link wasn't paywalled. I was able to read it and I'm not a subscriber. Among the ominous and familiar-sounding statements from attending Native Americans was this fairly typical one:
<< “It brought all that pain back to me,” she said. “We need to begin the healing. The apology is the first step.” >>
Shudder. I wonder if they handed out boxes of tissue and paper bags so that those assembled could collect their tears and later throw them on the sacred fire, as they do at gatherings in Canada? I wonder if any Democrats are sitting right now and watching Kimberly Murray's livestream? (I had to take a break from it; I may not go back. I stopped it after hearing Murray declare "There is an urgent need to establish a commission of investigation into the enforced disappearances of Indigenous children in Canada." Yes, of course! Rephrase the Issue, Strike another Commission, Rinse, Repeat!)
And of course, the Canadian state cannot investigate its own wrong doing. The investigations must be Indigenous-led, but they will need support.
Kimberly Murray:
<< These investigations must not be led or constrained by the existing legal and death investigation systems that have harmed Indigenous people for over one hundred years. A new mechanism must be created, that meets international human rights principles, norms and standards. Canada has an obligation to establish a commission of investigation into missing Indigenous children and unmarked burials. This commission should be created by legislation that upholds Indigenous sovereignty and laws, and explicitly recognizes that survivors, Indigenous families and communities CAN FREELY CHOOSE whether to work with the commission of investigation, or conduct their own, independent investigations. . . . The federal government must provide the commission of investigation with STABLE and FLEXIBLE FUNDING for at least 20 years. ... >>
Kimberley Murray and her ilk should be given a Thank You letter but No Thanks. CANADA has provided enough $$ from Indigenous lies.
This is what happens when you let the fox in the chicken coup. Thanks for the update.
One response I noticed so far from an Indigenous activist in Canada was the sharing of this meme: "F**k your apology Amerikkka. This is all Native Land." (courtesy of one of the Tiny House Warriors)
As former President, Abraham Lincoln once said, ""Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt." ~ Abraham Lincoln
Biden is a bigger fool than I thought.