The race war against people of European ethnic stock has all the endearingly totalitarian qualities you would expect from Party sponsored revolutionary 'struggle' against unconscious bourgeois attitudes and tendencies that threatened the revolution and the cultural guiding spirit of its Great Leader, Mao Zedong.

The difference today is that while the Cultural Revolution only lasted for around 5 years, this one is set to be a permanent regime fixture, which means that in the event of resistance, war is almost an inevitability.

In many ways, the Woke are right. The debate IS over. Civil discourse across ideological lines is ceasing and the factions hate each so much, they just won't tolerate governance from the other side. The Supreme Court decision on abortion rights is just another blow in an escalating conflict of assault and counter assault. The next tranche will be putting Trump on trial and then I think it will be on for young and old.

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Jul 6, 2022·edited Jul 6, 2022

"White Privilege" is a made-up term. It can mean anything you want it to, like "micro aggressions." It's an a priori belief from which adherents interpret all evidence, leading to circular logic. Any evidence against the concept is in itself condemned as rising from "white privilege," or "racism." Singling out people on the basis of skin colour would be seen as appalling by liberals and leftists back in the sixties and seventies. The fact that leftists consider this not only acceptable, but necessary now is horrendously ironic. The whole concept is absurd, here's just one example: Barack Obama and Megan Markle are of mixed race. Obama's mother and Markle's father were white. Do Markle and Obama have "white privilege?" Or does their black part cancel that out? And the homeless guy sleeping in the abandoned storefront has more privilege than them, for the sole reason that he's 100 per cent genetically Caucasian!

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DEI is dividing us. It harms children and creates racial tension. Unity is the new diversity. Find what we have in common, it is more than what divides us.

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The teaching of white privilege is of dubious educational value and shames white children, many of whom come from homes lacking privilege. This is mass distraction and child abuse from leftist ideologues and proselytizers.

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