Canada has always been a welcoming mat for immigrants. Canadian generosity is second to none in the world. The internal dissent we are now experiencing is shameful example of monkey see monkey do. For many it is simply a vacuous exercise in a childish endeavor to get noticed. For our indigenous Taliban, it is simply monetary extortion. When I was in public school, the majority of new immigrants were from Holland whose country was liberated by Canada during WW11. To this day they not only remember the liberation, but continue to celebrate it annually. Canada greatly benefitted from the Dutch immigration of that period, as I did personally thru marriage.

Dealing with this self immolation by ego centric illiterate Canada bashers is difficult to endure but I always take comfort from the lyrics of Canada's most famous patriot, Stompin Tom Connors, who wrote, "if you don't believe your country should come before yourself, you might better serve your country by living somewhere else" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pNbFLlMIp28

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Grifting has become our national sport, promoted by leaders who are as ideologically warped as the zealots who once sat upon poles or lived in church walls.

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Very well said, Jim.

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Fascinating! I grew up similarly in the US as a military kid moving around a lot, 11 states and 7 countries. The legacy of segregation and slavery is undeniable here, but the Civil Rights movement happened and from the '70s on there has been real progress that today's activists ignore. The Woke are rewriting history, as John McWhorter put it, to teach "that white people can be conceived as a single mass of domination and that racism is baked into America’s very essence in ways inescapable and unending." As an African American friend pointed out to me a long time ago, every race has been slaves. In my experience with diverse friends, colleagues, students and families, most so called "people of color" reject the simplistic and condescending victimhood narratives. It's the activists and, let's face it, socialist revolutionaries who seek to discredit the success of our pluralistic democracies in order to redistribute land and wealth. We the people need to wake up to that before it's too late.

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Feb 28, 2023
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Thank you, you're correct and I fixed this. I failed to fact check myself and it's an important lesson learned.

I have a friend who says I'm only sure about two or three things in life; the problem is those things often change and I'm not always so sure.

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The lesson as I see it ...... We have limited time in a day. You invested your time in researching and writing an important article, AND you welcomed feedback. That's as good as it gets.

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