Mar 10, 2023Liked by Woke Watch Canada

Once again James Pew goes where no other journalist dares to go...toward Truth. Nothing in schools is more nauseating than seeing so-called “antiracists” turning children of this generation into anti-white racists. The woke race-hustlers should be shown the school door, as with any really dangerous student - regardless of race or religion or anything else.

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You would never know that only 4% of Canada,s population is black it seems they have jumped onto the Indigenous bandwagon regards power from the Lieberal Govt crying moaning and groaning about how unfair life is because of racist white people (all of us apparently). It is our fault that they can not succeed in life, Gee where did we hear that before?

Thankfully most of this occurs in the big cities because out in the burbs we have none of that certainly none that I am aware off. We live in a small village in Bruce County near lake Huron which was settled in the early 1800,s by primarily Scots and English so you might say that is about colonial as you can get and quite a few people including my wife and I have roots going back to both countries, we are however Canadians and not the hyphenated kind. There are a very mixed bag of people living in our area now and the include people from Europe, the Middle east, the far east the Caribbean and lately from Afghanistan and the Ukraine the strange thing is everyone gets along very well 99% of all people you may encounter here will always have time to meet & greet and say hello without any rancor or hatred, black mix with white and red and brown thankfully we have no agitators of any race here where everyone acts as an equal.

My advice to those in the cities is to get out while the getting is good because it is going to get a hell of a lot worse this Government (the Feds) will see to that with their divisive hateful policies. You only need to look at third world despot countries and banana republics to realize that the communist regimes such as Trudeau,s bring this to the citizens purposely to accomplish their own agendas.

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Toronto school boards are the vanguard of the woke insane in Canada. Ford really should put them under trusteeship.

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fake hate crimes: a database of hate crime hoaxes in the usa


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JJ Redick hopefully starts a trend like the Philadelphia player did in the NHL, time to get back to love and push hate out the door for good. Great reporting James.

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