We have been living the "Fahrenheit 451" life for sometime and finally the smoke is starting to disturb the eyes of some and making breathing for some other a bit more difficult!

While many have been deep in their "sleeping beauty" stage, naïvely, politely and passively trusting the people in charge, the policies that are implemented and the pretentious acts in the name of compassion, care, and justice, the most valuable heritages have been, shamed, slaughtered and burned.

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Very eloquently stated.

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I will simply comment on one of those authors you mentioned in the banned list, Dickens. My 2nd great Grandfather on my paternal side is John Wraight 1843-1922 who knew Mr Dickens and in fact the Theatre John owned in Canterbury, Kent, England on Orange Street still bears a historical sign attesting to the fact that Dickens gave recitals there.

For the uneducated few Dickens besides a great author was an activist who was against the elite powerhouse of the times he was instrumental in reform and his books revealed the colonialism that existed in the day and of course the inequities suffered by the common folk and serfs. It remains a long held belief in our family in fact that Fagan was based on a WRAIGHT and his many others were based on others in Kent and London areas.

People would also be well to remember another Historical fact and that is the leader of the Black Lives Matter Toronto district filched several million dollars of donations to purchase a million dollar house in the super rich elite area in Toronto for herself.

Unlike Canada my family lived in Mexico for 3 years, my wife and I learnt Spanish and enjoyed the culture offered by these very welcoming Mexicans they unlike Canadians are extremely proud of their country and will not put up with any outside nonsense. We are considering returning there having had enough of this woke BS.

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Canadians have been blinded by the vitriolic poison of a few malcontents who masquerade as progressives leading the complacent sheeple by their noses. How I would welcome a thorough house cleaning of this filthy, obnoxious garbage .

"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter."

Martin Luther King, Jr.

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It is astonishing that such changes are happening under the noses of parents. This Marxist nonsense must be stopped.

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Charles Dickens, the famous Victorian author, once said, ""If you would reward honesty, if you would give encouragement to good, if you would stimulate the idle, eradicate evil, or correct what is bad, education -- comprehensive liberal education -- is the one thing needful, and the one effective end" Sadly, I imagine his works have also disappeared from the library shelves to. What a tragic commentary on contemporary society.

"Tell me baby how'd we ever get this way"............ Andy Kim

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A student at a high school in Mississauga said “more than 50% of the books in her library have been removed.” In the francophone (Providence) Catholic school district in southwestern Ontario two years ago a number of literary classics were ritualistically burned. James Pew concludes: “The history and cultural heritage attached to white people must be erased, because white people are racist.” What surprises me is how many Canadians don’t seem to care about our culture going up in smoke. Cultural barbarians are being appointed in all our institutions to stoke the fires.

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It's like that frog in the pot of water thing. People pretend not to notice until things have been irretrievably damaged.

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