I refuse to allow anyone to undermine my rights as an Old White Stock Canadian and will never accept blame for what happened to anyone before I was even born! History is history never to be rewritten to fit into any negative narrative only to be used to blackmail present-day taxpayers into paying billions of dollars to rich wealthy white lawyers like Lamitti and Chief and Councils while the real people suffer on reserves in poverty, drugs, molestations and mould infested housing! The time is now for the real true history to be seen!!!
I read the book and bought an extra copy to give to my son. The Kamloops chief lied about Mass Graves, and indeed about much else. Then, the socialist media reprinted the lies. These people must have a great self-loathing to accept these lies as truth. As for the land, either we own it or they do. Eby gave away part of our province to a native tribe. He had no right to do that, or constitutional authority. Every Canadian citizen should be outraged.
"Reconciliation, in practice, seems to mean that standards of decency, respect, and democracy, are to be withheld from those who question indigenous people. It is that simple. Reconciliation is surrender. It means you cannot defend the honour or the good name of our ancestors. It means that rent-seeking indigenous grievance hustlers, can make up stories where our white Christian ancestors are accused of monstrosities, and we must accept those stories without substantiation regardless of their implausibility. From physical abuse, including raping and murdering children, to full on genocide. "
A kid came up to me at work, which is a school, and said to after an Indigenous presentation, "Did you know that I am Indigenous?"...and replied, "No..... do you know that I am Italian?" They had a look of shock because every time any student proclaims this to any other student or staff, the response is usually, "Oh, wow, isn't that great!"..... or something along those lines...... I am done...so moving forward, this will be my response.....
What I don't understand about the responses to the alleged monstrosities created by the ancestors of the common white people is that NOBODY POINTS OUT THE TRUTH - that it was the ancestors of the British elites, the monarchies lackies and the monarchies multinationals, like the British East India Company, or the Hudson Bay Company - it was the ELITES of the colonies that created the monstrosities not our families ancestors. I am so fed up with this shite.
Reconciliation is nothing more than a red herring to distract from the alcohol induced reserve sociopathy of the indigenous community and create a cellophane veneer of false victimhood to extort exorbitant financial reparations for fictitious grievances.
“The only thing more frustrating than slanderers is those foolish enough to listen to them.”
It is typically the Hereditary Chiefs who promote this BULL$HIT. They are the ones who pocket all of the cash. Most of the Indigenous in Canada have all sorts of stories about the large houses and pick-up trucks owned by those people. Their voices are rarely heard.
So spot on: “It means that rent-seeking indigenous grievance hustlers can make up stories where our white Christian ancestors are accused of monstrosities, and we must accept those stories without substantiation regardless of their implausibility.”
I vaguely remember a while back, about the time things were getting stirred up over reconciliation issues the UN was talking a lot about indigenous peoples rights around the world. I don’t want to sound like a conspiracy theorist but the influence of the World Economic Forum has a known influence over what the UN deems important to be required by all member countries to integrate into a country’s political and economic views.
Having said that the pressure to finance with taxpayer’s funds from outside influences, opened the door to unlimited spending by a government who appears to want to separate and divide a nation as opposed to pulling it together to deal with internal issues and over come them. Encouraging dissection with the promise of more tax dollars in the future will not allow any Truth or Reconciliation to actually take place. Sticking a stick into the center of a bee hive only stirs thing up and the whole hive focuses on the intrusion and that doesn’t allow the hive to do what it does best, which is work together to prepare for the up coming winter where everyone has what is needed to survive and flourish.
Grave Error only points out the not so obvious history of the IRS, with empirical knowledge and recorded documents, that are eye opening and certainly appear to be factual. I am convinced that there were a number of issues that took place during the one hundred and some odd years that the system was active. There are always issues with every program that has been put in place by any government. I was around during the final few years that the schools were operating. As a bush pilot, I transported students to and from the off reserve schools, I did not witness any of the atrocities claimed, I was friends with kids who had gone to IRS when I was going through my school years.
I am tired of being held accountable for something that has been over for decades. The IRS system was considered to be a normal way of life through out it’s history. There was good as well as bad, but that is what life is for everyone not just the ones who experienced the IRS.
There is a line from a movie “You can’t handle the truth”. It seems to hold some in its grip. Truth will set us all free.
"Sticking a stick into the center of a bee hive only stirs thing up and the whole hive focuses on the intrusion and that doesn’t allow the hive to do what it does best, which is work together to prepare for the up coming winter where everyone has what is needed to survive and flourish."
Machevallian divide and conquer is the playbook.... My father Mike McCluskey was also a bush pilot based out of Campbell River. As his eldest son I too witnessed zero abuse iif the indigenous transported to schools or later to work....
What I don't understand about the responses to the alleged monstrosities created by the ancestors of the common white people is that NOBODY POINTS OUT THE TRUTH - that it was the ancestors of the British elites, the monarchies lackies and the monarchies multinationals, like the British East India Company, or the Hudson Bay Company - it was the ELITES of the colonies that created the monstrosities not our families ancestors. I am so fed up with this shite
I have read Grave Error, and even encouraged Indigenous friends to read it, and some did. James a huge thank you to a well worded and thought out expose of the inherent problems with the enunciated issues. My white European ancestors and "knowledge keepers" demand ...excavations. None, other than the Pine Lake excavation (the only one), which showed 17 GPR anomalies has occurred. That excavation was forensically done, and showed a big fat zero, zip, zilch....bodies as claimed. Then boom all the other Indigenous bands 'likely' thought, we better declare these GPR alleged 'mass grave' genocidal sites....as 'scared,' thus ending excavations which would surely cut off the the false Indigenous gravy train.
In my humble opinion what the Indigenous and their blind supporters are doing by fomenting this issue and accepting 100's of millions of dollars in Canadian taxpayer funds, meets the bar of the Canadian Criminal Code, for Fraud.
380 (1) Every one who, by deceit, falsehood or other fraudulent means, whether or not it is a false pretence within the meaning of this Act, defrauds the public or any person, whether ascertained or not, of any property, money or valuable security or any service,
(a) is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to a term of imprisonment not exceeding fourteen years, where the subject-matter of the offence is a testamentary instrument or the value of the subject-matter of the offence exceeds five thousand dollars; or
(b) is guilty
(i) of an indictable offence and is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years, or
(ii) of an offence punishable on summary conviction,
If another dollar of taxpayer money is given out by our corrupt government then we should all seek redress as Canadian taxpayers by filing criminal charges based on the above legal statutes, on all involved !
Just an addition to your post, if I may. Elders and GPR claimed there were bodies buried at the former Charles Camsell Indian Hospital in Edmonton also. Because this was not reservation land, they could not block an excavation (also because the land was being prepared to be built on, I believe). Excavations took place anywhere GPR or Elders indicated there was a body. No bodies were found and they actually had the nerve to insinuate the bodies had been moved. There's our "White European Ancestors" now being accused of interfering with remains! I think it's rather evident why Kamloops band hasn't allowed excavation. Bands are now using tax dollars to do GPR surveys in known abandoned/neglected/forgotten reservation graveyards where some of the wooden crosses have disintegrated over time. The Camsell Indian burials story can be found here. https://edmonton.ctvnews.ca/where-did-they-go-no-human-remains-found-on-charles-camsell-hospital-grounds-1.5634872
Lots and Lots of "rent seeking" aka fraud going on....Thanks for the link & comments !!
In my humble opinion it rises to the level of criminal fraud,
380 (1) Every one who, by deceit, falsehood or other fraudulent means, whether or not it is a false pretence within the meaning of this Act, defrauds the public or any person, whether ascertained or not, of any property, money or valuable security or any service,
(a) is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to a term of imprisonment not exceeding fourteen years, where the subject-matter of the offence is a testamentary instrument or the value of the subject-matter of the offence exceeds five thousand dollars; or
(b) is guilty
(i) of an indictable offence and is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years, or
(ii) of an offence punishable on summary conviction,
Sadly, for many decent FN's people, someone will no doubt take it into their own hands. There are many FN's who are hard working, taxpaying citizens who are tired of the buffoonery also.
Joanne, you no doubt remember Kimberly Murray's claim in her report last year that "Denialists entered the site without permission. Some came in the middle of the night, carrying shovels; they said they wanted to 'see for themselves' if children are buried there."
Murray didn't say WHO the denialists were or when they came to the site (though it must have been shortly after the Kamloops announcement, because the band fenced the area off immediately), and the intrusion (if Murray's claim is even true) was NEVER REPORTED to the RCMP.
Could that be because the would-be intruders were indigenous? Members of the band, or other bands, who were skeptical and "wanted to see for themselves"?? That would be a very good reason to not report the offence.
James, another good punchy piece. I note you refer to “white Christian” ancestors four times and I don’t dispute that many of them were (mine were). Is it relevant though to the point you are making. I’m not Christian and I don’t identify as “white”. But more to the point, I think that tribalism is a major part of why the reconciliation project is so flawed (“us and them”). What are your thoughts on this point?
I use White Christian on purpose. Can you think of a reason why I would specifically want to use white? Hint: it has everything to do with the word "white" and the people who are "white" being outrageously othered and problematized simply for being white. This is wrong. The majority of people I have ever loved, who have ever helped me, who raised me, are all white. I use "white" for them. They deserve respect - white people made Canada, there would be nothing worth immigrating to if it weren't for white people.
I also use "white" for me. Becuase I refuse to distance myself or apologize for something that I have no control over. And, even if I did have control over it...I would choose white, over and over.
Further, everywhere - and I mean EVERYWHERE - there are white people, there is peace and prosperity. White people make the greatest societies. White people, upheld Christianity for over two thousand years. White people - many who don't even share the same language, all seem to share the quality that allows them to create excellence. Others, fall far short of what white people have achieved - which 100% explains the jealousy, resentment, and hatred of white people. What the world would be like if white people hadn't bothered: a living hell.
There is always someone who takes issue with my use of "white." It's almost always a a successful white man who is not harmed by the woke problematizing of white people. Why is that?
I think it has something to do with the fact that they are already rich, and just can't relate to a younger white man who would also like to work hard and get rich, but who society is attempting to thwart at every turn. It won't work...have you seen what white men are capable of? Even with older successful white men refusing to speak up for them, they will still come out on top.
I grew up in a place that was all white. And let me tell you, I know first hand what is lost - irretrievable and forever lost - when white societies get over run by non-white people.
I love white people, I prefer white people, I wouldn't even consider living in a non-white society, and I'm not afraid to say it. Have you seen most non-white societies? I also am not afraid to admit that white people have created the best societies by far the world has ever known - and we have made an enormous mistake by letting everyone in...mostly becuase so many non-white people hate us.
My view is we should not bother with any individual who hates us, and focus entirely on individuals who love us. This means being selective of all people who we allow in. We should view our country as an exclusive high-end club that everyone wants to be a member of. We should refuse membership to all but the best (and, to those who love white people).
I am still a business man - and every business man knows you don't create something of value and than give it away. In this case, we didn't create the thing of value - our ancestors did - But, we, being the fools we are, gave it away, and continue to give it away, to those who don't deserve it.
Tribalism is another word I don't think has nearly the power you give it. First off, all people are somewhat tribal. Tribalism is not the problem - violence and hate is the problem. People who have a preference and an interest in their own tribe, or who prefer to be tribal, are not automatically evil or violent. I think we have created a false association between the two terms.
Not all tribes are equal. My tribe. Western, Anglo, white, Christian, poses zero threat to the world. In fact, if we increase and strengthen our tribe we will better the world.
However, the exact opposite can be said about Islam. That tribe must not increase in any way, shape, or form. If they do, it will result in violence and human misery.
My last point is the thing I actually do fear. I fear leftist thinkers. Only leftist thinkers wish to rid humanity of their ethnic entanglements. Only leftist thinkers - with a unconstrained vision of society (Sowell) - think it's a good idea to attempt, through social engineering, to reprogram human's to shed their ethno-traditional customs.
I fear this totalitarian whimsy, and this attraction to social engineering, as a far bigger and terrifying thing than wokeism. Woke is dumb and reckless, and people are waking up fast to it. However, leftist social engineering - notions that we can rid humans of ethnic particularities by erasing religions and customs - are full on totalitarian insanity. This thinking, in my view, is the real enemy....not this silly woke thing that has no real shelf life.
Woke 2.0 is going to be about problematizing the concept of "tribes" and ethnicity. It will attempt to relegate all of humanity into a boring homogenous clump of humanity: utterly grey and untextured.
In virtually all realms: the animal kingdom , the art world...human's prefer and value difference and particularities. To apply the opposite to humanity is unnatural and will require a level of totalitarianism and violence the world has never seen. This is why I fear the non-woke leftist thinkers more than, or just as much as, the woke. The woke are but a warm up, the real battle is going to be against those, like me, who prefer humanity to emerge, and those who feel humanity should be designed and programmed by leftist intellectuals.
I agree with your comments about the white people. I grew up in Australia, which when I was a kid most of it was white. Not any more.
What I don't understand about the responses to the alleged monstrosities created by the ancestors of the common white people is that NOBODY POINTS OUT THE TRUTH - that it was the ancestors of the British elites, the monarchies lackies and the monarchies multinationals, like the British East India Company, or the Hudson Bay Company - it was the ELITES of the colonies that created the monstrosities not our families ancestors. I am so fed up with this shite.
The WAR ON WHITE PEOPLE is being architected and funded by the true WHITE SUPREMACISTS - the monarchies, the bankers, and the billionaires, who want to force in World Government under the UN-WEF public private parternship which is the real reason for the founding of the U.N. after their first attempt the League of Nations failed, mainly because the articles of its constitution spelled it out very clearly they were trying to set up a world dictatorship.
And this is the real reason that they are attacking white people, in the western nations and in Africa, because we have always stood against the FASCISM of our own elites throughout history and keep calling for their totalitarianism to end. But here we are again with another round. Same people. Monarchies, bankers and billionaires.
And If REPARATIONS are to be paid by anyone - it is to be paid by the Monarchies, the International Bankers, and the Billioinaire Oligarchs of the British Empire and the European empires - not the common man who had diddly squat to do with any of it.
I am frankly very tired of the blatant racism displayed by some indigenous and their supporters. I feel confident that if I went around saying to non-white people things indigenous people say to and about white people, I'd be in big trouble. I had one (white) guy repeatedly insist my ancestors are murderers and why should I care if that is true (!)? As it turns out, I am a genealogist and have done a good deal of careful research back to the Massachusetts Bay Colonly 1633. The only evidence I found of murder was of a bunch of indians slaughtering some of my ancestors, taking the rest captive, and trading them as slaves to other indians. What I've also found among them is a mind-boggling amount of work to make Canada what it is: farmers, doctors, truckers, soldiers, politicians, a Father of Confederation, lawyers, home-makers, pioneers, salesmen, teachers, nurses, road buiders, rail workers, sidewalk layers, loggers, support staff in hospitals, secretaries, you name it, and only one who applied himself to getting whatever handouts he could while avoiding doing any work, and a very few others who just never got off the ground. That's a heck of a lot more then those folks who think they win all the marbles by claiming they've been here forever and managed to feed and clothe themselves, and sometimes not very well. (Sorry - just a little fed up.)
James, I’m perplexed by this polemic, and I’m not even rich, or a man, or a leftie!
By all means, be proud to be white, extol white achievement, but … White supremacy? Tribalism is good, as long as it’s the right (white) tribe?? That’s been tried.
I’ve no wish to get into a squabble over this, as I’m sure you’re better armed intellectually than me, but I just had to say I don’t agree on some of your points here.
We need to be tapping the brakes on all this identitarian/collectivist stuff, not revving the engine.
In her book THE KNOWING author TANYA TALAGA managed to make it as far as Page 81 before mentioning the word ALCOHOL for the first time.
It's obvious why Tanya flunked out of University and DID NOT GRADUATE.
20 years ago someone named ARNETT made similar allegations about Graves at a Res School in Brantford Ontario. He was subsequently banned from Mohawk land by local Natives.
I refuse to allow anyone to undermine my rights as an Old White Stock Canadian and will never accept blame for what happened to anyone before I was even born! History is history never to be rewritten to fit into any negative narrative only to be used to blackmail present-day taxpayers into paying billions of dollars to rich wealthy white lawyers like Lamitti and Chief and Councils while the real people suffer on reserves in poverty, drugs, molestations and mould infested housing! The time is now for the real true history to be seen!!!
According to the RCMP, Chinese Triads are involved in shipping AK-47s to Native Reserves in Canada.
Gee ... I wonder what they're up to ???
I read the book and bought an extra copy to give to my son. The Kamloops chief lied about Mass Graves, and indeed about much else. Then, the socialist media reprinted the lies. These people must have a great self-loathing to accept these lies as truth. As for the land, either we own it or they do. Eby gave away part of our province to a native tribe. He had no right to do that, or constitutional authority. Every Canadian citizen should be outraged.
Outrage on steroids !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"Reconciliation, in practice, seems to mean that standards of decency, respect, and democracy, are to be withheld from those who question indigenous people. It is that simple. Reconciliation is surrender. It means you cannot defend the honour or the good name of our ancestors. It means that rent-seeking indigenous grievance hustlers, can make up stories where our white Christian ancestors are accused of monstrosities, and we must accept those stories without substantiation regardless of their implausibility. From physical abuse, including raping and murdering children, to full on genocide. "
A kid came up to me at work, which is a school, and said to after an Indigenous presentation, "Did you know that I am Indigenous?"...and replied, "No..... do you know that I am Italian?" They had a look of shock because every time any student proclaims this to any other student or staff, the response is usually, "Oh, wow, isn't that great!"..... or something along those lines...... I am done...so moving forward, this will be my response.....
What I don't understand about the responses to the alleged monstrosities created by the ancestors of the common white people is that NOBODY POINTS OUT THE TRUTH - that it was the ancestors of the British elites, the monarchies lackies and the monarchies multinationals, like the British East India Company, or the Hudson Bay Company - it was the ELITES of the colonies that created the monstrosities not our families ancestors. I am so fed up with this shite.
The Kamloops Guilt Trip, Three Years On
From retired Judge, Brian Giesbrecht
Thanks StellaMaris
You are welcome! Pls, pass it on, if you can.
A terrific piece of writing and analysis, James.
Reconciliation is nothing more than a red herring to distract from the alcohol induced reserve sociopathy of the indigenous community and create a cellophane veneer of false victimhood to extort exorbitant financial reparations for fictitious grievances.
“The only thing more frustrating than slanderers is those foolish enough to listen to them.”
― Criss Jami
It is typically the Hereditary Chiefs who promote this BULL$HIT. They are the ones who pocket all of the cash. Most of the Indigenous in Canada have all sorts of stories about the large houses and pick-up trucks owned by those people. Their voices are rarely heard.
So spot on: “It means that rent-seeking indigenous grievance hustlers can make up stories where our white Christian ancestors are accused of monstrosities, and we must accept those stories without substantiation regardless of their implausibility.”
I vaguely remember a while back, about the time things were getting stirred up over reconciliation issues the UN was talking a lot about indigenous peoples rights around the world. I don’t want to sound like a conspiracy theorist but the influence of the World Economic Forum has a known influence over what the UN deems important to be required by all member countries to integrate into a country’s political and economic views.
Having said that the pressure to finance with taxpayer’s funds from outside influences, opened the door to unlimited spending by a government who appears to want to separate and divide a nation as opposed to pulling it together to deal with internal issues and over come them. Encouraging dissection with the promise of more tax dollars in the future will not allow any Truth or Reconciliation to actually take place. Sticking a stick into the center of a bee hive only stirs thing up and the whole hive focuses on the intrusion and that doesn’t allow the hive to do what it does best, which is work together to prepare for the up coming winter where everyone has what is needed to survive and flourish.
Grave Error only points out the not so obvious history of the IRS, with empirical knowledge and recorded documents, that are eye opening and certainly appear to be factual. I am convinced that there were a number of issues that took place during the one hundred and some odd years that the system was active. There are always issues with every program that has been put in place by any government. I was around during the final few years that the schools were operating. As a bush pilot, I transported students to and from the off reserve schools, I did not witness any of the atrocities claimed, I was friends with kids who had gone to IRS when I was going through my school years.
I am tired of being held accountable for something that has been over for decades. The IRS system was considered to be a normal way of life through out it’s history. There was good as well as bad, but that is what life is for everyone not just the ones who experienced the IRS.
There is a line from a movie “You can’t handle the truth”. It seems to hold some in its grip. Truth will set us all free.
As a taxpayer I am tired of paying.
"Sticking a stick into the center of a bee hive only stirs thing up and the whole hive focuses on the intrusion and that doesn’t allow the hive to do what it does best, which is work together to prepare for the up coming winter where everyone has what is needed to survive and flourish."
Machevallian divide and conquer is the playbook.... My father Mike McCluskey was also a bush pilot based out of Campbell River. As his eldest son I too witnessed zero abuse iif the indigenous transported to schools or later to work....
What I don't understand about the responses to the alleged monstrosities created by the ancestors of the common white people is that NOBODY POINTS OUT THE TRUTH - that it was the ancestors of the British elites, the monarchies lackies and the monarchies multinationals, like the British East India Company, or the Hudson Bay Company - it was the ELITES of the colonies that created the monstrosities not our families ancestors. I am so fed up with this shite
Sure Comrade, sure.
What a scam that fn industry is.
Keep up the good work!
I have read Grave Error, and even encouraged Indigenous friends to read it, and some did. James a huge thank you to a well worded and thought out expose of the inherent problems with the enunciated issues. My white European ancestors and "knowledge keepers" demand ...excavations. None, other than the Pine Lake excavation (the only one), which showed 17 GPR anomalies has occurred. That excavation was forensically done, and showed a big fat zero, zip, zilch....bodies as claimed. Then boom all the other Indigenous bands 'likely' thought, we better declare these GPR alleged 'mass grave' genocidal sites....as 'scared,' thus ending excavations which would surely cut off the the false Indigenous gravy train.
In my humble opinion what the Indigenous and their blind supporters are doing by fomenting this issue and accepting 100's of millions of dollars in Canadian taxpayer funds, meets the bar of the Canadian Criminal Code, for Fraud.
380 (1) Every one who, by deceit, falsehood or other fraudulent means, whether or not it is a false pretence within the meaning of this Act, defrauds the public or any person, whether ascertained or not, of any property, money or valuable security or any service,
(a) is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to a term of imprisonment not exceeding fourteen years, where the subject-matter of the offence is a testamentary instrument or the value of the subject-matter of the offence exceeds five thousand dollars; or
(b) is guilty
(i) of an indictable offence and is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years, or
(ii) of an offence punishable on summary conviction,
If another dollar of taxpayer money is given out by our corrupt government then we should all seek redress as Canadian taxpayers by filing criminal charges based on the above legal statutes, on all involved !
Just an addition to your post, if I may. Elders and GPR claimed there were bodies buried at the former Charles Camsell Indian Hospital in Edmonton also. Because this was not reservation land, they could not block an excavation (also because the land was being prepared to be built on, I believe). Excavations took place anywhere GPR or Elders indicated there was a body. No bodies were found and they actually had the nerve to insinuate the bodies had been moved. There's our "White European Ancestors" now being accused of interfering with remains! I think it's rather evident why Kamloops band hasn't allowed excavation. Bands are now using tax dollars to do GPR surveys in known abandoned/neglected/forgotten reservation graveyards where some of the wooden crosses have disintegrated over time. The Camsell Indian burials story can be found here. https://edmonton.ctvnews.ca/where-did-they-go-no-human-remains-found-on-charles-camsell-hospital-grounds-1.5634872
Lots and Lots of "rent seeking" aka fraud going on....Thanks for the link & comments !!
In my humble opinion it rises to the level of criminal fraud,
380 (1) Every one who, by deceit, falsehood or other fraudulent means, whether or not it is a false pretence within the meaning of this Act, defrauds the public or any person, whether ascertained or not, of any property, money or valuable security or any service,
(a) is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to a term of imprisonment not exceeding fourteen years, where the subject-matter of the offence is a testamentary instrument or the value of the subject-matter of the offence exceeds five thousand dollars; or
(b) is guilty
(i) of an indictable offence and is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years, or
(ii) of an offence punishable on summary conviction,
What is the probability any of those supposed grave sites will ever be excavated?
Sadly, for many decent FN's people, someone will no doubt take it into their own hands. There are many FN's who are hard working, taxpaying citizens who are tired of the buffoonery also.
Joanne, you no doubt remember Kimberly Murray's claim in her report last year that "Denialists entered the site without permission. Some came in the middle of the night, carrying shovels; they said they wanted to 'see for themselves' if children are buried there."
Murray didn't say WHO the denialists were or when they came to the site (though it must have been shortly after the Kamloops announcement, because the band fenced the area off immediately), and the intrusion (if Murray's claim is even true) was NEVER REPORTED to the RCMP.
Could that be because the would-be intruders were indigenous? Members of the band, or other bands, who were skeptical and "wanted to see for themselves"?? That would be a very good reason to not report the offence.
Very good point! I'm sure there are many hardworking, honest indigenous people who are fed up with the lies also. It makes them all look bad.
Probable impossibilities are to be preferred to improbable possibilities.... Aristotle
A probable time line would be somewhere around the 12th of Never.
James, another good punchy piece. I note you refer to “white Christian” ancestors four times and I don’t dispute that many of them were (mine were). Is it relevant though to the point you are making. I’m not Christian and I don’t identify as “white”. But more to the point, I think that tribalism is a major part of why the reconciliation project is so flawed (“us and them”). What are your thoughts on this point?
I use White Christian on purpose. Can you think of a reason why I would specifically want to use white? Hint: it has everything to do with the word "white" and the people who are "white" being outrageously othered and problematized simply for being white. This is wrong. The majority of people I have ever loved, who have ever helped me, who raised me, are all white. I use "white" for them. They deserve respect - white people made Canada, there would be nothing worth immigrating to if it weren't for white people.
I also use "white" for me. Becuase I refuse to distance myself or apologize for something that I have no control over. And, even if I did have control over it...I would choose white, over and over.
Further, everywhere - and I mean EVERYWHERE - there are white people, there is peace and prosperity. White people make the greatest societies. White people, upheld Christianity for over two thousand years. White people - many who don't even share the same language, all seem to share the quality that allows them to create excellence. Others, fall far short of what white people have achieved - which 100% explains the jealousy, resentment, and hatred of white people. What the world would be like if white people hadn't bothered: a living hell.
There is always someone who takes issue with my use of "white." It's almost always a a successful white man who is not harmed by the woke problematizing of white people. Why is that?
I think it has something to do with the fact that they are already rich, and just can't relate to a younger white man who would also like to work hard and get rich, but who society is attempting to thwart at every turn. It won't work...have you seen what white men are capable of? Even with older successful white men refusing to speak up for them, they will still come out on top.
I grew up in a place that was all white. And let me tell you, I know first hand what is lost - irretrievable and forever lost - when white societies get over run by non-white people.
I love white people, I prefer white people, I wouldn't even consider living in a non-white society, and I'm not afraid to say it. Have you seen most non-white societies? I also am not afraid to admit that white people have created the best societies by far the world has ever known - and we have made an enormous mistake by letting everyone in...mostly becuase so many non-white people hate us.
My view is we should not bother with any individual who hates us, and focus entirely on individuals who love us. This means being selective of all people who we allow in. We should view our country as an exclusive high-end club that everyone wants to be a member of. We should refuse membership to all but the best (and, to those who love white people).
I am still a business man - and every business man knows you don't create something of value and than give it away. In this case, we didn't create the thing of value - our ancestors did - But, we, being the fools we are, gave it away, and continue to give it away, to those who don't deserve it.
Tribalism is another word I don't think has nearly the power you give it. First off, all people are somewhat tribal. Tribalism is not the problem - violence and hate is the problem. People who have a preference and an interest in their own tribe, or who prefer to be tribal, are not automatically evil or violent. I think we have created a false association between the two terms.
Not all tribes are equal. My tribe. Western, Anglo, white, Christian, poses zero threat to the world. In fact, if we increase and strengthen our tribe we will better the world.
However, the exact opposite can be said about Islam. That tribe must not increase in any way, shape, or form. If they do, it will result in violence and human misery.
My last point is the thing I actually do fear. I fear leftist thinkers. Only leftist thinkers wish to rid humanity of their ethnic entanglements. Only leftist thinkers - with a unconstrained vision of society (Sowell) - think it's a good idea to attempt, through social engineering, to reprogram human's to shed their ethno-traditional customs.
I fear this totalitarian whimsy, and this attraction to social engineering, as a far bigger and terrifying thing than wokeism. Woke is dumb and reckless, and people are waking up fast to it. However, leftist social engineering - notions that we can rid humans of ethnic particularities by erasing religions and customs - are full on totalitarian insanity. This thinking, in my view, is the real enemy....not this silly woke thing that has no real shelf life.
Woke 2.0 is going to be about problematizing the concept of "tribes" and ethnicity. It will attempt to relegate all of humanity into a boring homogenous clump of humanity: utterly grey and untextured.
In virtually all realms: the animal kingdom , the art world...human's prefer and value difference and particularities. To apply the opposite to humanity is unnatural and will require a level of totalitarianism and violence the world has never seen. This is why I fear the non-woke leftist thinkers more than, or just as much as, the woke. The woke are but a warm up, the real battle is going to be against those, like me, who prefer humanity to emerge, and those who feel humanity should be designed and programmed by leftist intellectuals.
Hi Woke Watch Canada,
I agree with your comments about the white people. I grew up in Australia, which when I was a kid most of it was white. Not any more.
What I don't understand about the responses to the alleged monstrosities created by the ancestors of the common white people is that NOBODY POINTS OUT THE TRUTH - that it was the ancestors of the British elites, the monarchies lackies and the monarchies multinationals, like the British East India Company, or the Hudson Bay Company - it was the ELITES of the colonies that created the monstrosities not our families ancestors. I am so fed up with this shite.
The WAR ON WHITE PEOPLE is being architected and funded by the true WHITE SUPREMACISTS - the monarchies, the bankers, and the billionaires, who want to force in World Government under the UN-WEF public private parternship which is the real reason for the founding of the U.N. after their first attempt the League of Nations failed, mainly because the articles of its constitution spelled it out very clearly they were trying to set up a world dictatorship.
And this is the real reason that they are attacking white people, in the western nations and in Africa, because we have always stood against the FASCISM of our own elites throughout history and keep calling for their totalitarianism to end. But here we are again with another round. Same people. Monarchies, bankers and billionaires.
And If REPARATIONS are to be paid by anyone - it is to be paid by the Monarchies, the International Bankers, and the Billioinaire Oligarchs of the British Empire and the European empires - not the common man who had diddly squat to do with any of it.
I am frankly very tired of the blatant racism displayed by some indigenous and their supporters. I feel confident that if I went around saying to non-white people things indigenous people say to and about white people, I'd be in big trouble. I had one (white) guy repeatedly insist my ancestors are murderers and why should I care if that is true (!)? As it turns out, I am a genealogist and have done a good deal of careful research back to the Massachusetts Bay Colonly 1633. The only evidence I found of murder was of a bunch of indians slaughtering some of my ancestors, taking the rest captive, and trading them as slaves to other indians. What I've also found among them is a mind-boggling amount of work to make Canada what it is: farmers, doctors, truckers, soldiers, politicians, a Father of Confederation, lawyers, home-makers, pioneers, salesmen, teachers, nurses, road buiders, rail workers, sidewalk layers, loggers, support staff in hospitals, secretaries, you name it, and only one who applied himself to getting whatever handouts he could while avoiding doing any work, and a very few others who just never got off the ground. That's a heck of a lot more then those folks who think they win all the marbles by claiming they've been here forever and managed to feed and clothe themselves, and sometimes not very well. (Sorry - just a little fed up.)
Well said !!
James, I’m perplexed by this polemic, and I’m not even rich, or a man, or a leftie!
By all means, be proud to be white, extol white achievement, but … White supremacy? Tribalism is good, as long as it’s the right (white) tribe?? That’s been tried.
I’ve no wish to get into a squabble over this, as I’m sure you’re better armed intellectually than me, but I just had to say I don’t agree on some of your points here.
We need to be tapping the brakes on all this identitarian/collectivist stuff, not revving the engine.
Excellent point! When did pitting people (cultures, religions) against each other ever work out well???
We own and are responsible for what we create. We are stewards, not owners.
In her book THE KNOWING author TANYA TALAGA managed to make it as far as Page 81 before mentioning the word ALCOHOL for the first time.
It's obvious why Tanya flunked out of University and DID NOT GRADUATE.
20 years ago someone named ARNETT made similar allegations about Graves at a Res School in Brantford Ontario. He was subsequently banned from Mohawk land by local Natives.