I do love the expression “over the rainbow” and that Shannon points out that Pride days/weeks at schools are meeting resistance when parents find out about them. Such open recruitment of young sex converts is astounding.

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"Toto, I have a feeling we are not in Kansas anymore"

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For those who may not be readers of The Distance substack (Matt Osborne, Eva Kurilova, and others), I want to recommend this read (and especially the embedded video interview with Jamie Reed) from last month: https://www.thedistancemag.com/p/jamie-reed-on-the-cult-of-the-trans . There is also a link in the newsletter to Reed's written article, a definite must-read. She is sincere, authentic, and well-spoken. This needs to be widely viewed and shared.

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Thanks again Shannon for a very provocative and troubling article. If I was a parent again and faced with these absurdities I would likely be incarcerated for aggressive behavior. In your quest for a return to common sense in the class room, you remind me very much of the mythical Dorothy Gale from Kansas who along with the Cowardly Lion, the Scarecrow and the Tin Man undertake an odyssey down the Yellow Brick Road to see the Wizard of Oz. Along the way the Scarecrow makes a very prophetic statement applicable to many of the people you are dealing with when he says, "Some people without brains do an *awful* lot of talking, don't they?”

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May 20, 2023·edited May 20, 2023

Good for Premiere Higgs on this issue. It's common sense against wokeism. Schools and School boards have no right under the Charter or Constitution to prevent parents and guardians from information nor interpret the Provincial School Act as a means to subvert and coercively control minors unable to make informed decisions without consent of their parents and guardians. Time to legislate and sue for change to prevent this radical left ideology from further overreach beyond its purview. Schools must answer to parents and taxpayer concerns not the other way round!

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This is great. I like the term 'snarl' words. The trans and gender lobby, and the handmaidens in the MSM, especially the CBC, absolutely use prejudicial language to frame their opponents in a negative light. As well, the OCDSB has used such language in its communications with parents and the public. I am planning the write them urge them to consider their words very carefully in future communications, and only use words such as 'hate' or 'transphobia' in specific examples where someone has verbally attacked the trans cohort directly and specifically for their being trans. Using such language to describe good faith opponents of gender ideology (who have a variety of legitimate concerns) is inappropriate and prejudicial.

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It's "Egale Canada" not "Eagle Canada".

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It wasn't just one school in London. It was many. See end of this article. I am looking forward to what they do during pride month. But the Muslims should engage with others so the impact will be even bigger. We need to coordinate the days so even more kids stay home. The message needs to be stronger.


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Thank you for all you do Shannon

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