Other than the EQAO scores, what other metric is there that the de-streamed system is not working?

I ask because I'd like to create a visualization to show people how useless is the de-streamed system.

Just before grade 9 math was de-streamed, I asked the head of the Math Department to let me teach something else, after I had taught grade 9 Academic Math for several years (in Ontario). I had the lessons and several years of tests all prepared, but I knew it was going to be a disaster. I was proven right. My colleague taught de-streamed grade 9 Math in its first year, and he was panicking. Half of his class (HALF!!!) was failing. He was panicking because he knew he would be blamed for the result. The really smart kids were bored out of their minds.

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In this case the solution is so easy and it is staring everyone right in the face. Lets all get along and agree with the black race our schools are too white for them so allow them their own schools with their own black teachers absolutely no whites allowed.

The Indians likewise complain about colonials causing all their problems, do the same give them all the same funding per pupil give them their own schools and Indian teachers, again no whites allowed.

Lets have our own schools for whites and only allow all those others that are left to attend only if they get along but in all fairness no blacks or indian pupils or teachers are allowed.

Everyone happy now?

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Peter, I sure hope this is a satirical suggestion, meant to point out the absurdity of current policies and where they are leading us. (Your final query reassures me that it is.)

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No i am serious look these people are unhappy and will never be satisfied so let them have their schools ( are you tone death thats what they want) let us white colonials have our own schools where we know our kiddies will excell given no woke policies. Sorry but time to look after our own white race, anglo saxon or whatever so screw everyone else. You need to realize that they (other races) hate us and want to eradicate us well screw them.

The result will be that we come out on top so stop bending down to these inferior types and get with the program.

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De-streaming or not, our educational system has been in free wall into the depths of obscurity for sometime. How else can one explain the naivety of the population to believe their country committed genocide. Or worse yet, how the entire House of Commons could unanimously agree that Canada belongs in the same fraternity with Adolph Hitler and Pol Pot. What explains how Parliament could embarrass the country by honoring an elderly Nazi veteran with the title, "Canadian Hero" followed by two rousing standing ovations. Well Russian, of all countries, came up with the most plausible explanation. Canada is ignorant of WWII history. But it isn't just our military history we are deficient in, it's our own history as well. Teaching history in our schools is not considered important or a priority and we are constantly exposed to the effects of this omission leaving us vulnerable to every obscure and implausible hoax that comes down the woke tube.

"The farther backward you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see". - Winston Churchill

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This is the key point for me in this insightful article by Igor Stravinsky: "Fostering an environment in which kids can strive for excellence IS NOT their primary objective. What they want is equal outcomes between white and black and Indigenous identified kids according to any objective measure, such as credit accumulation, graduation rates, and post-secondary (especially university) enrollment. For these education system leaders, how much kids actually know, and know how to do, are distant second-place considerations." The obsession over equal outcomes comes at a cost. In some communist countries, it was millions of lives,

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Is this primary focus on equal outcomes (as you describe) ever explicitly stated?

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Why not just create "black" schools for the kids that want to go there? Then the rest of us can get on with tring to provide our young people with the skills they will need to succeed.

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"The fact that all this has transpired during the mandate of a Conservative government is really disconcerting. "


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Thanks for this, I was not aware this was happening. I don't fully understand what 'de-streaming' means. When I was in high school in Montreal in the 1980s, in each grade level, in some subjects such as math, there were say three levels, call them for the sake of argument 100, 101 and 102. Most kids would go into level 101, the strugglers would go into 100, and the smart kids would go into 102, and at the end of high school, most of the smart kids would be routed to science programs in college. Is this not happening, any more, or any more in Ontario? Does 'de-streaming' mean there will only be one level of math for all kids, say, in my example, level 101? So slightly advanced classes, or remedial, will no longer be an option? Thanks for anyone able to clarify. Steve

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First of all, Igor – thank you.

This sent me to John McWhorter’s *Woke Racism* to dig up the following few paragraphs (KIPP is the Knowledge is Power Program in the US):

<< The KIPP academies, a charter school network devoted to giving poor brown kids a solid education and getting them into college, have decided that they’ve been too hard on the children. Their sin: the slogan “Work hard. Be nice.”

<< KIPP has announced that to expose their charges to that mantra “diminishes the significant effort to dismantle systemic racism, places value on being compliant and submissive, supports the illusion of meritocracy, and does not align with our vision of students being free to create the future they want.”

<< Translation: Schools committed to helping kids make the best of a bad hand now feel uncomfortable teaching their students that following rules and putting forth effort will have beneficial results. Rather, there are apparently other, woker pathways to creating a successful future, as in the “future they want.” Apparently this is a future you can have without following rules, while distrusting effort as playing the white man’s game.

<< The KIPP people are suspending common sense as well as true compassion, in a fashion that their teachers would never consider for their own children at home. >>

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