Absolutely an outstanding article and I could not agree more with the accuracy of everything stated. I recently watched the live broadcast by rebel news on the near riot caused by the Palestinian protest during our P.M.,s visit to a meeting in Toronto and I wish to make a comment on that but first my background which i feel is important for others to form an opinion.

I served with Police Departments for 13 years but also worked in law enforcement field for 14 more while engaged with the Police I worked street crime. During that time I charged 11 people for armed holdups laid hundreds of charges for drug,s and narcotics and indeed there are few charges in the criminal code that I have not laid. I have a 99% conviction rate.

As mentioned I watched that entire fiasco regarding the false arrest of that Rebel news reporter and it pains me to point fault at the Police Officers involved including the Sergeant at the scene a person in authority who should have done HIS job and stopped that arrest from proceeding.

My background includes crowd control in fact I worked as a Uniformed Officer at one of Toronto,s largest strike,s the Artistic Woodworking strike where I arrested their lawyer for Obstructing Police, I have arrested several others for obstructing Police as well and in fact I believe I could testify as an expert in crowd control.

I should perhaps note that I later found out that the man I arrested had not passed the bar so was perhaps just caught up in his own importance so I dropped the charge as I would not wish to destroy a mans life over a single stupid action.

I watched that live coverage and unless there was some other action committed prior to that recording then there was absolutely no justification for his arrest. What I did see was direct threats and threatening behavior towards a recognized news reporter simply doing his job peacefully.

I have been involved in several investigations that resulted in some quite serious charges laid against Police Officers in my career so I can state without doubt that I am not prejudiced against anyone, I have given testimony in many cases involving very high profile lawyers from the Toronto area all of whom I have shown the greatest respect but I say let the chips fall regardless. Justice should be done and it needs to be seen to be done in order to keep a just society for us all.

Furthermore on a parting note why have there been so very few arrests of any of these protesters who support genocide with the Hamas again I mention the live tape and there were several very obvious personal threats by actions and otherwise that should have led to the arrest of at the very least two other individuals.

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Thanks for sharing. The protesters are an example of do-goodism gone wrong. A few months ago, my 87 year father was walking down popular street in large city on west coast. A large male “Palestinian” protester was shouting pretty awful things, that most non-indoctrinated individuals would find unacceptable, (“gas the Jews, etc”).

My father comes from a time when people were allowed to share their opinions and disagree with others. My father shouted something back to counter what was being spewed out unchecked. The protestor came right over to my father on the busy street, yelled in his face very close, and then suddenly head butted him.

My father is 87! The protestor man looked twice as big in size and probably half my fathers age. I think most normal people, who see a large size male, wearing Hamas regalia, being yelled at very close, would feel uncomfortable.

My father ended up with a bleeding face, black eyes and fell down hurting his hip. The protestor took off, and my father got up, chased him, took a photo, while his face bleeding.

Someone called the ambulance and police came, so I’m sure they took the guys name and information. As far as I know, nothing has happened to this individual for assaulting an elderly man.

On the one hand, I was horrified about what happened, how un-brave a large male Palestinian protestor was in attacking an elderly man who disagreed with the mob narrative, I also thought to myself if it were me, would I have kept my mouth shut. One the other hand, I’ve never been more proud of my father!

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They are all cowards so that does not surprise me however kudos to your dad you can be justly proud of him, I hope he is feeling better.

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This is a great article. The vast and silent majority agree with you. Consider doing some public speaking on this topic.

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Woke insanity. Unacceptable.

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“Pure madness, the Culture more animal than man now, as if stricken by rabies.”

― A.D. Aliwat, In Limbo

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