The love affair between the Wokies and Radicals is nuts! Thank you for writing about this topic, as it will affect Western nations. The propaganda against Israel is so entrenched (media, lefties, UN), without understanding history or facts. Schools only give watered down versions, as they’re too busy with woke narratives.
Supporting Israel is important as they are not only fighting for their survival, but also for Western Civilization. And many surrounding countries aren’t helping, as they don’t want the issue to end! In the West, we are force fed divisive Woke ideas, that it becomes difficult to understand. The result, young, impressionable, so called well educated, joining in with radical mobs, who spew out far worse things then those they accuse.
People slam Netanyahu, but he IS the right person for this time. I pray for a strong leader, who doesn’t appease to get votes, a Churchill, to save Western Civilization!
The love affair between the Wokies and Radicals is nuts! Thank you for writing about this topic, as it will affect Western nations. The propaganda against Israel is so entrenched (media, lefties, UN), without understanding history or facts. Schools only give watered down versions, as they’re too busy with woke narratives.
Supporting Israel is important as they are not only fighting for their survival, but also for Western Civilization. And many surrounding countries aren’t helping, as they don’t want the issue to end! In the West, we are force fed divisive Woke ideas, that it becomes difficult to understand. The result, young, impressionable, so called well educated, joining in with radical mobs, who spew out far worse things then those they accuse.
People slam Netanyahu, but he IS the right person for this time. I pray for a strong leader, who doesn’t appease to get votes, a Churchill, to save Western Civilization!