People in Quesnel won’t name or read the book they are fanatically determined to ban. What are they so afraid of? Is the book cursed? Before and after I was fired as a teacher for stating an established historical fact, nobody would hear my side of the story. No trustee. No senior manager. Nobody! They consciously protected their ignorance. Ignorance allows them to be in the genocide parade without cognitive dissonance.

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I don't think it's ignorance, really. I am sure many people are going home and reading the book right now. What it is is an absolute refusal to demonstrate any public courage. It's so puzzling, because people historically have demonstrated much more courage in the face of much worse. If you opposed South American dictatorships in the era of Operation Condor you could end up drugged and pushed out of a helicopter over the Atlantic Ocean. And yet: many people DID oppose the dictatorships, with great heart and spirit.

In Canada, people like Laurey-Anne Roodenburg will be very smug and rude to you if you disagree with them. Unpleasant to be sure, but not actually frightening. At worst you might, like Frances, or like you, Jim, lose your job -- which is no picnic, of course! But there are no gulags, there are no nighttime raids, and yet people show far less courage in the face of political bullying. It's very strange.

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Apr 6Edited

I wouldn't speak too soon re: consequences. Teacher Richard Bilkzito killed himself after ongoing bullying and harassment regarding his political beliefs and statements one of which consisted of saying Canada had a less racist history than the U. S. A. This sort of bullying and harassment can be devastating, especially for people living in a small town. I watched the mayor's wife in the council video, and the mayor trying to defend himself against loaded questions and ad hominem statements. We see bullying and I would say harassment directed at them by literally almost the entire audience and the council. This mayor is going to resign, and he and his wife may have to leave Quesnel, all over the distribution of a book people object to. At one point an audience member yells out that distributing this book is "Close to an indictable offence." It reminds me quite a lot of the protests over Salman Rushdie's "The Satanic Verses," where emotion and belief were up against freedom of speech. That did not end well.

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Also known as a rush to Judgement, or the Quesnel Witch Hunt as I call it.

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Good points

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Well said. Curious indeed.

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I think "totalitarianism" is too sophisticated and complimentary of a word to describe the childish behavior of the moronic council and their ignoramus supporters. This was totally predictable. Not one person in the meeting who were mouthing off had read the book or any part of it. It was a classic example of the Gump Syndrome, "Stupid is as Stupid Does".

“Never argue with an idiot. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.”

― Mark Twain

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"At times, I can’t help but feel that I must not be correct in my extreme condemnation of so many people (who the Grave Error co-authors and myself claim are spreading mis-information), I must have something wrong, some fact or argument I have not yet considered. "

This statement resonated with me because I found myself thinking precisely that the other day, and spent two or three days thinking it through before deciding I don't have something wrong.

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When anything becomes a cult, it's a hard habit to break.....there is not just stupidity in this but LOTS of virtue signaling... look at the COVID scam, WOKE scam, climate scam, scientism, fluoride, the cancer industry, etc,.... if it's not on the news then it's not the news...... brainwashing has been happening for a long time and the illusion will be hard to undo but it is doable.... we need to remember this..... it was the Secwépemc day in our district today and we had an assembly at our school...it was pathetic...more fake storytelling, drumming and pandering....I did NOT clap my hands once and it felt amazing....I also, looked around and notice other adults and even kids were doing the same.... it's because there is so much going on right now in our cities, countries and around the world that seem insurmountable...remember, this is by design....

Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.

Thomas A. Edison

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Why aren’t these grave sites of the alleged aboriginal child dug up to prove this so called travesty! What says that these dark spots in the ground are not rocks! By the way who brought his to light but our most hated PM in history of Canada! Trudeau has proven he cannot be trusted! His continual corrupt actions of dividing the people of Canada continues! PROVE THAT THIS Actually DID HAPPEN…. PLAIN AND SIMPLE….DIG UP THESE DARK SPOTS AND PROVE TO US OTHERWISE THIS IS ANOTHER PULL THE WOOL OVER OUR EYES, CALLING OUT WOLF MOMENT!

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"The truth is that evil is not a real thing at all, like God. It is simply good spoiled. That is why I say there can be good without evil, but no evil without good. You know what the biologists mean by a parasite—an animal that lives on another animal. Evil is a parasite. It is there only because good is there for it to spoil and confuse." - C.S. Lewis

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“This is code red, the eleventh hour, but there is still time to correct this grave error and catastrophe caused by the radical woke totalitarian subverters and our terribly incompetent, weak and pathetic leaders.“

You are doing God’s work. 🙏

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The comments section of the Tyee article was quickly shut down because the topic was too “sensitive”, ie. too much truth-telling. And the author admitted to not having read the book she criticized, preferring to 'believe' those with "firsthand experience". Truly stellar journalism at the Tyee.

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It seems like these council people (and I'll extend that to a LOT of Canadians) are afraid of two things: of being branded as racists and of the thought that what is being said by Sean Carleton et al., the TRC report, the MMIW report, the BC government (that soulless foul entity), Marc Miller, and whole bunch of toadying pretenders MIGHT be true. It seems like fear and a fervent desire to appear to be "good".

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Thanks for this. I am definitely buying the book. I will try to watch the video of the council meeting too.

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James, your passion, anger and sadness bubbles through here. This is what will sustain the search and defence of truth. Carry on.

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Apr 6Edited

What did the mayor actually do? Apparently, his wife gave a few people a book they didn't like. I think he's toast, given the degree of emotion over this incident. I certainly hope one of my relatives doesn't rob a bank, I might have to go to jail too.

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"You can't handle the truth"

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PEW: "This is code red, the eleventh hour, but there is still time to correct this grave error and catastrophe caused by the radical woke totalitarian subverters and our terribly incompetent, weak and pathetic leaders."

Nobody reading this list would agree that either Trudeau, the trust fund "enfante terrible", or Minister Marc Miller the "indigi-digi-digi-see-that-genius" (be sympathetic to criminalizing residential school denialism) or any of the 300 and some spineless jelly fish M.P.s, who voted that residential schools constituted genocide, were/are anything remotely resembling "leaders" of any Canadian with an I.Q. above 80. They are, and have only ever been ,LOUSY, DULL-WITTED and extraordinarily STUPID, CIVIL SERVANTS (who are neither civil nor servile).

And if you readers of this list cannot distinguish your SERVANTS from your "leaders", rulers and or governors, then you are more dull-witted than any of them. This is a RULE OF LAW country, in name only, and certainly not "in fact", which still doesn't change the additional fact that your SERVANTS are legally required to actually serve you in accordance with the rule of law. So, if somebody (anybody) says residential school denialism oughta be a "crime", then you say that "concealing and compounding indictable offences" is an actual CRIME that "denier penalists" want to use to cover up CRIMES perpetrated by evidence fabricating "gravers" who are fraud artists.

Thank God that Frances Widdowson has gone to Quesnel (and returned alive), but, more importantly has learned who/what she really is, which is no longer an "economic Marxist", but, instead, an actual "George Orwellian Socialist". Way to go Frances. The examined life is well worth having and living. How about you Kemosabe? When are you going to do something brave?


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Thank you for this essay, it is incredibly accurate. The conduct of council & the mob is nothing short of deplorable. They do not seek the truth....

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Back in January my sister sent me a text asking if I knew about this new book titled "Grave Error". Her and her husband happened to be in Australia at the time. Needless to say, Australian's had already heard about it. I texted back that my copy had already been delivered. She ordered her copy that day. The activists and race grifters need to keep up with their good work, and keep the book on the best seller list for as long as possible.

"Many thanks to you James and the others who have been working tirelessly fighting the damaging activism that threatens the country we love. Bravo!!

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