I’m 60 and 30 years ago my father warned me of Europe being taken over. He came to Canada from Nederland after WW2 as a 16 year old and could see,from his visits back, that the population was changing, being non Nederland, disrespectful to the Natives, liberal eccentric perversions. I said never! God rest his soul, he knew what he was talking about. I don’t like going back as it used to feel like home, but now, I feel uncomfortable going there. Quick, Europe, before it is too late, save yourselves, import firearms or else!

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Ja, het is ONGELOOFLIJK !! Te veel nutteloze klootsaks.

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The “M” word is the word that cannot be spoken in relation to immigration either here or in Europe. The fact is that most westerners are not opposed to regulated immigration. Westerners are opposed to unregulated immigration, and to the bringing in of people who have no intention of integrating. Those people are Muslims from the Middle East and North Africa. There are millions of productive, integrated Muslims who have become wonderful citizens. But the fact is that there are also many who come with no intention of integrating. Mainstream political parties and media will accuse anyone who states this fact of being a racist, Islamophobe etc. The centre cannot hold on this. People must be allowed to say what they think, or the consequences will be severe. Posting this simple comment would be an offence in most of Europe. If the Liberals get their way it would be an offence here as well.

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Spot-on comment, but let's take it one step further. "People must be able allowed to say what they think..." and politicians need to act on what people are saying. We'll see if the Germans get the message and turn the taps off re: immigration and the immigration of Muslims in particular. I'm skeptical.

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I wish you had included something about the overturned elections here in Romania. I'm a Canadian living in Romania and the constitutional court overturned our recent elections because of 'Russian influence' on Tiktok. In other words, the EU and the then Biden controlled US government didn't like a 'far-right' candidate leading in the run-off. So they just cancelled it. Millions of Romanians voted, in good faith, for Caliln Georgescu or Elena Lasconi and had their votes nullified. I wonder what they will do if Georgescu leads again next time?

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“Concerns about integration and security” have paralyzed politicians everywhere. Europe has to be bolder, but politicians are by nature conciliators and vote-seekers. African and Muslim immigration, owing to alien values, will rot the establishment if not managed.

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The term "far right" is not a good label. It is used by the mainstream media to scare us away from conservative parties. AfD is opposed to the ill effects of globalism and mass migration imposed by the Christian Democrats. The CDU demonizes the AfD as "Nazis" but the CDU far more greatly resemble the Nazis in that they are anti-democratic state authoritarians who use propaganda and censorship. The Nazis were radical socialists, not conservatives. They did not believe in God or family. They held up Hitler as a god and enacted bizarre social engineering programs to replace the family with the state in pursuit of the ideology of "blood purity." The CDU imports antisemites in the millions (I mean Muslim Arabs) and allows them to intimidate the few Jews left in Germany -- not exactly a way to make amends for the Holocaust, is it? They claim to be for women but allow an invading army of rapists to run rampant through the country. Germany is committing suicide through mass migration from war-torn MENA nations, as is the rest of Western Europe and other Western nations (UK, Canada, NZ, Australia). Muslim values fundamentally clash with Western values. Muslims, even the peaceful law-abiding ones, refuse to be assimilated and form their own sub-culture that favours sharia law. Germany has imported an army of invaders, deliberately. Notice how they are all single, military age men. The real objective is to replace the native population and to build some sort of Utopian globalist society in place of the old Europe. In reality it will just turn into a cross between a third-world hellhole and dystopian technocratic surveillance state that benefit only the elites who run things. The German working-class will be eliminated. Conservativism is about upholding faith, family and country. Germans have reason to be proud of their country, culture and heritage. To throw it away in the space of a couple of generations, to hand it over the barbarians, is insane. It is evil. The CDU politicians should all be arrested for treason and all the invaders deported. Europe for Europeans.

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It is quite obvious that the political pendulum has swung too far to the left both in Europe and in Canada. People are sick of political sycophants imposing harmful and deviant ideologies on society all in the name of inclusion or more accurately, delusion. The glad handing must stop and reason and commonsense must prevail. It is a little premature for Germany to adopt the iconic Cabaret song, "Tomorrow Belongs To Me" as a national anthem but saying, "Auf Wiedersehen" to outright stupidity would be more than timely.

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Why did the USA Administration ‘broker’ a ‘peace settlement’ in Gaza that favours IRAN?

World (Trade) War 3 is ABOUT to HAPPEN


Tariff $ accrue to domestic governments to begin with but the costs are impinged upon consumers in all ‘competing’ countries. Prices increase for imported goods, sales slump, Supply chains are destroyed, goods are cut off, shortages occur, prices skyrocket, deprivation occurs in industry and jobs are lost or suspended, contracts are cancelled, supply stops, demand cannot be met because trade stops, tariffs are therefore not collected, domestic GDP falls because production and sales stop, taxes are not collected, governments are deprived of normal tax revenues and can’t meet own budgets, all social payments like pensions and social payments stop. Governments fall, health care systems and education crumble, all government operations cease to provide for citizens, EVERYTHING STOPS

Domestic industries cannot always be re-tooled quickly to allow countries to Buy (Home) goods so the Promise of ‘independence’ for domestic economies is a ‘lie’ that will never come true.

A tariff or world trade ‘war’ would put the everyday people 🌎 in very deep trouble all around the 🌍 world

Too much of the world’s capital is ‘invested’ in crypto - which has always been a Ponzi scheme at heart - and produces nothing in terms of real goods and services for the world relative to what is invested instead of being invested in industry and companies that ‘produce’ goods and services

If crypto fails, and it will if big rich ‘investors’ start withdrawing their capital trillions and trillions upon trillions (quadrillions) will be lost disappearing into cyberspace

THE WORLD is in trouble because of what is threatening - TARIFFS - a domino effect would occur around the world as countries try to ‘protect’ themselves with escalating competing tariffs that only drive their own economies downwards

The rich are in power - and the rest of the world would be poor in many ways, not just monetarily - the New World Order is about to take over.

This is George Orwell’s “1984” about to happen.

3 Superpowers ran the World of “1984”

A world of destitution, privation, and persecution at the hands of the “thought police”. People are being jailed for their opinions. That is already happening in the UK. The “Online Harms Act” is ready to go in Canada. Virtually the whole world is online and trackable and traceable. The Police are showing up at people’s doors in the UK for criticisms of the Labour Party and assorted online ‘aggressions’ for ‘words’ on Facebook. The world is ready to crumble at the hands of its own governments.

The ‘Axis of Evil’ is massive and it’s growing rapidly.

Government Tariffs are going to reduce the world to poverty. Oppressive governments are in power. This is the ‘New World Order’ about to happen. Look at who’s in charge. Look at the Administration. If you can’t see it coming, you’re looking backwards. The world is about to crash. This is a revolution. This is a coup not of revolutionaries over governments, but by governments over their own people. It’s already happening. The coup de grace is coming. Soon.

Money and Power make the world go around. Power is in the hands of very few. Absolute Power corrupts Absolutely. The World is Corrupt because the Rich and Powerful are in charge Not the people.

Covid was a cakewalk. No Failure of Imagination.

This is the time. Misinformation and Disinformation is Rampant. The Mainstream Media is largely a Propaganda Machine. The Internet is a Weapon. What’s real and what’s not real? Look at what’s happening all around the world. Look at recent events. Link them together, they’re not isolated. Look at a world map. Connect the Dots. Look at what’s happening day after day. Do you think they care about you? Your family? Your kids? Your Life? I’m not afraid. I’m warning all of you. You should be afraid of what’s happening. The Revolutionaries are already in charge - All around the world 🌍 🌎

Forget the Past Look at the Present See the Future

The RICH and POWERFUL remain in power and and the WHOLE REST of the WORLD is POOR, not just monetarily, but in terms of everything that they can’t get their hands on in economies that are downsized to the bare minimum - complete control all around the world. ‘One World’ is a poor world.


This is the ‘Project’ of the “New World Order”

WW3 ‘Trade War’ Begins with Tariffs

Protest Tariffs in any country you live in.

Share. Restack, Restack and Restack


AND IF I’m wrong, and worldwide tariffs are halted, the world remains as it is. Nothing happens. For now. The world just continues on the lunatical path it is already on.

What if I’m right?

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Marxists fail upward, because they do not work for you, they work for the comrades, and did a good communist work:


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The issue in the USA and Europe is immigration including those from the class of migrant, refugee. It is overwhelmingly from nations that are not democratic and some of those who come in make a point of not integrating. Not “assimilating” but not even integrating — as well as tearing down (frequently literally) icons of western culture. I believe that was the final straw across the western world. Even in Canada where folks will absorb many punches before responding.

The problem is how to do so. Electing Trump again is a mistake since he will “help” with the migrant issue but has far more important aspects to consider in his mind related to vengeance, the first target being Ukraine whose problems for him into his first impeachment and who uses “let us stop the wars” as a mantra to put it to Zelenskyy. As well we need to watch how nasty the anti-woke work is as it will eventually rebound. Of that you can be sure.

Bottom line: being right wing does need to include all the nations’ various assholes or thugs or not-too-bright chaps. As long as it does it will remain illegitimate in the eyes of moderates.

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