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A friend who is a subscriber to C2C Journal sent me this James Pew essay 4 days ago. I not only read it, I printed it out and have come back to it with red pencil many times. I was struck by the depth and significance of the research assembled to show just how embedded is this invasion into the public education systems. That is, in Pew’s words: “The job of children, then, is no longer to absorb knowledge and wisdom accumulated through the ages, but to upend the civilization bequeathed to them.” That is, “Transforming Children” as in the title of his essay!

What struck me further — as I kept gardening and pondering (I’m in my slow 80s) — is just how oblivious (unaware, unconcerned) is the general public to this ominous future. We had the Million Marches 4 Children last fall, which on a small scale indicated some small sensitivity to the issues, but how will there ever be a correction to this ongoing, calculated incursion?

This piece by James Pew, while profound, is not constructed to speak to the sensitivities of the general public. We do have three provincial elections this Fall (BC, NB, SK) and I’m aware that the BC Conserevative Party Platform has this on education: Remove Ideology from the Classroom. Politicians, as in Florida, can make a big difference and need to get to know the issues.

Meanwhile, I’m reading this excellent book, NextGen Marxism, and bring forward this quote to show some flavor of how just how long these goals to upend society have prevailed. About Hungary, 1919 . . .

Pg 80-81 — “As culture and education commissar, Lukacs realized that the best way to destroy society — so communists could implement the change they lusted after — was to destroy the family.  He therefore ordered that young schoolchildren in the new Hungary be taught sexual perversions.  According to his biographer, 

      'special lectures were organized in schools and literature printed and distributed to 'instruct' children about free love, about the nature of sexual intercourse, about the archaic nature of bourgeois family codes, about the outdatedness of monogamy, and the irrelevance of religions, which deprives man of all pleasure. Children were urged thus to reject and deride paternal authority and the authority of the church, and to ignore precepts of morality.' “

Looking forward to more in the series . . .

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