This did not happen overnight but has been helped along greatly by our milk toast education minister LECCE who has failed to do his job, the premier our friend DOUGIE has also let us down and we thought the lesbian premier was bad enough !! Who I ask has the testicles to do the bloody job right, anyone?
As far as salary goes give your head a shake Ontario teachers are the highest paid in the world and if their gold plated pension is suffering then its their own fault, they invest their own money but rumour has it they lost a boatload by investing in China, tough titty.
The problems in our schools are all the fault of the woke left leadership who dumb down our classes for 3rd world children and they are too caught up in trying to teach queer theory and transgender, and stop beating the Indian theory on genocide and land claims which are bloody ridiculous.
In all you have encouraged violence in all our schools for many years now, so you made your bed so now sleep in it you get 0 sympathy from me and MOST parents.
They say, “Those who can’t do, teach.” I say, “Those who can’t teach, become school administrators. Don’t blame (all) teachers, blame the created dysfunctional system, and the virtual signalling hypocrites who went along with it.
Teachers are paid ten thousand dollars per month worked for a 5.5 hour day. That's grossly overpaid, for what amounts to daycare and socialist indoctrination. Give teachers the authority to punish and expel unruly students, and have them criminally charged for any assault or property damage, and their parents, and things will change.
Although I am not in favour of what is going on at our schools, I need to make a few correction here:
1-even the highest paid teachers do NOT get paid 10 thousand dollars per month.
2-the work is NOT 5.5 hours a day. Many work long hours, either at school, at home or one the weekends, during the breaks, etc. And they take courses, and prepare for the following year- of course like any other profession, there are always those lazy teachers who get away with doing almost nothing.
3-teachers HAVE the authority to enforce discipline even though the system does not want them to. They are responsible for managing their own classrooms and should assert their authority when necessary. Granted in this climate, it is more than hard, but it is better than not doing it. They just need the guts, energy, and stamina to do so.
Where do teachers make 10,000 per month? I work an educator and so is my husband and together we don't make this amount....... just so you know, the curriculum is set by the province and the policy and student expectations are set by the school district and the school essence, teachers are just slaves to the system..... they do as they are told and teach to the IRPs given to them based on their grades....resources have to be approved and report cards are read by the admin before they can be given to the students..... teachers also don't work 5.5 hours a day..... they get to school well before the students and are usually there until 4 or 5pm, marking and prepping for the next day or week.....teachers do use their own money to buy things for the classroom, treats for the kids and some supplies are not provided by the school.....
Every country outside of Canada and the USA loves to see how corrupted our education systems have fallen to a zero level! One only needs to witness the Pro-Palestinian protests and riots in many Universities throughout our countries! Plus the fact that no one wants to teach DEI students that think they should pass just for being there! Honour and respect is at an all time low for Good Qualified teachers and professors that get cancelled for using the wrong pronouns! Where did we all fall off the rails! Oh yea! The WOKE MARXIST MOVEMENT OUT TO DESTROY NORTH AMERICA ! While other countries surpass our educational institutions year by year! Yes we are the laughing stock of Nations on the World Stage under Trudeau and Biden! Wake up call number one million!!!!
Not for the first time Robert Conquest's third law comes to mind: "the simplest way to explain the behavior of any bureaucratic organization is to assume that it is controlled by a cabal of its enemies"
The intense hostility of K-12 education bureaucrats to student learning is matched only by the intense hostility of higher ed bureaucrats to the pursuit of knowledge.
Fyodor Dostoevsky: "I saw clear as daylight how strange it is that not a single person living in this mad world has had the daring to go straight for it all and send it flying to the devil!"
Agreed, you had me until “teachers don’t get paid enough”. Teachers in Ontario have the ultimate power - even to the point of enforcing new lockdowns during the pandemic (sending our indoor kids shoes home with test kits “just in case” 🙄 was not predictive, they knew that they weren’t coming back). We’ve just hit that interesting point in their Communist reign when the beast is eating itself: the workers have all stepped on each other in some way to reach a higher tier by no merit of their own, at the cost of the children (who are not all autistic / trans / racially profiled by the way) and now go after each other, and want the public to feel empathy for them? - well, you made your bed, got comfy in it, and are now living the nightmare you created, tough.. I pulled my kids out of the system once they flew the pride flag, and 4 months later, the man that was going to be my daughter’s elementary teacher got arrested for child luring, porn. I’m honestly surprised they didn’t shuffle him to an administrative position at the school board - that’s generally the “punishment” for bad eggs. Feels like the five-and-dime store went out of business and we’re watching a mob of teachers and administrative staff loot it for all it’s worth before there’s nothing left. The system needs to fall, like babel, before more kids get ruined forever.
This did not happen overnight but has been helped along greatly by our milk toast education minister LECCE who has failed to do his job, the premier our friend DOUGIE has also let us down and we thought the lesbian premier was bad enough !! Who I ask has the testicles to do the bloody job right, anyone?
As far as salary goes give your head a shake Ontario teachers are the highest paid in the world and if their gold plated pension is suffering then its their own fault, they invest their own money but rumour has it they lost a boatload by investing in China, tough titty.
The problems in our schools are all the fault of the woke left leadership who dumb down our classes for 3rd world children and they are too caught up in trying to teach queer theory and transgender, and stop beating the Indian theory on genocide and land claims which are bloody ridiculous.
In all you have encouraged violence in all our schools for many years now, so you made your bed so now sleep in it you get 0 sympathy from me and MOST parents.
They say, “Those who can’t do, teach.” I say, “Those who can’t teach, become school administrators. Don’t blame (all) teachers, blame the created dysfunctional system, and the virtual signalling hypocrites who went along with it.
Administrators are the spineless who have for decades changed marks and followed what helicopter parents demand.
Teachers are paid ten thousand dollars per month worked for a 5.5 hour day. That's grossly overpaid, for what amounts to daycare and socialist indoctrination. Give teachers the authority to punish and expel unruly students, and have them criminally charged for any assault or property damage, and their parents, and things will change.
Although I am not in favour of what is going on at our schools, I need to make a few correction here:
1-even the highest paid teachers do NOT get paid 10 thousand dollars per month.
2-the work is NOT 5.5 hours a day. Many work long hours, either at school, at home or one the weekends, during the breaks, etc. And they take courses, and prepare for the following year- of course like any other profession, there are always those lazy teachers who get away with doing almost nothing.
3-teachers HAVE the authority to enforce discipline even though the system does not want them to. They are responsible for managing their own classrooms and should assert their authority when necessary. Granted in this climate, it is more than hard, but it is better than not doing it. They just need the guts, energy, and stamina to do so.
Where do teachers make 10,000 per month? I work an educator and so is my husband and together we don't make this amount....... just so you know, the curriculum is set by the province and the policy and student expectations are set by the school district and the school essence, teachers are just slaves to the system..... they do as they are told and teach to the IRPs given to them based on their grades....resources have to be approved and report cards are read by the admin before they can be given to the students..... teachers also don't work 5.5 hours a day..... they get to school well before the students and are usually there until 4 or 5pm, marking and prepping for the next day or week.....teachers do use their own money to buy things for the classroom, treats for the kids and some supplies are not provided by the school.....
Every country outside of Canada and the USA loves to see how corrupted our education systems have fallen to a zero level! One only needs to witness the Pro-Palestinian protests and riots in many Universities throughout our countries! Plus the fact that no one wants to teach DEI students that think they should pass just for being there! Honour and respect is at an all time low for Good Qualified teachers and professors that get cancelled for using the wrong pronouns! Where did we all fall off the rails! Oh yea! The WOKE MARXIST MOVEMENT OUT TO DESTROY NORTH AMERICA ! While other countries surpass our educational institutions year by year! Yes we are the laughing stock of Nations on the World Stage under Trudeau and Biden! Wake up call number one million!!!!
Not for the first time Robert Conquest's third law comes to mind: "the simplest way to explain the behavior of any bureaucratic organization is to assume that it is controlled by a cabal of its enemies"
The intense hostility of K-12 education bureaucrats to student learning is matched only by the intense hostility of higher ed bureaucrats to the pursuit of knowledge.
Fyodor Dostoevsky: "I saw clear as daylight how strange it is that not a single person living in this mad world has had the daring to go straight for it all and send it flying to the devil!"
And this is under a Conservative government. Disgraceful and dangerous.
Imagine the chaos under the ndp ...
Agreed, you had me until “teachers don’t get paid enough”. Teachers in Ontario have the ultimate power - even to the point of enforcing new lockdowns during the pandemic (sending our indoor kids shoes home with test kits “just in case” 🙄 was not predictive, they knew that they weren’t coming back). We’ve just hit that interesting point in their Communist reign when the beast is eating itself: the workers have all stepped on each other in some way to reach a higher tier by no merit of their own, at the cost of the children (who are not all autistic / trans / racially profiled by the way) and now go after each other, and want the public to feel empathy for them? - well, you made your bed, got comfy in it, and are now living the nightmare you created, tough.. I pulled my kids out of the system once they flew the pride flag, and 4 months later, the man that was going to be my daughter’s elementary teacher got arrested for child luring, porn. I’m honestly surprised they didn’t shuffle him to an administrative position at the school board - that’s generally the “punishment” for bad eggs. Feels like the five-and-dime store went out of business and we’re watching a mob of teachers and administrative staff loot it for all it’s worth before there’s nothing left. The system needs to fall, like babel, before more kids get ruined forever.