Far Right Thuggery & Failed Multiculturalism
Far right extremists aren't the only ones noticing that mass immigration is unsustainable and destructive -- the west is balkanizing, and it’s very unsettling!
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(The following article originally appeared on The Cancelled Club Substack.)
By Cheryl Gould
Labour and police spokespersons have made clear they stand with Muslims, and grant no legitimacy to the grievances of majority-white rioters. These rioters began lashing out violently against immigrants (Muslims in particular) after the recent murderous knife attack on a group of young girls in Southport by a black youth. Racial and religious tensions were already running exceedingly high when the attacker struck the kids’ day camp, killing three little girls and injuring many others as well as two teachers. The attack was the proverbial straw that broke the camel’s back.
The youth is apparently not from a Muslim family. His motivation still remains unknown to the public. But a rumour started shortly after the attack that he was Muslim. The rumour was quickly revealed to be false, but the rioters didn’t care. The accused attacker was identified as black, born in the UK to Rwandan immigrants. Those identity markers were adequate to continue fueling rioters, who are mostly lower class white males who feel their nation is under attack by non-white “invaders”. They believe their country is being overtaken by largely hostile foreigners, invited in by a treacherous elite class of globalists serving their own and foreign interests, who use the hard-earned taxes of struggling Brits to house and feed unwanted, unproductive newcomers whose existence in the nation poses a threat to their sisters and daughters, and their bottom line.
The new Labour government has no time for their grievances, and appears to have no intention to reduce (let alone stop) mass immigration into the UK. The standard Labour response to this civil unrest has been to virulently condemn “far right thuggery” and say nothing about the long path that led to this outbreak of violent ethnic conflict.
The grievances of the “far right thugs” are familiar to anyone living in the west, especially anyone who doesn’t merely inhabit a left wing information bubble. Official biases that disadvantage white majority group members in favour of non-whites are now a defining feature of several western nations. They are often called “equity” or “DEI” policies, and are generally justified with vague references to the “systemic white supremacy” that supposedly characterizes all of western civilization, even where equal right protections have been long established and many non-whites have achieved success and integration. As anti-white DEI policy and rhetoric have increased, so have inter-cultural conflicts. The growing lack of trust in the impartiality of authorities has become a seriously destabilizing force in many formerly peaceful western societies.
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Kier Starmer vowed to defend Muslim communities from the violent conflict that has erupted, even as Muslim Defense League groups show up in the streets brandishing weapons and opportunistically attacking lone white people. He has shown deep antagonism and total disregard for the long-simmering resentment and frustration of non-Muslim Brits. He does not acknowledge the social and economic degradations related to mass immigration and Islamization.
The failure of multiculturalism and mass immigration to the west has been acknowledged by prominent leftist and centrist leaders such Angela Merkel, John Howard, Emmanuel Macron. Decrying the negative affects of mass immigration and lack of assimilation/outright hostility of Islamists isn’t exclusive to “far right extremists”, but you wouldn’t know that by listening to Labour in the UK, or the Liberals in Canada, or the Democrats in the USA. The west is “balkanizing” and this is proving very unsettling and distressing to people from across the political spectrum.
Canadian streets aren't exactly breaking out in tribal warfare yet, but similar problems exist here as in the UK. Violence is brewing. Antisemitic attacks are common since the Oct 7 massacre started the war in Gaza. Anti-Islamic sentiment is also running high as many people are repulsed by large groups of Islamists and leftists in our streets chanting for "global intifada" and the eradication of Israel.
Canada is far less densely populated than the UK. I actually find it a bit astonishing that "tribal warfare" didn't break out sooner on that densely populated island due to anger over the industrial scale sex trafficking of white girls by Muslim gangs. The Brits have long fuses.
The UK riots are exposing the danger of normalizing two-tier justice and policies that favour and coddle refugee and minority groups. Natives and more established, well-integrated immigrant groups are noticing their interests are going overlooked, their voices are being silenced, and their taxes are going to causes they didn't (and wouldn't) choose.
Many of us who are of a certain vintage (I am 55) barely recognize the societies we grew up in. Radical change has been forced on us in a top-down manner due to mass immigration, which has dramatically degraded social cohesion and civil society. The social contract is broken.
People vehemently resent paying taxes that go to funding "migrant invasions" of mostly fighting age men from anti-western cultures, many of whom are contributing to rising rates of violence and other social problems.
Western populations are beginning to collectively snap after decades of frustration with governments facilitating mass importation of foreigners who are dramatically changing their societies. Millions of migrants keep showing up uninvited from far-flung places, and often appear to receive better welfare benefits than citizens. The rioters in the UK have attacked “migrant hotels” because they are LIVID that UK tax dollars are used to house asylum seekers in hotels. Canadians are disgruntled because our government likewise spends untold millions paying for the keep of asylum seekers while citizens struggle with soaring prices and interest rates, and a tanking job market. No populace would EVER vote for such a system, and yet here we are, being forced not only to take it, but to shut up about it.
Any fool can see that western asylum and welfare systems are clearly no longer fit for purpose, and are being massively exploited by opportunistic economic migrants and criminals, including terrorists. This is obviously not a “far right extremist” conspiracy theory, but left wing and globalist parties will nonetheless try to gaslight the public into thinking so. They point fingers at the likes of Nigel Farage and Tommy Robinson, always shooting messengers, never facing or solving the real problems.
Where data exists, the evidence shows that certain ethnic and religious identity groups engage in criminal activity at higher rates than other groups, particularly activity that is violent and/or sexual in nature. When that rape and murder is inter-tribal, it will cause inter-tribal violence writ large. That is just the way of nature.
Plus, people the world over know full well that Muslim-majority nations don't provide safe havens for Jews, Christians, Hindus, atheists, and so on. On the contrary, Muslim-majority nations have poor reputations due to copious evidence of unequal and often downright hostile treatment of minority groups. It is not illogical for westerners to worry about rising Islamism and Islamization of their societies.
Anyone inclined to reasoned analysis can see why mass immigration, Islamism, and Islamization have become contentious issues in all western nations whose leaders have signed on to the globalist agenda. Like other globalist and left wing leaders across the world, the current UK leadership has only this to say: the only problem we face is “far right thuggery”. This blanket condemnation is always followed by threatening language about applying the full force of the law to every street rioter and online cheerleader.
This response is not good enough for anyone even slightly right of centre, and perhaps not even good enough for most centrists, either. OF COURSE this is the kind of response that will only serve to fan the flames. We thought leftists understood this, since social justice and righteous rage were principles that led them to accept and even celebrate unprecedentedly destructive BLM riots of 2020 — even though BLM’s grievances were largely based on lies.
When I heard Starmer’s initial public statements after riots started, my first reaction was “he sounds juvenile, like he's just a moron” because his words were so woefully inadequate for the occasion. It is hard to imagine not having a word of understanding for collective grief and rage over murdered children, a horror that is merely the most recent in a long list of horrors from recent years that people blame on non-white immigrants because they were perpetrated by non-white immigrants.
But of course, Starmer’s words were worse than juvenile and moronic, because unfortunately, he is the nation's leader now. His words were dangerously irresponsible.
Brits — of all races, not just white Brits — responded on social media by expressing their frustrations and asserting their “ordinariness” (and diversity) with the hashtag #FarRightThugsUnite.
The west is “balkanizing” and it’s clearly very unsettling to large numbers of people. And most of these unsettled people are beyond sick of two-tier policing (especially of speech) which does not reduce crime and reeks of racialization and victim-blaming.
Today on social media, a video is circulating of UK police arresting an older man, presumably white, for committing a “Facebook crime”. The officers arrived at his home to arrest him, telling him that someone was offended by something he posted, and called police. People are watching videos like that one, while the next one in the feed might be one that captures a UK police officer on the street telling a mob of Muslims armed with knives and machetes that the police are on their side, committed to working with them and protecting them.
Anti-white and anti-western rhetoric has been embraced and is now commonly disseminated by most of our institutions. The “systemic violence and oppressiveness” of white people and society is constantly decried, despite the fact that nations built by Europeans fill the ranks of every single index listing the world’s most peaceful nations, and those with the highest quality of life, and greatest social mobility for all.
On the other hand, when Islamic extremists slaughter and rape/enslave people in the name of their religion (as they do pretty much daily, if you zoom out to the global view) we are told it is an "Islamophobic" response to analyze and discuss the reasons why this happens with such frequency in the Islamic world, and what the implications are for western societies and immigration of Muslims into western nations.
We are told it is phobic to criticize Islamic doctrine and cultural norms in response to evidence of systemic and prevalent religiously motivated extremism, violence, and misogyny.
Westerners, especially white westerners, are often punished when we refuse to remain silent. We are at risk if we publicly declare disturbing facts about Islamic extremism, if we openly object to the Islamization of the west via mass migration, if we protest the de facto adoption of blasphemy laws by western leaders, and we expose and condemn the genocidal antisemitism that runs through Islam and is causing instability and wars. For being honest about unsavoury aspects of Islam, you can lose your livelihood. We have NO freedom of conscience or speech when it come to criticism of Islam. We live under de facto blasphemy law, but ONLY for Islam.
Canada’s largest school board banned a visit by a Yazidi woman who endured ISIS sex slavery because her story “fosters Islamophobia”. Nobel Peace Prize winner Nadia Murad was disinvited from a book club speaking engagement by a “progressive” leader determined to shield Islam from scrutiny and judgement.
The same school board also once published in their policy documents a definition for “Islamophobia” that included “criticism of Islamic culture and politics”.
That's how bad it is.
The most violent religion gets the most protections from western governments.
The entire globalist establishment is determined to protect Islam from criticism, and also to continue the mass immigration programs and open borders policies that have weakened western social cohesion and caused increased crime.
Is this avoidance/denial of real harms caused by mass immigration happening because our leaders mistakenly believe that peace in today's multicultural society can only be achieved through censorship and authoritarianism? Advocates of multiculturalism claim censorship, cancel culture mechanisms, and “positive discrimination” against traditionally dominant identity groups are are necessary to achieve safety.
But safety is not increasing with these policies, which have now dominated in nations like the UK and Canada for a decade or more.
In the face of today’s significant increases in tribal conflict and violence, advocates of immigration and multiculturalism are doubling down: their censorship laws, discriminatory DEI policies, and biased two-tier policing practices are becoming increasingly tyrannical. So, we must consider that their resolve is due to motivations or compulsions that are far more sinister than harm reduction and the security of citizens.
Thanks for Reading. For more from this author, read The Professional Regulation of Anti-Woke Satire
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This article by Cheryl Gould is pertinent and golden: “In the face of today’s significant increases in tribal conflict and violence, advocates of immigration and multiculturalism are doubling down: their censorship laws, discriminatory DEI policies, and biased two-tier policing practices are becoming increasingly tyrannical.” In schools, for example, no criticism of an alien or barbaric culture is permitted, but criticism of Canada is strongly encouraged and praised.
I have read the Gould article a few times. It is brave, well researched, honest and fair in its analysis.
We are in a dangerous phase of human interaction on the planet. We live in a time when mass, human mobility is possible and with it comes the conflict that race,religion,language and cultural practices come into conflict with existing populations. Some countries like Hungary have tightly controlled immigration while others like Canada have ridiculous, open borders. Canada , like England is paying a price for these open-border policies. There are too many people like Trudeau in positions of power at various levels in our provinces; They are destroying our schools and weakening our economy and causing hard-working Canadian taxpayers to become poorer by the day supporting these idiotic government policies. Sadly, the end result is anarchy. Already ,even Mr. Poilievre is talking about adopting Trudeau's 'Nation to Nation' relationship with the Indians. Sooner rather than later Canadian taxpayers will have had enough ,however, the remedy will ,I am afraid, be typically violent. The person who said 'Canada is a wonderful country run by lunatics' was dead on the mark. Truly a sad story.