This article by Cheryl Gould is pertinent and golden: “In the face of today’s significant increases in tribal conflict and violence, advocates of immigration and multiculturalism are doubling down: their censorship laws, discriminatory DEI policies, and biased two-tier policing practices are becoming increasingly tyrannical.” In schools, for example, no criticism of an alien or barbaric culture is permitted, but criticism of Canada is strongly encouraged and praised.

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I have read the Gould article a few times. It is brave, well researched, honest and fair in its analysis.

We are in a dangerous phase of human interaction on the planet. We live in a time when mass, human mobility is possible and with it comes the conflict that race,religion,language and cultural practices come into conflict with existing populations. Some countries like Hungary have tightly controlled immigration while others like Canada have ridiculous, open borders. Canada , like England is paying a price for these open-border policies. There are too many people like Trudeau in positions of power at various levels in our provinces; They are destroying our schools and weakening our economy and causing hard-working Canadian taxpayers to become poorer by the day supporting these idiotic government policies. Sadly, the end result is anarchy. Already ,even Mr. Poilievre is talking about adopting Trudeau's 'Nation to Nation' relationship with the Indians. Sooner rather than later Canadian taxpayers will have had enough ,however, the remedy will ,I am afraid, be typically violent. The person who said 'Canada is a wonderful country run by lunatics' was dead on the mark. Truly a sad story.

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Muslims are the worst though.

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There are many clever ideas presented in these comments. One point seems to be missing or avoided;

These Muslim masses of immigrants come with their religion that soon creates mosques and private ,religious schools etc. and in many cases they become the local government or an aggressive part of it. The main Muslim thesis is a world government of Muslims.....their idea of paradise on Earth. (My idea of hell on Earth) Wouldn't it be more logical for them to stay in their homelands and create that paradise where they were born and raised. I prefer they just leave me alone. I don't want neighbors who openly think if one of them breaks with their Muslim faith they should be murdered! Over 70% of Egyptian Muslims voted for that barbaric idea not so long ago......and this from amongst a so-called well-educated industrial/commercial society. Canada needs to wake up.

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British Jews are pretty unhappy with the UK Muslims too.

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The biggest problem in Canada today is the two-tier policing bought to us by Trudeau and his traitorous crew of bobblehead fools and the start of a two-tier Justice system by renegade Judges appointed by him with obvious liberal leftist views this of course has been followed up by repeated thefts of huge sums of money by fraudulent means and heaping onerous debt caused by overspending outright fraud and corrupt practices. Add to that the infiltration of our own parliament with chinese spies and other deplorable types whose main interest is also anything other than ours and in fact borders on direct harm to our Canadian ways.

Mainstream news ie CBC, CTV, Global etc are bought and paid for just like the RCMP, Toronto Police Force, Doug Ford and God knows how many others all under the thumb of that marxist despotic idiot in Ottawa. Small wonder people are dispirited out of money and work relying on food banks unable to get ahead while this asshat brings in millions upon millions of uneducated 3rd world nincompoops that are nothing other than a huge burden on the poor suffering tax payers.

There we have it with inflation running wild, housing out of reach for anyone other than the super rich, crime running rampant and ignorant 3rd world creatures shitting in public al, over Ontario.

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There is nothing worse than white people peddling this anti-white nonsense. Sickens me to the core. They scoff at those whites who are struggling to get by, reminding them that migrants get the cheap housing, so what are YOU going to do, you loser...

These people are EVIL. The very definition of it.

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The motivation or compulsion at work in the progressive political elite may be that tribal divisions can be used to justify authoritarianism and a strong internal security state.

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Unfortunately Canada and too many Western countries are being run by cliques that do not care what the average citizen thinks or wants.

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There is much truth in what has been written here.

To refer to these British riots which may well have been incited from British far-left social media- yet to be substantiated. It would seem that Social media in Britain, were quick to spread a rumour about the name of a supposed perpetrator of this horrendous act. But that does not give carte blanch to demand more censorship and laws against free speech on social network platforms- which no doubt will follow - nor extra harsh treatment for a "perceived" threat, termed "the far right."

The articles appearing in MSM in Britain, and echoed here, have spawned the misconception that the insinuation is that the majority, if not all of those involved in the rioting, were on account of “far right” thugs and undesirables and these unsubstantiated accusations are again copied here in this article. However, the articles not appearing in the MSM in Britain nor here in Canada, with the exception of articles like this one, analyse this out bust of rioting as no doubt including a few miscreants holding far right-wing beliefs.

What we’re witnessing here in Britain, is a “class war”, fanned by identity politics of the left, and as per usual the Establishment don’t like the idea of the grubby working class having a voice and must therefore be “dealt with” by physical force, by smear campaigns, and ultimately imprisonment. But more to the point that these articles- not published in British MSM – describe these riots as not being on account of “far right” thugs and undesirables. Far from it.

Not quite yet here in Canada but present in Britain it is interesting how there’s a “Muslim Council of Great Britain” but nothing for ordinary, white working class (and underclass) British people. According to ‘Social Mobility Barometer – GOV.UK’, “nearly half of all Brits (49%) consider themselves working class” most of which are white working class (and underclass). Yes, in Britain there’s local councils and of course national parties, but nothing that truly represents The white working class (and underclass) English. Their opponents now term them “the far right” a label being banded in the MSM, and by the ever-increasing distance from the populace by the ruling classes.

The English, and in particular the English working class (and underclass) now have increasingly dwindling representation, which is true here in Canada. The English, and in particular the English working class (and underclass) are becoming marginalised and discriminated against in nearly every facet of daily life, but there is no one there to look after their interests or defend their corner. The political elite politicians in Canada have turned its back on the Canadian working class (and underclass), as it seems all the Liberals and the NDP here in Canada that decades ago used to represent the same people it now truly despises.

And yet the working and underclass of Canada like the English, and in particular the English working class (and underclass) are told to not look back in anger and put up with it because the “elites” know what’s best. No doubt yet to come will be In keeping with what those on the left of the political spectrum always do; use these riotous incidences , to scream for “more censorship, more harsh punishments” on a perceived enemy – Nazi’s and the extreme right as Trudeau did in confrontation with the Truckers demonstration.

So, it’s complicated, and MSM has again failed us hoi polloi to present a balanced account of not just what they want us hoi polloi to see on broadcasts and in NEWS papers of the MSM, and that is why we read “Woke Watch" and other such excellent writers on Substack and other independent NEWS sources , from which these comments are taken. It is always good to get a balanced view. 😐

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When my wife's family immigrated to Canada from Holland after WWII, they had to have a reliable sponsor. Has this requirement lapsed. How are all these immigrants allowed to enter Canada in mass, particularly those lacking hygiene standards and use our beaches as toilets. Right, I forgot, we are in the era of open doors and diversity. What a pity.

They tell us that "Pity is akin to Love;" if so, Pity must be a poor relation.

Arthur Helps

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The whales do it and all the other beautiful creatures.

Stop and think before disrupting the love flow

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Good Morning,

Its 7:40 am tada woke time ,lets get the chores done and stop worrying so much.

Libs have our backs ,going stronger everyday.

Workout the body, keep busy

No cheers today as been on almond oat milk for 30 years

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Its undercontrol by authority and is a small minority of losers who fail to see the advantages of democracy.

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