What a load of drivel, nonsense, racist constructed by black teachers, Principles and School board in Toronto. The authors as follows are described as follows (Please note this is self described by THEM.

Kusloom Anwar self describes as a Hip Hop teacher, I would suggest she stick to classroom dance lessons only.

Ramon San Vincente a Principle a passionate Unlearner (whatever that is? also into Hip Hop (how did this person obtain Principle status? He quite obviously is a Marxist.

Salima Kassam self describes as a DREAMER? another Principle

Jay Williams yet another Hip Hop expert and Principle whose sole focus is on BLACKS ONLY! T.D.S.B

They all subscribe to anti racism, systematic disparities and prejudices BUT this is quite obviously reverse discrination towards white Canadians. What is next in line for this board to hire teachers ? Voodoo teachers !

These hateful people are in charge of teaching YOUR children in Toronto I would bet that there are numerous Liberal and NDP members of parliament at both Federal & Provincial level having wet dreams over this.

I have mentioned before that if you wish to see the very worst racism in Toronto go visit the Black ghetto like housing in the Jane Finch area but let me caution you if white you will be risking your life by doing so.

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I wrote every tdsb trust, my MP and Mr Lecce and Mr Ford.

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I always thought politicians were supposed to keep systems we rely on operating, and teachers to help kids read and add/subtract numbers. So sad these activists get paid to lecture, divide, and dumb down the masses.

Read the article Lifeboat Ethics, from the 70’s, as it’s now coming true. The boat is leaking more than ever!

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I have sent the following letter to the OCDSB, with cc to all Trustees and Lecce:

Dear Director Buffone,

It has recently come to my attention that the Toronto District School Board

(TDSB) issued (and was then obligated to retract) a teacher-training

document titled *Facilitating Critical Conversations*, circulated by its

Equity, Anti-Racism and Anti-Oppression Division.

Although this document is Copyright TDSB 2024, and was presumably a

semi-private document meant for internal use only, it is now available in

various public fora. You can see it here:

Read the Toronto District School Board’s “Challenging Oppression” guide for

yourself—and our critique - Aristotle Foundation


It is disappointing, to say the least, to see an institution like the TDSB

trafficking in such conspiratorial and radically ideological training

material. For examples of the radical nature of this document, consider the

following extracts from the opening Core Beliefs page of the document:

- Schooling in North America is inherently designed for the benefit of

the dominant culture (i.e., white, middle-upper class, male, Christian,

*cisgender*, heterosexual, able-bodied, *neurotypical*, etc.).

- Education is a *colonial* structure that *centres whiteness* and

*Eurocentricity* and therefore it must be actively *decolonized*.

- *Race matters* - it is a visible and dominant identity factor in

determining peoples’ social, political, economic, and cultural experiences.

- *White Supremacy* is a structural reality that impacts all students

and must be discussed and *dismantled* in classrooms, schools, and


The document is replete with revolutionary language. I have underlined some

of the ideological neologisms in these Core Beliefs that are sourced from

theories of Critical Social Justice.

While it is readily possible to refute the assertions made in these

examples and the document overall, for the sake of brevity I will refrain

from doing so here. Refutations are available by various authors including

those at The Aristotle Foundation link above. What is clear is that this

document is ideologically driven, socially divisive, and explicitly

revolutionary in intent.

Can you please confirm that the OCDSB has not used, and will not use,

similar documents, based on the same ideologically driven agenda, for

employee training?

Thank you. I await your reply.


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Thank you to Marjorie Gann for your input to Mark Milke’s book which I have read and where I learned about you. I have since purchased 5000 Years of Slavery. What a fantastic read! This should be incrementally introduced in students curriculum.

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'the educational system is “inherently designed for the benefit of the dominant culture”'

Scandalous! Surely an educational system should aim to destroy the dominant culture, not benefit it. What has the world come to!

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Xi Van Fleet who survived the Chinese Cultural Revolution is saying that she is now — 50 years later — fighting a SECOND Cultural Revolution in America. See Tucker Carlson interview: https://twitter.com/TuckerCarlson/status/1762249935116963993

Van Fleet says you need to understand before you can effectively fight a looming revolution. She says you need to know both a) the past planning and signs and b) the future outcomes expected. She is speaking out in the US with her book “Mao’s America” about the similarities.

Here in Canada, 10 years ago we had the CBC alert: “‘White privilege’ workshop stirs controversy”: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/white-privilege-workshop-stirs-controversy-1.2794263

Now we have this TDSB initiative, which fortunately has been removed by the Minister of Education, that shows just how much two-way license is at play here: a) the permission and resources provided by the School Board for development of this proposal and b) the audacity and assumption by the authors that their radical proposal would be accepted.

Eric Kaufmann, head of Centre for Heterodox Social Sciences, in an article for the National Post had this statement: “Most don’t fall for woke nonsense – so why does Canadian policy not reflect that?” This was based on his recent report “The Politics of the Culture Wars in Contemporary Canada”.

I’m convinced we are on a very slippery slope to a SECOND cultural revolution. Hopefully, not a violent one! Optimistically, there will be a deluge of letters and actions to stop these kinds of TDSB efforts that the public doesn’t want.

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Excellent. I will be writing the OCDSB this weekend to request confirmation that they are not using similar documents for internal training.

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When Louis Armstrong sang "What a wonderful world" theres a line

They'll learn much more than I'll ever know.

Sad that that's so untrue in Canadastan.

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