I truly sympathize with the injuns as I being born in England had my land stolen from me by the Romans and that was after the bloody Vikings screwed us over after the great genocide of those times but before the great mass immigration of other races over the years.

We the colonials have a knowing passed down to us over thousands of years that we were Royally screwed so just give us our land back plus a few billion $ and we promise to be good as well.

The book "Alice in wonderland" is true, another knowing. yup yup yup.

My wife and I need an all paid expensive retreat I wonder if we could both join the local school board?

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Peter, I will try to start a, "go fund me" campaign with our local school board to give you an all expense paid vacation at the nearest healing lodge that will include not only smudging and Canada bashing but an enjoyable nightly sacred fire.

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I love it!

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Actually the Romans came first and then the Angles and Saxons, and then the Vikings. Then the Normans.

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Premier Ford does indeed dance a little sidestep: “outrage to be focused on a few thousands spent on some senior administration retreats” while ignoring the “brainwashing into far-left ideologies, all of which he has been tacitly supporting for years.” Ford doesn’t understand academic values, and he doesn’t want to take on the woke. His accession to premiership remains undeserved.

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Good article. I want to mention though that I think a lot of the older First Nations, the generation that came after the war for example, they’re not really into the new anti-racist politics. I should look into this more but I get the sense that a lot of it is being pushed by folks who grew up outside of their community or are in some way overcompensating for not really being part of a genuine First Nations community. So, I think there are a lot of people that really believe in Canada and the anthem. I understand the generalization but i think unfortunately everyone is being painted with the same brush. Thanks for your writings!

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I think you’ve hit the nail on the head. That’s what I’ve heard from an emeritus professor at UBC for example. It’s a few Indigenous activists trying to prove how Indigenous they are. Or Leah Gazan, who only has a small portion of ancestry who rails on about injustices her family didn’t experience. These people steer the conversation and manipulate First Nations people who would otherwise get on with their lives. It’s sad for the young people who are perpetually bombarded with divisive and useless political slogans and some who become radicalized as a result.

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While I’m sure that there are some indigenous people who are not on board with this, the majority have a vested interest, in the form of billions of taxpayers dollars, in at least keeping their mouths shut. Having said this, the main drivers of this from where I sit are a few radical indigenous activists, academics of all races ( because they, too, get stepped on if they object), politicians who don’t want to rock the boat, and a general public too “nice” and polite to object.

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The argument over how tax (theft) dollars is spent is akin to which slave master is better. Wake up people.

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As you say, they are tackling A problem, but not THE problem and this is mostly a diversion.

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Exactly. Government IS the problem. Always has been, always will be.

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Well, at least this is an OPPORTUNITY for Ford to take some good action. Those TO school boards are rotten - should be placed under trusteeship.

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Is this what the Zombie apocalypse looks like ?

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