From violent rainbow principals to Trans Vengeance Day to self-harassment while blaming others
A Weekly Report on the Canadian Gender Wars - March 31, 2023 Vol. 9
I’m part of the story this week in the Canadian Gender Wars after making my first delegation before the Ottawa Carleton District School Board (OCDSB). I was granted four minutes to speak about human rights and freedom of expression following the censoring and defamation of an Ottawa parent, Nick Morabito, by the OCDSB on March the 7th and 8th.
Local social justice activists, Sam Hersh, who loves to bask in Ze/Zir’s own self-importance, along with his cronies who all packed their pants and stuffed their shirts, whipped up mob hysteria for the Tuesday School Board meeting with fake accusations of hate and bigotry resulting in at least four verifiable assaults by TRAs against others, including an assault on an elderly man and two minors. One of the assaults appears to have been committed by an elementary school vice principal.

The trans mobs are becoming more and more aggressive around the world, with violence this past weekend in New Zealand where thousands of angry (mostly male) trans activists used the same straw-man excuses to rally the masses as Hersh and his local rainbow brigade use. In NZ they tore down barricades to beat up on women - including a woman nearly eighty, who had her skull fractured after being punched repeatedly by a male activist.
Promotions of an event called, “Trans Day of Vengeance” surfaced online for a rally in front of the Supreme Court of the US in Washington DC scheduled the day after “Trans Day of visibility.” This appears to be a hoax emerging from 4Chan, in an eerie parallel to information warfare tactics used by polarized groups in Germany in the 30s to confuse and discredit each other.
In spite of the discovery that the Trans Day of Vengeance is likely a hoax, (It’s on April Fool’s Day after all) the trans genocide narrative has taken hold within the psyche of the infected mass rainbow movement, and it’s worrisome that this group may now believe that since there is a “trans genocide” happening, that explicit violence is now justifiable.
It’s hard to fathom that anyone could accept the assertion that there is a literal genocide of trans people happening, but then, they insist that biology is a social construction, and men can become women just by saying the magic words. I’m reminded of the Voltaire quote: “Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities”
My studies in social contagion, mass psychosis and pathological narcissism lead me to the sad prediction that we will see a dramatic increase in violence from the trans movement over the coming months. You can see this in action for example, in narcissistic people like Donald Trump on the right, and our local crackpot, OCDSB board member Nili Kaplan-Myrth (NKM) on the left, have no capacity to course correct when caught in outrageous lies. Their only trick is to double-down when they’re cornered, and to escalate their lies and hysteria to even greater levels.
This same phenomenon scales to mass movements and people infected with a mass psychosis. Narcissism at scale is even more dangerous than in individuals with personality disorders because the mass easily spirals out of control, creating feedback loops of escalating violence.
Before this weeks Board Meeting, NKM announced that she had received death threats claiming that if she went to the board meeting she would be killed. Besides censoring delegates to board meetings, and slandering everyone who gives her a side-eye with labels of Transphobic, misogynistic, antisemitic toxic masculinity, she has been claiming for weeks that she has been soliciting sympathy and support with repeated claims she is inundated with overwhelming misogyny-mail.
Someone sent me this Chat GPT analysis of Nili’s tweets on Tuesday. It looked at 5,000 of her tweets, her newspaper op-eds and the death threats, (kind of like a handwriting comparison for language and style), and placed a 90% likelihood that NKM was harassing herself and blaming others. It has since been increased to a 95% probability. Sadly, narcissists, just like a psychotic mass movement, often play the victim to justify bullying others and can unfortunately act out the very things they are claiming to be victims of.
This worries me about Social-hacker Hersh, who founded the local rainbow-jackboot brigade, and participated in whipping up another mob against Chanel Pfahl, Chris Elston and myself in October 2021, when I first stood against the school board wearing a sign on a public street saying, “No Child is Born in the Wrong Body.”

It was nice to be inside the building delivering my message this week but it’s unlikely the functionaries at the school board took much notice. Hersh took the podium to insinuate that even though we were polite, reasonable and seemingly normal, we were most definitely hateful. My detractors will likely say I did it all because of the hate in my heart, for the social media fame and for likes on Facebook.
To be clear, I did it for the kids in the school system and for the parents and to mark a moment in time when the activist board members, and people like Sam Hersh, were warned that their tactics are understood and people are watching.
Thanks for reading. If you missed last weeks Canadian Gender Wars Report read it here, Gender Wars: Canadian Conservatives concerned with trans activists, school social transition polices, and the medicalization of children
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People are indeed taking “notice” of Shannon’s activism. What a great video of his speech at the school board meeting. We all have to become like him and protect children against the unhinged Woke proselytizers and agitators. Stand fast, Shannon!
Academia is obsessed with creating militant critical theorists. In this case it's queer theory, an ideology that is downstream of Marxism.