Gender Wars: Canadian Conservatives concerned with trans activists, school social transition polices, and the medicalization of children
A Weekly Report on the Canadian Gender Wars - March 23, 2023 Vol 8
I’m going to give straight-man instead of funny man schtick this week in the Canadian Gender Wars Report & I’m going to start by sharing some notes from the Canada Strong and Free Network (Formerly The Manning Center) Conference in Ottawa.
The event is being hosted by Jamil Jivani, featuring Tara Henley, Stephen Harper, Preston Manning, Pierre Poilievre and Conrad Black among many presenters and panels. CSFN is Canada’s largest conservative networking event in Canada, attended this year by about 700, and it was great to meet with a bunch of fellow Lighthouse members, some of whom I had not met in real life (and some of whom I have only ever known by pseudonyms).
Big topics of the conference of course are freedom of speech, wokeness, media bias and yesterday the conversation between Stephen Harper and Preston Manning gave attendees some of the thinking behind Conservative plans to become the next government. Manning and Harper outlined the importance of playing the role of opposition party whose sole focus until the writ drops, should be to highlight the deficiencies of the Trudeau Liberals.
Their conversation gave me some hope that there is a strategy in play, and that behind what seems a low-content policy prospectus right now, the Conservatives are preparing their war machine to launch a positive vision and a platform with plans to tackle some some of Canada’s most pressing problems as the next government.
I was at the Harper Reception at a packed local bar Wednesday night where I rubbed shoulders with Andrew Scheer (tall!), his wife (also tall!) and Scott Aitchison, who was polishing the wood with his elbows. Aitchison ate the proverbial shit sandwich this week on “LGBTIQ” issues when he stood in the House of Commons to condemn the government of Uganda, which passed a law declaring the death penalty for homosexuality.
The blow-back many of my gay, lesbian and trans friends have warned about against everyone under the LGBTQIA umbrella because of the toxic woke radical trans activism was obvious. The response to Aitchison, disappointingly from too many on the right, like Chris Elston, was condemnation. On top of the expected attacks from the left, Scott found little sympathy from the right for his statement in the House of Commons.

I’m a member of the Conservative Party (since last year) but my home is a little left of traditional center. I have been networking in Conservative Circles for some time now and one of three things is true: Conservatives are largely inclusive of LGB; they are using virtue signaling to hide the fact that they’re homophobic; or they are fully captured by the woke Rainbow brigade.
Critics aghast that the anti-conversion therapy bill, C-6, represented and passed as C-4 at the end of 2021, sailed into law without criticism from the Conservatives are suspicious. Cons critical of Aitchison are afraid that the CPC is captured by the Trans Activist Agenda and are frustrated at what appears to be complicity by the Tories.
I see no evidence that Aitchison is grandstanding or virtue signaling, posting a picture earlier in his feed of him with a Ugandan man one assumes is gay.
I think that conservatives are largely inclusive of Gays and Lesbians and that Aitchison was acting in good faith in his condemnations of the Ugandan government’s new laws, and he was speaking up for the good people in Canada who are LGB&T who, Radical Activists aside, we should recognize as an important constituency in Canada.
The online comments are worrisome however and give the indication that people on both sides can’t be bothered with any nuance; and it’s troublesome that the general sentiment from GC activist groups, is less forgiving for people under the label, even for those in Uganda where being gay means capital punishment.

I was attending the conference as Executive Director of APISC Digital Research Foundation. (Adolescent Peer Influence and Social Contagion) a non-profit I incorporated last year using A.I. (Meili) to examine the influence of the social contagion of gender online.
Talking to attendees at the conference, I can say with certainty that the trans activist issue, the school social transition polices, and the medicalization of children issue is a concern that is very close to the surface for most Conservatives. Its very close to the surface of biggest concerns. In fact, it’s a concern for most reasonable people from both parties that I talk to.
The current situation and lack of movement I hope and believe, is reflected in the strategy Harper and Manning outlined: Criticize the government liberals as the official opposition. Let the Trudeau Liberal die by their own hand as more and more of their corruption and mistakes are revealed. Give the enemy no opportunity to get purchase with their ad hominem attacks of racism, bigotry, transphobia, and hyperbole, hyperbole, hyperbole. Then run a campaign on vision and opportunity for the working class and the entrepreneurial/professional class.
Let the Liberals look like the liars and bullies they have obviously become, which most people also see, and let them show their lack of integrity on their own without any conservatives becoming side-shows themselves - Stephen Harper was very effective in training this avoidance of side-show social-conservative scandals into the culture of party in his years as PM.
The only question in my mind, though I know Elston would scoff at my faith, or my naivete, is when will Pierre Poilievre state that a woman is an adult human female?
Will it be during an election campaign that is his to lose; or will it be after he is elected the next Prime Minister?
Thanks for reading. If you missed last weeks Canadian Gender Wars Report read it here Gender Wars: Cheers to Psycho Technology - Ottawa Panel Featuring Chocolate Shill and Male-bodied Cancel Cultist announced: "Ask a Woman Anything" AND Rising Voice of Inclusion
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All Canadian Conservatives supported the new conversion therapy for homosexuals, aka Bill C-4. Fuck them.
Poilievre did comment and define a woman!