Gender Wars: Cheers to Psycho Technology - Ottawa Panel Featuring Chocolate Shill and Male-bodied Cancel Cultist announced: "Ask a Woman Anything" AND Rising Voice of Inclusion
A Weekly Report on the Canadian Gender Wars - March 17, 2023 Vol 7
- The sounds Irish, but don’t misnationalize me!A couple weeks ago, in response to a twitter post by fellow Woke Watch Canada contributor Chanel Pfahl about a training for Ottawa teachers on how to deal with anti-trans bigotry and transphobia on March 28th, I suggested online that we should host a parents information session on gender ideology in schools and talk about education policies that demand teachers secretly socially transition kids who question their gender at school on the same evening.
Social transition is the process of changing names, pronouns and dress, and Ottawa teachers from across the region have confirmed independently to me that schools keep complex google docs to help them track the lies they tell to parents about the secret gender identity of their own children at schools. Social Transition is viewed by competent and ethical therapists as a serious psycho-social intervention, but when it comes to the school system, the highly controversial practice falls under the educational rubric of “that which we not allow anyone to ask questions about” along with self-id policies that allow dudes to go into girls changerooms if they say the magic words: “Man, I feel like a woman!”
A fellow thought-criminal and friend, Mia Ashton, gender-beat writer for the Post Millennial, offered to join us in the presentation and we received enough feedback online to save the date. Perhaps not coincidentally this surfaced today, an Ottawa event with Chocolate sensation Fae Johnstone, and Celeste Trianon of Montreal, who spearheaded the recent mobbing of an event that was supposed to host British lawyer, Robert Wintemute, scheduled to speak about trans rights and human rights at McGill earlier this year but for the anti-bullying brigade.
![Twitter avatar for @_CryMiaRiver](
Professor Wintemute, an alumni of McGill and legal expert in human rights was one of the co-authors of the Yogyakarta Principles, a best-practices document created in 2006 by an international working group on sex and gender rights.
Their document is widely referenced in policy documents created by organizations like the Ontario Human Rights Commission in regards to Gender Identity protections, but Wintemute has had a change of heart recently after realizing the negative implications for women, and for gays and lesbians, of the non-binding document which has underpinned trans rights polices and legislation around the world. He started speaking about the unforeseen problems and conflicts arising from the document, but the TRA brigade, in all their maturity, recognizes no do-over provisions.
As is typical of the radical trans activist movement, turncoats are to be destroyed and branded as dangerous, harmful notorious transphobes for raising any questions about the conflicting rights between male-bodied fragile flowers the likes of highly funded Hershey-Squirt, Fae Johnstone, and actual women who Fae prefers to be submissive and demurring, something Fae as a woman, certainly does not do.
I’m old enough to remember getting tarnished online by radical feminists who went through a period of trying to say we live in patriarchal rape culture (baiting) and I was young and dumb enough to say, excuse me, #notallmen. I still haven’t learned to shut up when it comes to engaging with radical ideologues online but I should say more often, that not all trans people are ideological bullies. If fact, many trans people just want to live their lives, uninvolved in politics and generally unnoticed, pretty much like everyone else in the world. Some of us however, suckers for shit and abuse, and stubborn in our principles of truth-telling and standing up for what we believe is right, find ourselves as reluctant public advocates on issues we care about.
I had a great conversation this week along those lines with rising spokesperson for free expression and advocate for open dialogue about trans issues, Julia Malott. Julia is a trans woman who has spoken before school boards recently about the need to listen even if we don’t agree about controversial issues, a lesson school board trustees and teachers could use instead of propaganda training on anti-hate, disbelieving that anyone could have genuine or legitimate concerns about conflicting rights and practices of teachers and administrators in the education system, and assuming instead that all critics have negative and harmful intent: hyperbole, hyperbole, hyperbole.
Julia is speaking about trans issues, doing a takeaway on the claims of activists accusing others of harms of asking questions, and adding a gentle thoughtful perspective that undermines the drawn and brandished swords of radical TRAs (Trans Rights Activists) in the public sphere. Just through her thoughtful speech, Julia demonstrates that the TRAs who claim to speak exclusively for “The Trans Community” are full of Her-She chocolate. Julie is a welcome figure lending her lovely voice to the conversation and I hope to shake hands with her when she visits Ottawa in a few weeks.
![Twitter avatar for @AlottaMalotta](
Julia reminds me of what I so deeply believe, that we engage with people based on how they act towards us. This is how all humans approach potential friendships, collegial relationships and social interactions. If we assume most people are good and kind, we will generally treat most people accordingly. I see Julia in this light and I believe she extends the same hand to me.
If we assume people are manipulative and exploitative and out to cause harm, we will generally treat people according to those beliefs. If we believe that we are persecuted victims, we will generally victimize others before they can victimize us, or we will seek revenge for our perceived victimization. Lau Tzu, (Old Long Ears) is attributed the Chinese Proverb, “He who does not trust must not be trusted.”
All of this says that we generally act and respond to people in the world around us in what looks like the golden rule, or in my opinion more accurately, the golden promise, or a golden observation. It’s a natural law that also informs others how they will and should respond to us. My wife is fond of a version of this, often saying, “We teach people how to treat us.”
Part of the tool kit that we acquired growing up as a species was to not assume hostility from the people we encounter in the world around us but to assume a neutral stance, or even to assume trustworthiness and good faith. University of Toronto Cognitive Scientist, John Vervaeke includes this in his list of psychotechnologies that fueled the axial revolution beginning about 2,500 years ago. Before that, as tribal mankind, we were apt to simply kill strangers who came into our territory because we assumed they were hostile and because we were territorial.
I read about this phenomenon in Jarred Diamond’s terrific book, “The World Until Yesterday - What we Can Learn from Traditional Societies.” Diamond shared anthropological accounts of warfare and tribal practices towards strangers and outsiders in tribal Africa, Papua New Guinea and the Pacific North West of Canada. In the not too distant past, stepping across the wrong path in the jungle was a death sentence.
We might consider the simple handshake as another example of an evolutionary psychotechnology that helped us transcend these kinds of population limiting practices. Originally, extending the hand to other people was a way of extending a guarantee of no harm. A hand extended to another man was a hand that could not reach for the sword, the shake was a mutual custom of making sure any weapons up the sleeve would be shaken out. Another version of this is the act of Cheers (Happy St Patty’s Day friends) Clunking tankards of ale together was a way to make sure no-one would poison you, the beer would all slosh between glasses ensuring everyone was drinking from the same cup. These were gestures and customs of extending neutrality and even ensuring trust between people.
I’m perhaps a bit sentimental this week. We see in the woke, and in the radical gender activists and their minions, the presupposition of hatred, bigotry and even genocidal intent projected upon the world. We see this in the OCDSB training for teachers on how to deal with hatred and transphobia scheduled for the 28th of March; we see the same assumptions framing the panel discussion with Fae Johnstone and Celeste Trianon in Ottawa the same evening. We see it in the institutionalized presumption that parents are unsafe for their own children, and therefore schools must keep secrets to “protect” kids from harm.
These are all examples of bad faith; all examples of a very dangerous regressive fear-based worldview.
This week I am very much inspired by Julia, whose words remind us of the ancient customs of extending trust towards others, in her case by reminding us that presuming harmful intent in the other, and using authority to silence people, degrades the capacity for trust between parties and even guarantees trust is impossible. She does this, not by condemning or mocking the abysmal behaviour of school boards and radical activists who are abusing people into silence, like I am so often prone to do, but by calling for openness and listening with a gentle voice.
Julia Malott is asking us to extend the hand.
Thanks for reading. If you missed last weeks Canadian Gender Wars Report read it here Gender Wars: Trans women are trans women regardless of what Sir Virtue Signals with Blackface says
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Top of the morning Shannon, great article to have my first green beer of the day with, Happy St. Patrick's Day
I sincerely wish Hersheys had chosen Julia Malott as one of their representatives for International Women's Day. There would not be the uproar that there is over Fae Johnstone, who assumes hate, and speaks hate. As Julia points out, respectful dialogue is what is required, and the acceptance of disagreement. Hershey did not do their homework, nor did the Liberal government (again), who gave almost a million dollars to Fae's organization.