Top of the morning Shannon, great article to have my first green beer of the day with, Happy St. Patrick's Day

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I sincerely wish Hersheys had chosen Julia Malott as one of their representatives for International Women's Day. There would not be the uproar that there is over Fae Johnstone, who assumes hate, and speaks hate. As Julia points out, respectful dialogue is what is required, and the acceptance of disagreement. Hershey did not do their homework, nor did the Liberal government (again), who gave almost a million dollars to Fae's organization.

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The problem with the above-mentioned Golden Rule is that the trust underpinning it has been widely abused as a weapon to disable defenses against institutional colonization & takeover.

We are in the middle of a regime coup & either we knuckle down under 'The New Order', or we stop being 'reasonable' & 'polite' & start to do some serious kicking of ass.

The Woke are not bona fide interlocutors & we have to cease behaving as if they are.

No Pasaran!

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You're right that we have to confront these issues and wake up to the capture of our institutions, but I work in schools in blue state USA, and I believe a lot of hearts and minds can be swayed back to reality. Many social justice warriors are deluded into thinking they're just being "kind" but are not serious revolutionaries. Civil conflict along with climate catastrophes would be a death sentence for our children. I pray that patriotic Canadians and Americans can hold the center.

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Sure, there is still a large van still in the center, but the action isn't being played out in the center, because both at the center & the extremes, The Woke believe that 'the history is in' & they have won its verdict.

And the only way to bust that assumption is to BUST IT, by letting them know that that will only happen over a lot corpses, including your own.

The Romans had a saying to indicate things were not going well for them: The battle came to the triari', who were the older legionaries who formed the rear reserve.

That is where we are now. The Woke have almost completely suborned the institutions of social reproduction & administration & reclaiming that territory is likely going to be 'a very tough business'.

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It is painfully difficult to see the devolution of reason and common sense, in our educational system, relegated to the dust bin of human folly. Robert Ingersoll, the distinguished 19th century American lawyer, writer, and orator during the Golden Age of Free Thought once prophetically wrote, "It is a thousand times better to have common sense without education than to have education without common sense." Experience has now proven him right.

Now, in honor of St. Patrick's Day, a little Irish witticism:

"Wisdom is what makes a poor man a king, a weak person powerful, a good generation of a bad one, a foolish man reasonable."

(Irish Proverb)

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Would love to see how well attended the OCDSB "hate and transphobia" event would be if teachers attended it on their own time. Zero participants is my guess...

Or indeed whether teachers would ever pay out of their own pockets the fees demanded by these speakers in the "trans industry". Nope!

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Most fascinating in the article is how brutal different societies were with each other, for trust in all of humanity was not universal, and perhaps will never be with some people. That shaking hands was a way to ascertain the other person wasn’t armed is new to me.

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Thank you for these wise words!! On the subject of gender ideology and radical activism, HEADS UP about what just happened in Melbourne Oz when accounts claim police let Nazis enter the Let Women Talk rally and basically staged a confrontation with the violently protesting Trans Right Activists who are affiliating with (fronting for?) Antifa anarchists. Portland OR in the US has been rocked by the same type of conflicts between Proud Boys and Antifa. Trans issues are smelling more and more like a proxy for extremist groups, and all this could go south quickly if the provocateurs have their way. Downtown Portland, that formerly beautiful City of Roses where I used to live, has been effectively destroyed and is called "an open air psych ward" since civil conflicts have been allowed to take over. Drag queen story hour may seem absurd but absurdity is the point with anarchists. How better to sow confusion and chaos? Don't underestimate the threat they pose. Somehow this issue must be defused because it's not just going to fade away.

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