Oh, Shannon!

Since our initial encounters at FAIR, I've always admired your determination and strength in persisting with this battle against humanity—a celebrated self-hate beyond imagination. How brave of you to share your experiences, how courageous to stand at the forefront of combating this madness. I cannot imagine what you've endured and continue to go through as the loving dad that you are.

We owe you a gratitude beyond any measure. If not all, most of our beautiful innocent kids are being transitioned one way or another. Either physically or mentally as they are all being indoctrinated by this industry-medical-political-made religion.

Wake up Canada!

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This is worse than a nightmare. Nightmares disappear with the morning sun. Reality doesn't.

“Few people have the imagination for reality.”

― Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

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The only answer to every caring parent out there is to home school, teachers in all schools, school boards and this Government in Canada and leaders in most provinces simply can not be trusted. This is pure evil and this comes from someone who is not in the least religious.

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Shannon writes: “The day she fully embraced the narrative from the gender zealots...any question of her choices meant I hated her, that anything but affirmation meant I denied her existence. That I was participating in the trans genocide.” Underneath grooming, whether race or gender, is an orchestrated hysteria. The woke make young people blind with rage and resentment because their arguments alone would not persuade nobody.

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Mar 9Edited

Jim, did you happen to catch this short CBC video last fall? https://www.cbc.ca/player/play/2271265347814

(It's titled "A candid conversation about transgender rights," which made me think it might present opposing views. It doesn't.) In it a rather surly trans teen declares that parents who hesitate to affirm their child's identity are choosing instead "to hate them."

The kid is asked, “What do you want to say to the people who are protesting [SOGI in schools]?” 'She' responds, “Why? [why protest?] You get one chance to parent this child and you go, no, I’m actually just going to hate them.”

As you point out, a lot of these kids feel obliged to show the world an attitude of rage and resentment. If they're not happy, for ANY reason (i.e., if they're STILL not happy, despite now living as their authentic selves), then obviously it's because the world is so hateful toward them.

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Astounding to read this account of one father's experience--it underscores how utterly abstract the gender proponents are. Critical theory has successfully undermined all meaning of our society--and are now filling in that loss with THEIR meanings. It is the insidious and systematic destruction of the West, and vulnerable teens are just one handy group that has fallen prey to the new system.

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Critical theory, is malignant hysteria.

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absolutely--it presents as uber-logical (fully "theorized"), but is entirely based on total emotional leverage. And that is based on total moral judgement.

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I ache for you, Shannon. Thank you for all that you've done and are doing. I will share this with all the young parents in my extended family -- parents of 4-, 5-, 6-year-olds -- as a forewarning of where this tide is taking us. The mother in me wants to hug you -- AND your daughter, and your son.

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Hard to read, but its now the dark reality. Stay strong Shannon. I have gotten involved in all this because of the obvious injustice you have faced. We will beat this cult, eventually.

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Mar 8Edited

The percentage of those claiming to be transgender is increasing exponentially. The Pew Research group indicates that about 5 per cent of those under 30 now claim to be transgender or non-binary. That's one in twenty. Of those over 30, about 1.6 per cent claim to be transgender. Previous studies from a few years ago indicated 0.33 per cent, that is, 1 in 300 overall made the claim. The estimate of the number of transgender identifying individuals doubled from a few years before, when a survey was done in 2016. Anecdotally, several parents I am acquainted with have daughters or sons who are "transitioning"....probably one in seven...something unheard of ten years ago among anyone I knew.


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Eight years ago a friend's teen children -- a boy and a girl -- both transitioned at roughly the same time, becoming a girl and a boy. She joked that at least she still had one of each. It involved no medicalization at the time, so the harms seemed limited and acceptance (of a social transition) was a reasonable response. Recently one of the pair has adopted a non-binary identity instead, and has had a mastectomy to seal the deal (I guess to show 'their' commitment to being a "neither"). And I've heard of two families in my own kids' circles where such gender swapping has occurred in boy-girl sibling pairs. Could be schools, could be one sibling seeing the 'celebration' and kid-glove treatment of the transitioning one and wanting some of that special attention for themselves. Throw in an increasing number of parents who themselves now identify as trans or queer, and we've really boosted the contagion.

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Mar 8Edited

Contagion is a really good word, as illustrated in your examples. This is tragic, and ten years from now we'll look back at the carnage this caused the same way we look back at various other social contagions....e.g. "What were we thinking?" The problem is, the physical damage has already been done.... a mastectomy to show a commitment to being non-binary, wow, that's sick, and I am not usually a judgemental person. Once you have that surgery, there's no going back, likewise with the long term alterations and damage from the hormone treatments.

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Sick !!!!

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