Lecce is already getting pressure from an advocacy group called Parents as First Educators. They have started a petition to have the Ontario government pass legislation to the effect that parents must be told if their child under 16 is coming out trans at school and changing their name and pronouns. I wrote an article for my Substack, The Intrepid Viking, about Angus Reid survey, and how it has already resulted in some changes around the whole transgender indoctrination in schools.

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Here's hoping Stefanson can use this as a Hail Mary to fend off the awful Wab Kinew.

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Thank you I am sharing with Vancouver Island. #1millionmarch4children https://fb.me/e/94NljobAM


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Nice to have pod casts but prefer to read the text, so please post.

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We are pushing back the mission creep of this illiberal government and it's self-admitted 'alphabet cabinet', (see this Power & Politics piece - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E-Lct4KfXsk) who see themselves as messiahs of prepubescent children they did not produce but wish to claim as their own. Keep up the good fight!

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Any hate-motivated crime is despicable? Why is that? Talk (about taking manipulative language-use seriously) is obviously cheap. If crime is hate-motivated, then what is hate motivated by? Answer: Love. (All passions are rooted in and motivated by love.) So is love-motivated crime despicable too? Maybe it depends on the case in question? And speaking of careful language use, remember 'crime' just means any transgression of some ( quite possibly evil/misguided/unjust) criminal law. Accordingly, some crimes are motivated by love of justice/hatred of injustice. Despicable? Well, go ahead and cast the first stone, hypocrites.

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