Gender Wars: Mob Rules & Revolution or Fair Play - Splashes, Skirmishes & Battles
A Weekly Report on the Canadian Gender Wars - April 14, 2023 Vol 11 Report
- CorrespondentRockets, bombshells, buttery prose and big breakthroughâs in media coverage this week in the Canadian Gender Wars Report. Articles in the National Post, from two Michaels: Michael Higgins and Michael Shellenberger, went back to back on Tuesday and Wednesday about escalating violent extremism from the trans mob.
Rex Murphy, whose voice I can always hear when reading his words, fired salvos in the Epoch Times over attacks on Riley Gaines last week, and BC Nurse, Amy Hamm drops mind-boggling details of the new nurses union contract giving special privileges to minorities, and male access to female spaces.
There was a lot of action on multiple fronts this week as the gender war continues to heat up.
If youâre following reports from the trenches, youâll know that Amy Hamm has been court-martialed by the BC Nurses and Midwives Association. She went through ten days of hearings last fall, with the investigation dragging two years so far, to determine if she should lose her license for saying that biology is real, not while on duty, but while in her civvies. The Kafkaesque trial is expected to resume in October with eight days of hearings scheduled.
Ms. Hamm published a piece on about a new Nurses Union contract that BC nurses are being pressured to sign. The contract gives a special three-week paid leave to people undergoing gender reassignment surgery; gives indigenous people five days off for traditional holidays; and gives men who call themselves women access to female nurses locker rooms. The contract is lucrative otherwise, but comments online suggest that signing away womenâs rights and institutionalizing racial privilege in the contract isnât worth the ink.
BC is a terrifying place that seems to have been fully captured by the woke mobs. In addition to recent violence and Vancouver Policeâs international embarassment, news is that children can sign to change their birth certificate and legal documents to reflect their felt gender. Kids under 19 still require parental consent for this in BC which is a disconnect, since kids who are âdeemed capableâ can access gender affirming medical care without parental permission or knowledge well before that.
Rex Murphy threw water on attacks against swimming rocket Riley Gaines in the Epoch times (behind a paywall) on Wednesday, perhaps because the two Michaels took up all the attention in the National Post. Iâm enjoying my subscription to the Epoch Times and you can get the full article if you grab a 30-day trial. In lieu of that, a little peek behind the lines below. (I hope some day I can write like Murph.)
But the biggest news to me this week is that the National Post put up a headline calling reality-denying radical trans activism a cult, and both Michaels refered to post-war writer/philosopher Eric Hoffer, author of the 1951 analysis of mass psychosis and violent, genocidal mobs, âThe True Believer.â
Hoffer is incredibly quotable and I read him as carefully as I digest the ideas of my favorite eastern philosophers. His words are savory, not like the poetry of Murphy, but like the chewy profundity of Pirsig and the poignant power of Thoreau.
The Fanatic is perpetually incomplete and insecure. He cannot generate self-assurance out of his individual resourcesâout of his rejected selfâbut finds it only by clinging passionately to whatever support he happens to embrace. This passionate attachment is the essence of his blind devotion and religiosity, and he sees in it the source of all virtue and strenght.
(Factors Promoting Self Sacrifice, p.85 - Harper Modern Classic Edition)
Shellenberger: Transgender people should no more be held responsible, as a group, for the actions of a small number of activists, any more than non-trans people should be held responsible for the vast majority of crimes and violence by non-trans people.
But thereâs no doubt that weâve seen an increase in physical violence by trans activists â not all of whom are trans themselves â in recent years, and we should try to understand it in the same way we try to understand violence and radicalization by other social groups.
Riley Gaines made a splash around the world last week and gained more than 400,000 followers on Twitter since the attacks on her in San Francisco. Sheâs someone who people admire and identify with and seems especially hard to assail for the woke mob. Sheâs a courageous and dignified champion; a symbol of character who put in the work, and it shows.
The word hero floats around her and we need more heroes to inspire us in this crisis.
Both Michaels reflect what I have been warning about privately for months now (and in this column a few weeks ago). The rising, violent social justice mob is a serious threat - in my opinion perhaps the biggest threat that we have seen since before WWII - and maybe the biggest threat of mass violence weâve ever seen on the continent.
These are the mindless people who call everyone who questions them, hateful racists, misogynists', bigots, colonizers, transphobes etc. They are driven by fear, hatred and unfortunately a type of resentment that has proven over and over in history to be murderous and even genocidal.
They took over Canadian Universities almost a decade ago. Their activists control public education in Canada now, indoctrinating our children with grievance. The same as Chairman Mao did in China with the Red Guard, the same as with the Hitler Youth.
Iâll leave Michael Higgins to finish for us this week because I hope this is not where the war is going:
Where will it end? Who knows, itâs only just begun. Consider the French Revolution. After the storming of the Bastille there was regicide, the guillotine, the Reign of Terror, the Great Terror, the Thermidorian Reaction, the rise of Napoleon, and then the Napoleonic Wars that for 12 years tore apart Europe and killed perhaps six million people before the Little Corporal was toppled.
All started by a mob.
Thanks for reading. Here is last issue in case you missed it - Gender Wars: The macrocosm of abuse
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It is indeed a wonderful thing to behold that off a few people out of the throng of millions who actually have the courage to speak their mind. The sheeple of course will just follow blindly the woke idiots and that is to be expected. I would encourage all men to reach between their legs, tell me please is that a set of testicles you have there sir, if so then act like it be a real man. The women who have children and any maternal instinct no matter how small need to get with the program and protect your children with your life because theirs depends on it.
There, now I feel better, enjoy the day folks.
Yesterday the Vancouver police decided its members must consider ethnicity before handcuffing someone. The Amy Hamm story is similar, as she is against special treatment based on race or deviant sexual transition. What makes Amyâs case singular is her unyielding effrontery toward the woke lunatics who run our institutions. She will hold firm and ultimately win the lengthy inquisitorial examination.