Mind control through paradoxical opposites: How democratic discourse DIEs.

Monoculture is 'Diversity'

Takeover is 'Inclusion'

Minoritarianism is 'Equity'

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There was a time, not that long ago, that commonsense was the compass directing human behavior. Today, common sense has been perverted by glad hand ideology. For those suffering gender confusion the most simple remedy is to look in your underwear, that will determine what washroom you were meant to use.

“Common sense is seeing things as they are; and doing things as they ought to be.”

― Harriet Beecher Stowe

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They are not women!!! They are woe-men! Check their DNA if you don't believe me!

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Any man with a pair of testicles should boot these perverts out of female restrooms. Am I biased you bet your backside I am I do not think that the men would have an issue with a female going into a mens room not that i would encourage that.

The decision for school boards on this issue should be removed from their woke ideas and given to parents of THAT particular school, majority rules and leave it at that.

As for Mr blackface well we all know that he is a commie pervert and a traitor to boot but I did like his new pictures, cute.

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Love your writing style and very encouraged to hear Muslims as well as many other parents are rising up!

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Awesome article Shannon love the writing, made my day, still smiling, unfortunately the content makes one not want to smile, but I do truly believe the tide it starting to stop and hopefully turn back on these WOKE items we are facing today for our daughters

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I was interested in what you had to say, until you brought up blackface again. Completely lost interest in your article and what you have to say. Do better.

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Trudeau has some kind of mental disorder. Something along the lines of megalomania that's supported by all the sycophants he has as ministers.

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Trudeau is the worst, seriously.

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