My mother would say good riddance to bad rubbish I will add that this jerk has destroyed our education system with his wishy washy woke ideas in fact he holds the prize for the worst education minister world wide. However who is behind this who should pay the price? In my view the crooked money grabbing Premier of Ontario is to blame for not throwing this bum to the curb right from the get go.

Let me be clear I am a Conservative and will vote for them at both the Federal as well as Provinicial election but FORD has to go, we deserve better

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Cheer up. It could get worse........not.

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In all fairness Ford has done a wonderful thing for Ontario and the poor underdog when he gave us a buck a beer for a week or two,

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Is the breakdown in the schools to be blamed on people like Ford and Lecce or are the teachers and administrators mostly responsible? I taught high school and college courses for thirty years and in the last ten or so I would have to blame a lot of the loss of standards on the teachers. Not just on young teachers moving in with their woke attitudes but from established teachers who gave up trying to maintain discipline and academic rigor. But who can blame them? They are challenged by disrespectful students and parents and by an administration that is almost entirely political .... the idea of classroom standards from the 'old school' has become almost a joke.

There is plenty of blame to go around. If I were starting over with my own kids I would look for a private school ....if I could afford it. Sad days for public education and many other things in modern life. People need to keep in mind that half the population is below average when it comes to intelligence.....so maybe we expect too much from the masses. In reality it is only a handful of those in the schools who are going to come to our rescue. They need to be our focus.

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I agree with you case in point my daughter my wife and I spent several years teaching our 2 grandchildren math when we fist noticed that they both were unable to solve simple addition subtraction problems and that was when they reached Grade 9 they attended the Flesherton High School I have very little respect for teachers these days and I doubt that many normal parents do either. Home schooling unless you can afford private school is the way to go.

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I agree with you. I taught math at both high school and college and studied post -grad. math and physics in a great U.S. university. Some of the math, teaching 'methods' that have come out of OISE are really foolish...I would never use them. Also some of the four-year math outlines for grades 9 to 11 are an insult to the intelligence of even the weakest students. One time I had a totally, turned -off grade ten, general level math class and I decided to teach them a mish-mash of everything I could think of from vectors to calculus....just basic ideas. It worked fine but the administration wanted to kill me!.

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I would view this change with guarded optimism. Incompetence is so ingrained in both levels of government that it may simply be a case of being better off with the devil you know than the devil you don't. Doug Ford and the Ontario conservative party are not that much different than Trudeau's liberals. The Ford government gave 60 mil in the past three years and committed another 10 mil this year towards the unmarked graves hoax with a ministerial comment that, "it's the right thing to do and Ontario is leading the rest of Canada in this endeavor." Right, leading is the operative word, right down the rabbit hole.

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"Doug Ford and the Ontario conservative party are not that much different than Trudeau's liberals."

Sad fact.

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Yup old Dougie to busy filling his own pockets at our expense.

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"Doug Ford and the Ontario conservative party are not that much different than Trudeau's liberals."

Sad fact.

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There is an enormous amount wrong with the Ontario public school system. I am not sure how much is Lecce's fault and how much is institutional rot in the ministry and school boards that he was unable to address. These bureaucracies are pretty corrupt and overtaken by activist anon functionaries that are hard to change.

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"You would expect a Conservative government to protect those things, but no- they have handed over control of the education system to activists who..."

Exactly. Hugely disappointing. At a certain point, people will abandon the "conservatives" and form a real conservative party.

Some of those Toronto schoolboards are ndp-captured and lost. They need to be placed under trusteeship.

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The last time there was a PC majority government at Queen's Park was during the Mike Harris days. The teachers unions hated Harris, and spent all of his time in office destabilizing the schools and aggravating parents (thereby sending the message that if parents want their kids in school, vote Liberal). It took a long time for the PC's to return to office. The lesson they took from that was to leave the school system alone to self-destruct. The PC government will advertise their spending on education, but they really don't care IMHO. They know they don't have any support from most public sector employees in the education system, so they don't care what happens to it.

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I almost feel like my daughter and her generation have been sacrificed. They removed traditional math , cursive writing, spelling correctly, and the list goes on. It's astoundingly difficult to undo so much of it as a parent, especially when you get back "You're wrong! That's not how the school does it". And the religious cult they now have, CRT/Gender Ideology. Heaven help you if you are just a straight kid, esp. if you're white. This "public" system needs to be upended, torn down, and rebuilt or there needs to be a better answer. For some, there will be no help, society will pay the price. I keep remembering the quote from Vladimir Lenin: Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted.

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Although the arguments and rationale of the author, whom I hold in high regard, are valid, our issue is far from resolved with this cabinet change. The cynical part of me suspects that things might worsen, as the new minister seems to align with his wife, (Tawnya C. Smith (she/her)) in her approach. Additionally, under the “Progressive” Conservatives of Ontario, everything has already taken a “progressive” turn. One of the warning signs is the bloated government!

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It’s happening through the country not only in Ontario! Come on people wake up as China, Russia, and Europe are all laughing at us for our lack of educational qualifications to get the job done to be competitive in a ruthless world that wants to see us fail!

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