Yesterday, thanks to the investigative journalism of social media influencer Steven Crowder, a leaked copy was released to the public of the manifesto of the deranged maniac known as the Nashville trans school shooter, who killed three children and three school staff at a Christian School in Nashville. In the manifesto we learn that the killer was motivated by the Social Justice narrative which demonizes white Christians for their “privilege” and for the “oppression” their presence in society is deemed to commit against so-called “marginalized identities,” like trans people.
The manifesto had been suppressed from the public for months. Obviously, the activists do not want their Social Justice narrative dismantled. It is the substrate upon which their grift and graft proliferates. In spite of how dangerous and hateful their rhetoric is, and in spite of the fact that it is full of celebrations of hate and violence and overt calls for the same, activists like Pam Palmater (who I covered last week) and Harsha Walia (who I’m covering today) continue to push the limits of their anti-social, divisive, hateful activist propaganda.
Even now, with Jewish and Christian individuals and groups in North America and across Europe increasingly becoming the targets of persecution, hate, vandalism and violence, these activists refuse to pause and reflect, refuse to consider that perhaps they are fomenting discontent in peaceful societies, and in so doing, they are committing an outrageous disservice to their fellow citizens. Which brings us to the focus of today’s comment: Harsha Walia.
Harsha Walia is an infamous Social Justice activist and the former executive director of the British Columbia Civil Liberties Association. Born in Bahrain to parents of Punjabi ancestry, she later immigrated to Vancouver where she had the privilege of studying law at the University of British Columbia. According to her Wikipedia page, Harsha has been “active in migrant justice, Indigenous solidarity, feminist, anti-racist, and anti-capitalist movements for over a decade.”
Like so many other Social Justice Warriors, Harsha, is into identity politics and writes books with wacky titles like Border and Rule: Global Migration, Capitalism, and the Rise of Racist Nationalism (2021), and Never Home: Legislating Discrimination in Canadian Immigration (2015).
Here is a Ted Talk Harsha gave in 2016 about open borders, which demonstrates the extent of her naive cultural relativism, anti-colonialism, racism, and misandry. In her talk, after blaming mostly colonial men for all the ills of the modern world, she asks “we just want to live, why are there borders?” Then goes on to answer, “we don’t actually need borders.”
Harsha, Harsha, Harsha. No borders means we invite the savages in to kill us, and no amount of leftist academic double-speak will ever change that:
It’s worth underlining that Harsha is an immigrant who, although she has taken advantage of many opportunities available in Canada (which led to a level of success many Canadians can only dream of), she ungraciously chooses to make a career out of lecturing Canadians on how awful she thinks they are.
Harsha preaches that ahistorical postcolonial line which simultaneously disrespects and dishonours the founding fathers and the many great statesmen of our nation's history, along with all of the great men and women of past generations who made enormous sacrifices during two world wars, and countless other consequential struggles that culminated into the illustrious nation today’s citizens have been so blessed to inherit. I concur with the reader who may feel that Harsha Walia is an infinitely ungrateful wretch.
But maddeningly, her story doesn’t end with this wretchedness, in fact, it gets worse. The most revolting aspects are revealed in her attention seeking narcissism which compounds with her already mentioned boundless ingratitude. Can the reader imagine a more unlikable combination of character traits?
Harsha sparked controversy in 2021 during a rash of unprecedented anti-Catholic terrorism when dozens of Canadian churches were burned down after the breaking of a sensational story concerning unmarked graves at a former Indian Residential School in Kamloops, B.C. A story that turned out not to be true.
What burned the name of Harsha Walia into the minds of many Canadians was her 2021 call to “burn it all down,” in solidarity with the ant-Catholic arsonists mentioned above. All of this of course contributed to the 260% increase in instances of anti-Catholic hate, as measured by Stats Canada that year. But Harsha claimed she was not calling for more churches to be burned down, no not at all, her idea was simply an innocent call to “dismantle all structures of violence, including the state, settler-colonialism, empire, the border etc."
The controversy was over a tweet (this was before Twitter became X) from Harsha which contained only those four infamous words “Burn it all down.” However, this was not an original source tweet, but Harsha’s added comment to a retweet of an announcement by Vice World News that “Two more Catholic churches have been torched in Canada.” Harsha expects us to believe that she did not intend to imply that more churches should be burned down when she commented, “Burn it all down,” on a news story about torched Catholic churches. Indeed on July 4, 2021, Harsha took to Twitter (now X) to complain about the backlash from Canadians after she had called for the destruction of their churches:
“Locked down my twitter after receiving over 200 trolling messages in response to a tweet one week ago. I've been 'reported' and tagged in to vpd, rcmp, csis, cbsa, employer, provincial and federal govt and w/ dozens of calls for me to be charged for 'terrorism' and 'hate crime.”
Oh, pity Harsha, that must have been terrible for you.
Harsha then goes on to tell of some of the other repercussions she obviously never saw coming after her foul call for violence on Canadian soil:
“I have also received hundreds of racist, misogynist tweets and death threats, like some of these below.”
I’d like to see the receipts and verify they add up to “hundreds,” and are actually “racist, misogynist” etc. The death threats, unfortunately could very well be real, after all, many Canadians were understandably irate at Harsha’s treasonous call, so it is within reason to assume, regrettably, that a few over-zealous patriots may have taken their outrage too far. But again, I would need to see the receipts, because Harsha, who we have established is a dishonest actor, is implying that these threats are in the hundreds. Since I have a zero-tolerance policy around believing people who are full of it, like Harsha, every word she says must be substantiated with evidence or I’ll assume it's either a gross exaggeration or not true at all.
Here is one of the Tweets Harsha supplied as an example of the “hundreds” of “racist, misogynist” replies she received after her call to burn down Canadian churches:
Here is another one:
Harsha, Harsha, Harsha, you are such a disingenuous liar, and you’re not fooling anyone.
Sadly it missed my birthday by mere weeks, but happily, Harsha’s time at the B.C. Civil Liberties Association ended in disgrace on July 16, 2021 with her much-welcomed resignation.
Harsha, Harsha, Harsha, I hope the door didn’t hit your ass on the way out.
Returning to Harsha’s post-“Burn it all down” Twitter thread where she pathetically tries to manipulate and back-peddle:
“First, ‘burn it all down’ is a very common phrase - i.e a call to dismantle all structures of violence including the state, settler-colonialism, empire, the border etc. My twitter (and that of many others, i know) is filled with 'burn it all down' literally every day.”
Ugh…keep talking Harsha, your true colours are shining brightly.
Unbelievably she actually makes it worse. She has no clue when is the right time to stop. She cannot help herself, the awful just flows naturally in an unstoppable torrent of foulness:
“And yes, I do think deadly genocidal colonialism locally and globally needs to collapse.”
“To be clear - none of these overwhelmingly white men trolls are genuinely concerned about such nuances, nor care for justice and reconciliation. And it's *totally* ridiculous to suggest I am actively calling for arson. Like, completely ridiculous.”
She then tells us that she has “been informed there are police complaints being filed against me, which is beyond words.” And then explained that “...cops, Conservatives, Zionists, and right wing pundits piled on with their scores to settle. This is both personal and also a distraction from staying focused on justice and accountability for survivors.”
When Harsha says “survivors,” she is referring to former Indian Residential School students, which of course is meant to imply that the IRS system was a tool of colonial genocide - an inaccuracy Woke Watch Canada readers know is laughably ridiculous, and simply part of the anti-Catholic/Christian hate that Social Justice activists like Harsha promote.
But it should also be clear that Harsha is completely biased and bigoted in the same way all Social Justice Warriors are: she is an antisemite, misandrist, anti-white racist, and an anti-conservative & anti-Christian bigot.
Inconceivably, the story of one of the foulest activists to ever disgrace our great North American nation, gets even worse. How is that possible? Well, after the atrocities committed by the Palestinian terrorist organization, Hamas, on October 7th of this year, which killed 1400 Israelis, Harsha’s open and public descent into depravity at a pro-Palestinian rally shocked even me.
On Oct. 25th veteran Canadian journalist, Terry Glavin, published a piece in the National Post entitled: What we can learn from the obscene celebrations of Hamas brutality. From that piece:
“There comes a point when manic devotion to ‘narrative’ becomes so unhinged from reality, so impervious to the evidence of the real world, that it mutates into a fanaticism that can quickly degenerate into something more closely resembling a dangerous mental illness.”
Terry covers a speech that Harsha gave outside the Vancouver Art Gallery two days after the October 7th massacre. With her voice amplified by megaphone Harsha is heard saying, in reference to the Hamas terrorists who used motorized hang gliders to penetrate Israeli borders in order to commit their atrocities, “How beautiful is the spirit to get free that Palestinians literally learned how to fly on hang gliders”
Here are a few more tidbits from Harsha’s unhinged and antisemitic Social Justice tirade:
“We are gathered here on land stolen by the Canadian colonialist terror state, Canada and Israel are settler colonial projects, we want the land back from Turtle Island to Palestine.”
How can someone be this awful? And shockingly, how could so many people (useful idiots?) who participated in the Palestine rally outside the Vancouver Art Gallery two days after the worst massacre of innocent Jews since the Holocaust, applaud the social justice drivel, the vile antisemitism, and the overt celebration of murderous torture and terror committed by Hamas? It is beyond explanation.
Clearly, it is social agitators like Pam Palmater and Harsha Walia, and so many others I will get to soon, who amplify and disseminate the Social Justice rhetoric that feeds the dangerous narratives that justify the violence and hate. These hateful grifting activists must be stopped.
Thanks for reading. For more from this author, read The YRDSB is a hive of Social Justice activism
Also, for more evidence of the ideological indoctrination in Canadian education, read Yes, schools are indoctrinating kids! And also, What age should kids learn about "felching?"
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James Pew writes about trans shooter “who killed three children and three school staff at a Christian School in Nashville.”
“In the manifesto we learn that the killer was motivated by the Social Justice narrative which demonizes white Christians for their ‘privilege.’”
This is exactly what kids learn in classrooms across Canada. I challenged colleagues and administrators but made no head way with those who had drunk the CRT vitriol.
Why do some hate whites, males, Jews and other groups, and blame them for many of the world's problems?
The same reason that DEI/Critical Race Theory is so popular among some people.
Instead of looking inside yourself for the cause and solution of a person's personal failures and shortcomings it's easier to blame others for your problems.
Then you take no responsibility for your own actions because someone else caused your problems.
You then don't have to take the difficult step of changing yourself to improve.
It's easier to blame other people.