the real crime here is that the people of Canada have been labelled as genocidal towards these people without a defence of any kind supported by this Liberal Government led by Justin Trudeau! Any country in the world that has been accused of genocide has had their day in a court of law, why not Canadians? An accusation was presented publicly by a former judge who happens to over look the “Rule of Law” without an explanation as to why!
And the "real" problem is what, Eh? (You don't have to answer given your post below.). The "real" problem is racism and inequality! Spoken like a true "person of colour" who, like any half-witted Marxist, attributes every problem in the universe to superficial things like colour, status or owned-things. You people must read this young woman --- fracking killed the bison! She's a genius of a moose, eh!
It’s shocking that the RCMP, BC Coroner’s Office, and Ministries of the the Attorney General and Solicitor General are complicit in making sure there is no investigation into 215 alleged murders at a shuttered residential school in Kamloops. It’s a lengthy cover-up to protect Canada’s genocide lie from the public.
Not at all surprising given the kangaroo type court system we are witnessing with the fiasco of a trial by opinion and hearsay in Ottawa re Lich et al which as everyone knows is being lead by the head prosecutor Justin (Blackface) Trudeau. The Indian allegations of genocide rank right up there as far as hearsay and opinion goes being led by virtual witch doctors i.e. truth keepers, what a bad joke one that has cost the taxpayer billions with yet more billions in other baseless claims.
James McCrae, in his articulate article, correctly identifies the prima causa of Canada's most toxic, embarrassing and expensive hoax. The answer to his question is yes, "justice has been obstructed" BIGLEY. Ground zero for this SNAFU begins on June 3rd/2021 during a meeting of the Standing Committee on Indigenous and Northern Affairs attended by all of the usual suspects. Their comments during this meeting are most revealing:
1) Adam van Koeverden: "There have been calls across the country to investigate and search the grounds of every former residential school, and for the forensic work to begin immediately, but there have also been very important calls from indigenous communities that all of this work needs to be community led."
2) Daniel Quan-Watson, Deputy Minister of Crown–Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada:
"I'll just speak quickly to it. Again, there are many living relatives of some of the people who died at these schools—brothers and sisters, nieces, nephews and, in some instances, parents. The idea that the Crown would go in against their wishes to begin work is, I think, something that we would reject outright,"
3) Murray Sinclair: "I got a call early this morning, in fact, saying that the RCMP have now declared that a major investigation is going to occur into the bodies that have been located in Kamloops, and they are now beginning to question those who have made this story available. Unfortunately, in the typical, heavy-handed and ham-handed police way, they are simply intimidating people, rather than helping them "
4) Brenda Lucki, first woman commissioner of the RCMP appointed by Justin Trudeau in 2018: Cancelling an RCMP investigation of this magnitude would not be a local decision. It would have to have come from the top. Brenda is an obvious suspect here given her questionable involvement in the 2020 mass shooting of 22 people in Nova Scotia:
"Alberta Justice Minister Tyler Shandro is calling on the federal government to fire RCMP Commissioner Brenda Lucki, saying her continued tenure is damaging to the national police force. Shandro called Lucki's performance at two public inquiries this year "unforgivable." He said Lucki admitted to making no improvements to RCMP responses and communication during a mass casualty commission into the 2020 shooting deaths of 22 people in Nova Scotia."
5) Justin Trudeau: "As prime minister, Trudeau said often that no relationship was more important to him than the one between Canada and Indigenous Peoples -- language he included in the preamble to the mandate letters he sent to each of his cabinet ministers.
Trudeau's policy on indigenous relations has been heavily weighted on respect and an unquestioning approach to indigenous knowledge:
"We are doing it in a way that is grounded in respect and partnership, because that's what Indigenous Canadians deserve from their government," Trudeau said Saturday night in Winnipeg, where nearly 2,000 people attended a rally at the Punjab Cultural Centre.
Connecting the dots in this scenario is not difficult. The operative phrase, "must be community led" is very telling. Once Sinclair complained about the RCMP, the cancellation of the investigation was predictable. The birds of a feather simply stuck together agreeing that having the RCMP investigation was intrusive and disrespectful and that the investigation had to be community led. It was a decision which had Robert Pickton squirming in his cell. So is this a case of obstruction of justice, just read Sect 139 of the Criminal Code listed below for the answer:
139 (1) Every one who willfully attempts in any manner to obstruct, pervert or defeat the course of justice in a judicial proceeding, is guilty of
(c) an indictable offence and is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years, or
(d) an offence punishable on summary conviction.
"Chief Jerry Fontaine: “Meegwitch. I, too, hope that the Canadian government will give me some of that fat, chunky kind of money "
Actually, there is a newly minted boondoggle in the Province of BC (Gitaalu v. BC (Chief Gold Commosioner) which will have the effect of closing the $7.3 billion (anual) BC mining industry to non-indigenious. Namely, Judge Alan Ross accepted that any activity, including very superficial investigation, has the potential of disturbing supernatural beings who live in caves and dens in the area, the where-abouts of which are secret, known only to chiefs, and cannot ever be disclosed. This decision is expected to have far reaching affects in Canada, and is a direct hit on the rights and responsibilities of the Canadian government and the sovereignty of the country.
We are increasingly at the mercy of multiple attacks against Canadian sovereignty employing weapons as ridiculous as if someone claimed some diety decended from Mount Baldy yesterday bearing instructions every non-indigenous person shall pay tribute or be turned into rocks.
The 320 indigenous in my area, having recently received their land claim settlement, now, individually and as a group, suddenly appear to be more wealthy than anyone around here. They've erected expensive looking "No Trespassing" signs at turn offs along a major road, which doesn't hide some of the gorgeous new construction, for example, patio homes for the elderly. In the middle of a town just north of me, they've erected a couple of kilometers of 8' high privacy panel fencing which now hides from view beautiful tax payer funded community centre buildings more elaborate than anything available to the 100,000 or so other people in the area for whom tax dollars do not extend to such luxuries after sponsoring hospitals, waterworks and sewers, highways, land claims, and trying to care for homeless, including those of the local indigenous communities.
Some of the 5% are living like Tzars and their extended families, and those who don't carry the race status card continue to pay.
That is as disturbing as it is entertaining. Very hard to believe, but I do, all of it. Justin and Martin Luther King both had dreams. King's dream was to advance the rights of the disadvantaged. Which he did in the interest of humanity. Justin's dream was to advance the interests of a small minority of Canadians. Which he did to the financial detriment of the country. The former was praise worthy, the latter a nightmare.
"As prime minister, Trudeau said often that no relationship was more important to him than the one between Canada and Indigenous Peoples" but all other Canadians he don't care about.
I think that is pretty accurate, Alison. The most important part of the population is the privileged 5 %.
I have listed the contact number below for any readers suffering emotional distress from the overwhelming exposure of falsehoods and lies arising from this government sponsored charade:
"The Indian Residential School Genocide Denialist Crisis Line is available 24-hours a day for anyone experiencing pain or distress as a result of residential school genocide denialism. Support is available at 1-866-925-4419. Nurse Ratched will be standing by to direct your calls.
Fascinating analysis of this "case". It seems like the RCMP didn't take the allegations seriously as criminal evidence--but they felt they had to "go along" with the narrative that Residential School administrators/teachers/priests routinely murdered the Indigenous residents/students.
The Campbell River detachment proudly displays 215 orange hearts in the detachment windows. I asked them why. Does that mean they believe there are 215 (more or less) bodies at KRS? If that's what the display indicates why aren't the RCMP investigating? I got the response I expected: committed to reconciliation blah blah blah.
The problems of not writing a properly-constructed sentence are bigger than you think. In fact, "thinking" is largely predicated upon language structures, and if you don't "think" you need to write clearly, you're not thinking clearly.
Thanks for your reply Mr. My ego is the only thing I have and I will validate my existence every chance I get regardless of the growth opportunities I obliterate to achieve this.
Abandoning common sense? I think the opposite. I think she's asking common sense questions. I mean, why aren't the RCMP investigating, if they believe there are 215 unsolved crimes? Your comment is a deflection... also ironic, because if the 215 allegedly buried children were victims of crimes, that would be a clear example of racism and lack of equality in our society, therefore a reconciliation problem that must be addressed with a criminal investigation. Your final sentence infers it is all about feelings, rather than any search for facts. That can be a problem when it comes to justice and reconciliation issues.
What common sense is being abandoned? Compassion for what? What "problems caused by racism and lack of equality in this country" are you referring to specifically. I personally don't need to be right and am not afraid of being wrong. Back up your statements.
Exactly. Y’all focus on something you can pick apart in the past and instead of what’s broken now.
I get it. It’s safer and simpler for you. And you get to show dad how smart you are, despite the fact NO ONE CARES.
@Alison Malice
"I personally don't need to be right and am not afraid of being wrong."
#1. People who STATE something usually do so because the opposite is true. They don't show what they claim through actions, so they use words to will it into being a reality.
#2. See #1.
My point is so hidden from your eyes because it’s not your target.
Why should there not be a forensic investigation by the police? There are accusations that 215 children were murdered. Speaking of caring, you'd think that if people cared about justice and truth, there would be a formal criminal investigation by an objective third party.
You don't focus on the past, Anonymoose? How about your post on Gollywogs and/or minstrels --- even Aunt Jemima got cancelled due to racism. Ooh "Dad" is even "involved" now. That would be the patriarchy. Your point is obvious, moose. It's at the apex of your head. GET OUT OF THAT B.C. WORK CAMP and do your thinking where it's safe.
You forgot "sexism", Anonymoose. Did your roomie/landlord try to kiss you because he was a racist or because he was an unequal property owning sexist??? Where was your compassion for his sophomoric "crush" on your femme-fatale siren-like attraction? Where is your compassion for the "dead" gang-rapers in northern B.C. work camps? Where is your "common-sense" for working among them, when it is a 45 minute helicopter ride to bring anyone to your rescue? Why didn't you take the 1500 dollar offer from the guy who tried to "steal a kiss"? It was NOT "common sense" that led to a 2 year human rights "battle" and no money at all. Enough, eh.
Love your writing. Your thinking needs quite a bit of work. But that follows from the writing. Keep it up.
Making unnecessary distinctions between details of my sexual harassment is so small it's not important. Don't split heirs. My compassion is what kept me in my situation without burning a million dollar house down or catching a charge. Compassion doesn't mean disrespect.
Sorry, "dead gang-rapers"? Firstly, all the grapists are most likely alive and well AND rockin a pretty good buzz. Maybe some are in jail on unrelated charges? Maybe "the elements" got others? I've been afforded a unique opportunity to see situations from all sides because I listen to a lot of different people. Through these observational opportunities I come to understand the savagery of not only human actions, but the addictions accompanying them. Do I have compassion for grapists? Sort of, I exist because my dad is one.
Oh man you must be a HIT at parties! As mentioned above, I travel for work and pursue the unique opportunities presented to me <hand to forehead, face to sun, sunglasses, scarf, hat> "for my art". Ding dong! Why does anyone work "among" anyone? For money. Obviously, I wasn't working on the patch (even though I met a gal who did and her job was easy and she made great money) and it's irrelevant why I was in the North, the point is what I learned. And I have something you write about on the internet, courage. If you're going to be brave, you better be smart, and if you're going to be smart, you better be funny, etc. (see the stand up special for the rest).
Why doesn't anyone take money? Because some things are about principal. Even if someone buys their way out of a sexual harassment or assault suit, you've still won. You might not change them, or stop their behaviour (I mean ideally you would) but you've at least made them think twice about doing shady sht to other people. Also, at the end of the day you get to keep being you, and they're stuck being them!
Love that it's "ENOUGH, eh" when you say it is. EH.
Common sense has nothing to do with the legal system.
I can only imagine what possessed you to Q&A me like we on a late night talk show, but I appreciate all opportunities to make criticism constructive. They improve my adaptability and writing.
Please refrain from complimenting me. Not only are you (attempting to) engage/ing in low level psychological shttness through back-handed compliments, your egotistical attitude fools you into believing your opinion is validation others require. Your insults and compliments are both irrelevant.
Melissa MOOSE wrote: Thanks for your reply @Kevin Oooh Burnnnnnn! [Just Byrne as in Jason Bourne; Different spelling. Same name. No resemblance. KB]
REPLY: Gadzooks Anonymoose!!! Your true animal spirit ought to be (Dis)-GUISED GROUNDHOG, as in Melissa Disguised Groundhog, more than AnonyMOOSE.
e.g. It must be spring. The Ground Hog is awake and writing after (Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. mid March) about 4 months. Wow. You must be quick on the witty repartee at parties.
MOOSE: Making unnecessary distinctions between details of my sexual harassment is so small it's not important. Don't split heirs. My compassion is what kept me in my situation without burning a million dollar house down or catching a charge. Compassion doesn't mean disrespect.
REPLY: I had to "split heirs". Did you want me to leave my siamese twins permanently joined? Their mother and they would have never forgiven me. So we split them up. As to the sexual harassment "bit", I just wanted to know how that fit in with the racism and inequality from your initial post. Nice to hear about your compassion for your fellow roomie.
MOOSE: Sorry, "dead gang-rapers"?
REPLY: I'm sorry too. You had a video where you were walking around talking about "dead gang rapers". It's not on your site anymore. So I forget the details.
MOOSE: Do I have compassion for grapists? ... (snip)... Sort of, I exist because my dad is one.
REPLY: Inscrutable. A story or poem for publication --- whatever you actually mean.
MOOSE: Oh man you must be a HIT at parties!
REPLY: A long time ago, I was. Much like you, I was a master of quick repartee. Life of the party. But I am old now. The last time I made a young woman laugh, she was a pretty black nurse (at least her eyes were; the rest was masked) with straight hair and a Canadian accent with just a trace of the Caribbean in it. So I did what all old, white, racist guys do. I said: "What the heck is a girl from the Caribbean region doing with straight hair (in an emergency ward place like this)? Were your parents from Guyana?" I can't remember if she answered me or not. But when I sang "Oh Canada!" for her and her colleagues of the emergency Department, after rhetorically asking: "Can you imagine how much this would have cost me if we were in the United States?", I actually cracked her up as they wheeled me from Emergency, where she worked, to a hospital ward. In short --- a big "hit" at the almost-morgue! That was way back in early October, a short while before you went into hibernation or the gang on this list (myself included) put you to sleep.
MOOSE: As mentioned above, I travel ... I wasn't working on the patch ... it's irrelevant why I was in the North. The point is what I learned. And I have ... courage ... brave ... smart ...funny, etc. Why doesn't anyone take money? Because some things are about principal.
COMMENT:- You mean princiPLE above.
MOOSE: Even if someone buys their way out of a sexual harassment or assault suit, you've still won [How? What? KB] .... at the end of the day you get to keep being you, and they're stuck being them! [Can't argue with that KB] Love that it's "ENOUGH, eh" when you say it is. EH.
COMMENT: Glad you "Love" the stereotypical Canadian "eh"s. We Canadians love to be stereotyped by Americans.
MOOSE: Common sense has nothing to do with the legal system.
REPLY: A British Common Law system has everything to do with common sense. The individual clucks with law degrees who inhabit our system do not have any common sense at all.
MOOSE: I can only imagine what possessed you to Q&A me like we on a late night talk show, but I appreciate all opportunities to make criticism constructive. They improve my adaptability and writing.
REPLY: Glad to help with your adaptability and writing. As to imagining: Just imagine yourself in a paper bag with a princess hat on your head and that I am a filthy, old, sexist, racist, colonial, white- guy Canadian. However, much like your younger amorous roomie, I was smitten by your paper bag charms --- or maybe what I imagined to be inside the bag.
ATTN: All white, filthy, sexist, Canadian, colonial, lecher-scumbags!!! Scroll most of the way down to view Melissa the paper bag princess at the link listed above. However, if you are Canadian colonial girls, who like to debate, then don't take my advice because everybody knows that you gals are totally into fashion. You're liable to start a paper bag dress craze, which will delight your OLD GEEZER "others" into FRENZIED bag-ripping and, HENCE, potential coronary infarcts.
Q. Would you believe that I couldn't help myself? A. Me neither. What it was, was the fact that some Canadians don't like to think that we or our ancestors were murderers without it actually being proved. Then, there are certain Americans who actually think that NOBODY CARES [MOOSE: And you get to show dad how smart you are, despite the fact NO ONE CARES.]
MOOSE: Please refrain from complimenting ME.
REPLY: Forgive me, you captivatingly delicious MOOSE! I'm Canadian. You're a moose. It's fate. We Canadians cannot help complimenting all of mooses (all year round), ground hogs (in March of any year) and Pretty Paper Bag Princesses (Ad Aeternum). YOU'RE ALL OF THEM! Lord 'a Mercy!
MOOSE; Not only are YOU (attempting to) engage/ing in low level psychological shttness through back-handed compliments, YOUR egotistical attitude fools YOU into believing YOUR opinion is validation others require. YOUR insults and compliments are both irrelevant. You're a tool I use.
REPLY: Well ... uh ... well ... uh ... Duh! At least you can't buy THIS TOOL at Canadian Tire. But ...
QUESTION: What the heck does any of this have to do with James McCrae's question (which was: Has justice been obstructed at Kamloops?)?
ANSWER: It's the same answer as with your human rights case. Both involve the obstruction of Justice and that no competent judge gets near the truth of most Canadian "law" or "civil rights" cases --- at least you don't "think" so. I've read your stack. And you have straight hair too. Your antecedents are from the Indian subcontinent, given the name in the Funny Papers.
To "go along" -- that certainly seems to be the sense of the word "support" as it is so often used by the RCMP, as in:
"The Tk’emlúps te Secwe̓pemc are in charge of the investigation, and Mounties will continue to support the community, Staff-Sgt. Wallace added." (While of course "being supportive, respectful, and culturally sensitive to the Indigenous communities that are impacted,” Staff-Sergeant Bill Wallace said in a statement.)
Translation: We promise to agree with whatever you do or say, and to walk on eggshells in regards to anything WE might do or say. Apologies in advance if we happen to offend any cultural sensibilities!
Of course "support" has many definitions, and can also signify assisting financially, which no doubt applies here also.
REPARATIONS: $622 per Canadian to cover $23B payment to Aboriginal families
Yet again, Prime Minister Trudeau has demonstrated a distinct penchant for playing fast and loose with our hard-earned money.
The Gargantuan Bill: A monumental $23 billion has been greenlit as a settlement for First Nations children and families. This traces back to a 2019 Canadian Human Rights Tribunal ruling, demanding a $40,000 payout for each affected First Nation child and family. Rather than demonstrating fiscal prudence, Trudeau opted to negotiate and consequently settled on this astronomical figure. Memories of the eyebrow-raising $10 million handout to convicted terrorist Omar Khadr resurface, spotlighting Trudeau's fondness for grand financial gestures.
Every Canadian's Burden: Thanks to Trudeau's negotiations, each of us is now on the hook for approximately $622 in what amounts to reparations. And if that wasn't heavy enough, an additional $20 billion is earmarked for long-term reforms in the on-reserve child welfare and family services system. Trudeau’s idea of righting historical wrongs seemingly includes imposing a substantial financial burden on each Canadian citizen.
A Cost Too High: While some argue the merits of the settlement, the real debate lies in its execution. Are such immense reparations, brokered under Trudeau's watch, truly the pathway to reconciliation? Or is this yet another example of his government's proclivity for mismanaging taxpayers' funds?
Yesterday evening an ad on TV encouraged native folks to apply for a piece of an 8 billion dollar settlement re. drinking water. There's an on-line application form. Must be hard to keep track of it all. Today an announcement the indigenous have bought 34% of Western Forest Products. It amazes me how such a small portion of the population is in the news pretty much daily, and is featured in so much of publicly funded medial, for example. In response to one of these announcements a spokesperson reported it is a good gesture toward "reconciliation", followed by the usual pronouncement, "It is a start." One wonders what will happen when Canada hasn't enough left and someone else is able to swoop in to fill the void.
I'd love to know what Biden was saying to Trudeau when he was shaking his finger and seemed to be telling him off. Perhaps he was saying, "You stupid, stupid man. You are destroying your country!"
Biden is a WEFer just like Trudeau, he was probably saying, "Good job"..... as far as the money, we all know it will never be enough...... we will be paying for this long after we are gone, I am afraid.... have you read or heard Frances Widdowson...she is the expert in woke and First Nations...she has been cancelled so she is an excellent resource....
This whole matter of Canadian genocide based on the Kamloops 'graves' is a National disgrace. It is a disgrace because so far it is based on nothing. There is no proof and no evidence of any crime ,however, we are besmirched by it. Worse still, all evidence to the contrary like the mountain of evidence presented by Nina Green has been conveniently ignored. Sadly, the honorable members of our House of Commons sat on their hands and let a motion of 'National Blame' get passed without even one objection. Some are now trying to trivialize the matter by stating that Indigenous groups never used the words 'mass graves' but rather said 'unmarked graves'. Isn't it a bit late for that disclaimer? So many things are distorting the truth and words are manipulated to create false images and narratives. Seemingly there is no end to it. Even the declaration of traditional land occupancy has become almost foolish. If lands are never going to be acknowledged as illegitimate and returned why don't we just keep quiet about it?
The RCMP abdicated its responsibility to investigate the 215 allegation, which is there only to allow the fn-legal-industrial complex to gobble taxpayer dollars.
Thank you. There have been so many questions regarding intentions and the position of this country to crush any and all organizations including faith groups and cultural groups. We are fighting SOGI on so many fronts. All volunteer, thousands of hours. The deep and evil cover ups are reaching the cracks of light. Many of us have been threatened by the '' They send letters out to employers, associates etc. calling attention to a 'massive hate campaign' by anonymous fascists'. There is a whole Cyber division ... to erase alt right.
Though I enjoy your “articles” and pieces. I distinctly get the impression that your criticism is anti-aboriginal abuse denial disguised.
You seem INTENT on focusing on what hasn’t happened instead of focusing on the solutions to the problems faced.
Guess what? Some residential schools were violent, some graves and bodies were destroyed by time. Sorry there isn’t ENOUGH evidence for your academic muttering to remain unbiased.
How many reservations have you been to? I knew someone who enjoyed her time at residential school as well, and she’s in her 50s.
It doesn’t mean being non-pale, settler skin coloured is easy, or hasn’t resulted in many Natives being treated and abused worse than animals.
Your point does nothing to help young people with fetal alcohol, or sexually abused by parents. It does nothing to mitigate the suicide rates in remote places. You seem intent on exonerating Canada from all wrongdoing for some incredibly dangerous reason. I don’t know if stupidity or fear compels you, but your record is broken. Change the tune. Eh.
Where is all the $ taken from tax payers and given indigenous communities to help address FAS, suicide rates, drug abuse, child and other domestic abuse, to provide housing and water, to address housing, health care education, land claims, residential school and day school experience, language resurrection, etc.? Where has all that gone? Where are the results? "More money! More restitution! More guilt! More entitement!"
"Change the tune, eh?" Maybe you're scolding the wrong folks.
You write "You seem intent on focussing on what hasn't happened." What is it that "hasn't happened?" You must be specific so we can understand exactly what you mean.
You say there isn't enough evidence for conclusions to be made.... well, that's because there hasn't been any investigation! That's why an investigation is needed.
Then you write "you seem intent on exonerating Canada from all wrongdoing," well, that's just incorrect. The author is asking for a criminal investigation by an objective third party into specific accusations of murder..which number 215. He is not saying that bad things did not happen at residential schools, or that the Canadian government did not have bad policies. I mean, what he's asking seems reasonable, considering the gravity of the accusations.
Your last idea is that this doesn't do anything to help young people who have serious problems. Well, even if that were true, it's irrelevant. It's like saying "you're caring about a forensic investigation into the multiple murders of people at the James Smith Cree nation in Saskatchewan does nothing to help the people suffering from high suicide rates in the Yukon." That doesn't mean we shouldn't investigate what happened at James Smith... otherwise, according to your logic, we should dispense with criminal investigations altogether because they don't help solve fetal alcohol syndrome.
What is "dangerous" about exonerating Canada? Canada is great. Canada was the destination of the underground rail road and invented insulin along with Wayne Gretzky and Grant Fuhr of the Edmonton Oilers. No better place in the world --- except for American ex-pats in gang banger work camps in Norther BC. Get outta there!!!
the real crime here is that the people of Canada have been labelled as genocidal towards these people without a defence of any kind supported by this Liberal Government led by Justin Trudeau! Any country in the world that has been accused of genocide has had their day in a court of law, why not Canadians? An accusation was presented publicly by a former judge who happens to over look the “Rule of Law” without an explanation as to why!
The real problem is FAILING to focus on the real problems, because you can’t remove yourself from the solution. Eh.
And the "real" problem is what, Eh? (You don't have to answer given your post below.). The "real" problem is racism and inequality! Spoken like a true "person of colour" who, like any half-witted Marxist, attributes every problem in the universe to superficial things like colour, status or owned-things. You people must read this young woman --- fracking killed the bison! She's a genius of a moose, eh!
It’s shocking that the RCMP, BC Coroner’s Office, and Ministries of the the Attorney General and Solicitor General are complicit in making sure there is no investigation into 215 alleged murders at a shuttered residential school in Kamloops. It’s a lengthy cover-up to protect Canada’s genocide lie from the public.
Not at all surprising given the kangaroo type court system we are witnessing with the fiasco of a trial by opinion and hearsay in Ottawa re Lich et al which as everyone knows is being lead by the head prosecutor Justin (Blackface) Trudeau. The Indian allegations of genocide rank right up there as far as hearsay and opinion goes being led by virtual witch doctors i.e. truth keepers, what a bad joke one that has cost the taxpayer billions with yet more billions in other baseless claims.
James McCrae, in his articulate article, correctly identifies the prima causa of Canada's most toxic, embarrassing and expensive hoax. The answer to his question is yes, "justice has been obstructed" BIGLEY. Ground zero for this SNAFU begins on June 3rd/2021 during a meeting of the Standing Committee on Indigenous and Northern Affairs attended by all of the usual suspects. Their comments during this meeting are most revealing:
1) Adam van Koeverden: "There have been calls across the country to investigate and search the grounds of every former residential school, and for the forensic work to begin immediately, but there have also been very important calls from indigenous communities that all of this work needs to be community led."
2) Daniel Quan-Watson, Deputy Minister of Crown–Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada:
"I'll just speak quickly to it. Again, there are many living relatives of some of the people who died at these schools—brothers and sisters, nieces, nephews and, in some instances, parents. The idea that the Crown would go in against their wishes to begin work is, I think, something that we would reject outright,"
3) Murray Sinclair: "I got a call early this morning, in fact, saying that the RCMP have now declared that a major investigation is going to occur into the bodies that have been located in Kamloops, and they are now beginning to question those who have made this story available. Unfortunately, in the typical, heavy-handed and ham-handed police way, they are simply intimidating people, rather than helping them "
4) Brenda Lucki, first woman commissioner of the RCMP appointed by Justin Trudeau in 2018: Cancelling an RCMP investigation of this magnitude would not be a local decision. It would have to have come from the top. Brenda is an obvious suspect here given her questionable involvement in the 2020 mass shooting of 22 people in Nova Scotia:
"Alberta Justice Minister Tyler Shandro is calling on the federal government to fire RCMP Commissioner Brenda Lucki, saying her continued tenure is damaging to the national police force. Shandro called Lucki's performance at two public inquiries this year "unforgivable." He said Lucki admitted to making no improvements to RCMP responses and communication during a mass casualty commission into the 2020 shooting deaths of 22 people in Nova Scotia."
5) Justin Trudeau: "As prime minister, Trudeau said often that no relationship was more important to him than the one between Canada and Indigenous Peoples -- language he included in the preamble to the mandate letters he sent to each of his cabinet ministers.
Trudeau's policy on indigenous relations has been heavily weighted on respect and an unquestioning approach to indigenous knowledge:
"We are doing it in a way that is grounded in respect and partnership, because that's what Indigenous Canadians deserve from their government," Trudeau said Saturday night in Winnipeg, where nearly 2,000 people attended a rally at the Punjab Cultural Centre.
Connecting the dots in this scenario is not difficult. The operative phrase, "must be community led" is very telling. Once Sinclair complained about the RCMP, the cancellation of the investigation was predictable. The birds of a feather simply stuck together agreeing that having the RCMP investigation was intrusive and disrespectful and that the investigation had to be community led. It was a decision which had Robert Pickton squirming in his cell. So is this a case of obstruction of justice, just read Sect 139 of the Criminal Code listed below for the answer:
139 (1) Every one who willfully attempts in any manner to obstruct, pervert or defeat the course of justice in a judicial proceeding, is guilty of
(c) an indictable offence and is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years, or
(d) an offence punishable on summary conviction.
"Chief Jerry Fontaine: “Meegwitch. I, too, hope that the Canadian government will give me some of that fat, chunky kind of money "
Actually, there is a newly minted boondoggle in the Province of BC (Gitaalu v. BC (Chief Gold Commosioner) which will have the effect of closing the $7.3 billion (anual) BC mining industry to non-indigenious. Namely, Judge Alan Ross accepted that any activity, including very superficial investigation, has the potential of disturbing supernatural beings who live in caves and dens in the area, the where-abouts of which are secret, known only to chiefs, and cannot ever be disclosed. This decision is expected to have far reaching affects in Canada, and is a direct hit on the rights and responsibilities of the Canadian government and the sovereignty of the country.
We are increasingly at the mercy of multiple attacks against Canadian sovereignty employing weapons as ridiculous as if someone claimed some diety decended from Mount Baldy yesterday bearing instructions every non-indigenous person shall pay tribute or be turned into rocks.
The 320 indigenous in my area, having recently received their land claim settlement, now, individually and as a group, suddenly appear to be more wealthy than anyone around here. They've erected expensive looking "No Trespassing" signs at turn offs along a major road, which doesn't hide some of the gorgeous new construction, for example, patio homes for the elderly. In the middle of a town just north of me, they've erected a couple of kilometers of 8' high privacy panel fencing which now hides from view beautiful tax payer funded community centre buildings more elaborate than anything available to the 100,000 or so other people in the area for whom tax dollars do not extend to such luxuries after sponsoring hospitals, waterworks and sewers, highways, land claims, and trying to care for homeless, including those of the local indigenous communities.
Some of the 5% are living like Tzars and their extended families, and those who don't carry the race status card continue to pay.
That is as disturbing as it is entertaining. Very hard to believe, but I do, all of it. Justin and Martin Luther King both had dreams. King's dream was to advance the rights of the disadvantaged. Which he did in the interest of humanity. Justin's dream was to advance the interests of a small minority of Canadians. Which he did to the financial detriment of the country. The former was praise worthy, the latter a nightmare.
"As prime minister, Trudeau said often that no relationship was more important to him than the one between Canada and Indigenous Peoples" but all other Canadians he don't care about.
I think that is pretty accurate, Alison. The most important part of the population is the privileged 5 %.
I have listed the contact number below for any readers suffering emotional distress from the overwhelming exposure of falsehoods and lies arising from this government sponsored charade:
"The Indian Residential School Genocide Denialist Crisis Line is available 24-hours a day for anyone experiencing pain or distress as a result of residential school genocide denialism. Support is available at 1-866-925-4419. Nurse Ratched will be standing by to direct your calls.
Fascinating analysis of this "case". It seems like the RCMP didn't take the allegations seriously as criminal evidence--but they felt they had to "go along" with the narrative that Residential School administrators/teachers/priests routinely murdered the Indigenous residents/students.
The Campbell River detachment proudly displays 215 orange hearts in the detachment windows. I asked them why. Does that mean they believe there are 215 (more or less) bodies at KRS? If that's what the display indicates why aren't the RCMP investigating? I got the response I expected: committed to reconciliation blah blah blah.
The problems caused by racism and lack of equality in this country are bigger than your need to be right or wrong.
Y’all act smart and talk a big game but COMPLETELY abandon compassion and common sense.
I hope you feel what you don’t hear. Eh.
The problems of not writing a properly-constructed sentence are bigger than you think. In fact, "thinking" is largely predicated upon language structures, and if you don't "think" you need to write clearly, you're not thinking clearly.
Thanks for your reply Mr. My ego is the only thing I have and I will validate my existence every chance I get regardless of the growth opportunities I obliterate to achieve this.
Abandoning common sense? I think the opposite. I think she's asking common sense questions. I mean, why aren't the RCMP investigating, if they believe there are 215 unsolved crimes? Your comment is a deflection... also ironic, because if the 215 allegedly buried children were victims of crimes, that would be a clear example of racism and lack of equality in our society, therefore a reconciliation problem that must be addressed with a criminal investigation. Your final sentence infers it is all about feelings, rather than any search for facts. That can be a problem when it comes to justice and reconciliation issues.
What common sense is being abandoned? Compassion for what? What "problems caused by racism and lack of equality in this country" are you referring to specifically. I personally don't need to be right and am not afraid of being wrong. Back up your statements.
Exactly. Y’all focus on something you can pick apart in the past and instead of what’s broken now.
I get it. It’s safer and simpler for you. And you get to show dad how smart you are, despite the fact NO ONE CARES.
@Alison Malice
"I personally don't need to be right and am not afraid of being wrong."
#1. People who STATE something usually do so because the opposite is true. They don't show what they claim through actions, so they use words to will it into being a reality.
#2. See #1.
My point is so hidden from your eyes because it’s not your target.
Why should there not be a forensic investigation by the police? There are accusations that 215 children were murdered. Speaking of caring, you'd think that if people cared about justice and truth, there would be a formal criminal investigation by an objective third party.
You don't focus on the past, Anonymoose? How about your post on Gollywogs and/or minstrels --- even Aunt Jemima got cancelled due to racism. Ooh "Dad" is even "involved" now. That would be the patriarchy. Your point is obvious, moose. It's at the apex of your head. GET OUT OF THAT B.C. WORK CAMP and do your thinking where it's safe.
what. are you delusional.
You forgot "sexism", Anonymoose. Did your roomie/landlord try to kiss you because he was a racist or because he was an unequal property owning sexist??? Where was your compassion for his sophomoric "crush" on your femme-fatale siren-like attraction? Where is your compassion for the "dead" gang-rapers in northern B.C. work camps? Where is your "common-sense" for working among them, when it is a 45 minute helicopter ride to bring anyone to your rescue? Why didn't you take the 1500 dollar offer from the guy who tried to "steal a kiss"? It was NOT "common sense" that led to a 2 year human rights "battle" and no money at all. Enough, eh.
Love your writing. Your thinking needs quite a bit of work. But that follows from the writing. Keep it up.
Thanks for your reply @Kevin Oooh Burnnnnnn!
Making unnecessary distinctions between details of my sexual harassment is so small it's not important. Don't split heirs. My compassion is what kept me in my situation without burning a million dollar house down or catching a charge. Compassion doesn't mean disrespect.
Sorry, "dead gang-rapers"? Firstly, all the grapists are most likely alive and well AND rockin a pretty good buzz. Maybe some are in jail on unrelated charges? Maybe "the elements" got others? I've been afforded a unique opportunity to see situations from all sides because I listen to a lot of different people. Through these observational opportunities I come to understand the savagery of not only human actions, but the addictions accompanying them. Do I have compassion for grapists? Sort of, I exist because my dad is one.
Oh man you must be a HIT at parties! As mentioned above, I travel for work and pursue the unique opportunities presented to me <hand to forehead, face to sun, sunglasses, scarf, hat> "for my art". Ding dong! Why does anyone work "among" anyone? For money. Obviously, I wasn't working on the patch (even though I met a gal who did and her job was easy and she made great money) and it's irrelevant why I was in the North, the point is what I learned. And I have something you write about on the internet, courage. If you're going to be brave, you better be smart, and if you're going to be smart, you better be funny, etc. (see the stand up special for the rest).
Why doesn't anyone take money? Because some things are about principal. Even if someone buys their way out of a sexual harassment or assault suit, you've still won. You might not change them, or stop their behaviour (I mean ideally you would) but you've at least made them think twice about doing shady sht to other people. Also, at the end of the day you get to keep being you, and they're stuck being them!
Love that it's "ENOUGH, eh" when you say it is. EH.
Common sense has nothing to do with the legal system.
I can only imagine what possessed you to Q&A me like we on a late night talk show, but I appreciate all opportunities to make criticism constructive. They improve my adaptability and writing.
Please refrain from complimenting me. Not only are you (attempting to) engage/ing in low level psychological shttness through back-handed compliments, your egotistical attitude fools you into believing your opinion is validation others require. Your insults and compliments are both irrelevant.
You're a tool I use.
Melissa MOOSE wrote: Thanks for your reply @Kevin Oooh Burnnnnnn! [Just Byrne as in Jason Bourne; Different spelling. Same name. No resemblance. KB]
REPLY: Gadzooks Anonymoose!!! Your true animal spirit ought to be (Dis)-GUISED GROUNDHOG, as in Melissa Disguised Groundhog, more than AnonyMOOSE.
e.g. It must be spring. The Ground Hog is awake and writing after (Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. mid March) about 4 months. Wow. You must be quick on the witty repartee at parties.
MOOSE: Making unnecessary distinctions between details of my sexual harassment is so small it's not important. Don't split heirs. My compassion is what kept me in my situation without burning a million dollar house down or catching a charge. Compassion doesn't mean disrespect.
REPLY: I had to "split heirs". Did you want me to leave my siamese twins permanently joined? Their mother and they would have never forgiven me. So we split them up. As to the sexual harassment "bit", I just wanted to know how that fit in with the racism and inequality from your initial post. Nice to hear about your compassion for your fellow roomie.
MOOSE: Sorry, "dead gang-rapers"?
REPLY: I'm sorry too. You had a video where you were walking around talking about "dead gang rapers". It's not on your site anymore. So I forget the details.
MOOSE: Do I have compassion for grapists? ... (snip)... Sort of, I exist because my dad is one.
REPLY: Inscrutable. A story or poem for publication --- whatever you actually mean.
MOOSE: Oh man you must be a HIT at parties!
REPLY: A long time ago, I was. Much like you, I was a master of quick repartee. Life of the party. But I am old now. The last time I made a young woman laugh, she was a pretty black nurse (at least her eyes were; the rest was masked) with straight hair and a Canadian accent with just a trace of the Caribbean in it. So I did what all old, white, racist guys do. I said: "What the heck is a girl from the Caribbean region doing with straight hair (in an emergency ward place like this)? Were your parents from Guyana?" I can't remember if she answered me or not. But when I sang "Oh Canada!" for her and her colleagues of the emergency Department, after rhetorically asking: "Can you imagine how much this would have cost me if we were in the United States?", I actually cracked her up as they wheeled me from Emergency, where she worked, to a hospital ward. In short --- a big "hit" at the almost-morgue! That was way back in early October, a short while before you went into hibernation or the gang on this list (myself included) put you to sleep.
MOOSE: As mentioned above, I travel ... I wasn't working on the patch ... it's irrelevant why I was in the North. The point is what I learned. And I have ... courage ... brave ... smart ...funny, etc. Why doesn't anyone take money? Because some things are about principal.
COMMENT:- You mean princiPLE above.
MOOSE: Even if someone buys their way out of a sexual harassment or assault suit, you've still won [How? What? KB] .... at the end of the day you get to keep being you, and they're stuck being them! [Can't argue with that KB] Love that it's "ENOUGH, eh" when you say it is. EH.
COMMENT: Glad you "Love" the stereotypical Canadian "eh"s. We Canadians love to be stereotyped by Americans.
MOOSE: Common sense has nothing to do with the legal system.
REPLY: A British Common Law system has everything to do with common sense. The individual clucks with law degrees who inhabit our system do not have any common sense at all.
MOOSE: I can only imagine what possessed you to Q&A me like we on a late night talk show, but I appreciate all opportunities to make criticism constructive. They improve my adaptability and writing.
REPLY: Glad to help with your adaptability and writing. As to imagining: Just imagine yourself in a paper bag with a princess hat on your head and that I am a filthy, old, sexist, racist, colonial, white- guy Canadian. However, much like your younger amorous roomie, I was smitten by your paper bag charms --- or maybe what I imagined to be inside the bag.
[ ].
ATTN: All white, filthy, sexist, Canadian, colonial, lecher-scumbags!!! Scroll most of the way down to view Melissa the paper bag princess at the link listed above. However, if you are Canadian colonial girls, who like to debate, then don't take my advice because everybody knows that you gals are totally into fashion. You're liable to start a paper bag dress craze, which will delight your OLD GEEZER "others" into FRENZIED bag-ripping and, HENCE, potential coronary infarcts.
Q. Would you believe that I couldn't help myself? A. Me neither. What it was, was the fact that some Canadians don't like to think that we or our ancestors were murderers without it actually being proved. Then, there are certain Americans who actually think that NOBODY CARES [MOOSE: And you get to show dad how smart you are, despite the fact NO ONE CARES.]
MOOSE: Please refrain from complimenting ME.
REPLY: Forgive me, you captivatingly delicious MOOSE! I'm Canadian. You're a moose. It's fate. We Canadians cannot help complimenting all of mooses (all year round), ground hogs (in March of any year) and Pretty Paper Bag Princesses (Ad Aeternum). YOU'RE ALL OF THEM! Lord 'a Mercy!
MOOSE; Not only are YOU (attempting to) engage/ing in low level psychological shttness through back-handed compliments, YOUR egotistical attitude fools YOU into believing YOUR opinion is validation others require. YOUR insults and compliments are both irrelevant. You're a tool I use.
REPLY: Well ... uh ... well ... uh ... Duh! At least you can't buy THIS TOOL at Canadian Tire. But ...
QUESTION: What the heck does any of this have to do with James McCrae's question (which was: Has justice been obstructed at Kamloops?)?
ANSWER: It's the same answer as with your human rights case. Both involve the obstruction of Justice and that no competent judge gets near the truth of most Canadian "law" or "civil rights" cases --- at least you don't "think" so. I've read your stack. And you have straight hair too. Your antecedents are from the Indian subcontinent, given the name in the Funny Papers.
Kevin (sounds like BOURNE) Byrne
To "go along" -- that certainly seems to be the sense of the word "support" as it is so often used by the RCMP, as in:
"The Tk’emlúps te Secwe̓pemc are in charge of the investigation, and Mounties will continue to support the community, Staff-Sgt. Wallace added." (While of course "being supportive, respectful, and culturally sensitive to the Indigenous communities that are impacted,” Staff-Sergeant Bill Wallace said in a statement.)
Translation: We promise to agree with whatever you do or say, and to walk on eggshells in regards to anything WE might do or say. Apologies in advance if we happen to offend any cultural sensibilities!
Of course "support" has many definitions, and can also signify assisting financially, which no doubt applies here also.
REPARATIONS: $622 per Canadian to cover $23B payment to Aboriginal families
Yet again, Prime Minister Trudeau has demonstrated a distinct penchant for playing fast and loose with our hard-earned money.
The Gargantuan Bill: A monumental $23 billion has been greenlit as a settlement for First Nations children and families. This traces back to a 2019 Canadian Human Rights Tribunal ruling, demanding a $40,000 payout for each affected First Nation child and family. Rather than demonstrating fiscal prudence, Trudeau opted to negotiate and consequently settled on this astronomical figure. Memories of the eyebrow-raising $10 million handout to convicted terrorist Omar Khadr resurface, spotlighting Trudeau's fondness for grand financial gestures.
Every Canadian's Burden: Thanks to Trudeau's negotiations, each of us is now on the hook for approximately $622 in what amounts to reparations. And if that wasn't heavy enough, an additional $20 billion is earmarked for long-term reforms in the on-reserve child welfare and family services system. Trudeau’s idea of righting historical wrongs seemingly includes imposing a substantial financial burden on each Canadian citizen.
A Cost Too High: While some argue the merits of the settlement, the real debate lies in its execution. Are such immense reparations, brokered under Trudeau's watch, truly the pathway to reconciliation? Or is this yet another example of his government's proclivity for mismanaging taxpayers' funds?
Yesterday evening an ad on TV encouraged native folks to apply for a piece of an 8 billion dollar settlement re. drinking water. There's an on-line application form. Must be hard to keep track of it all. Today an announcement the indigenous have bought 34% of Western Forest Products. It amazes me how such a small portion of the population is in the news pretty much daily, and is featured in so much of publicly funded medial, for example. In response to one of these announcements a spokesperson reported it is a good gesture toward "reconciliation", followed by the usual pronouncement, "It is a start." One wonders what will happen when Canada hasn't enough left and someone else is able to swoop in to fill the void.
I'd love to know what Biden was saying to Trudeau when he was shaking his finger and seemed to be telling him off. Perhaps he was saying, "You stupid, stupid man. You are destroying your country!"
Biden is a WEFer just like Trudeau, he was probably saying, "Good job"..... as far as the money, we all know it will never be enough...... we will be paying for this long after we are gone, I am afraid.... have you read or heard Frances Widdowson...she is the expert in woke and First Nations...she has been cancelled so she is an excellent resource....
The Frances Widdowson interview and the CBC documentary on "residential school denialism"
Frances Widdowson takes Lethbridge University
This whole matter of Canadian genocide based on the Kamloops 'graves' is a National disgrace. It is a disgrace because so far it is based on nothing. There is no proof and no evidence of any crime ,however, we are besmirched by it. Worse still, all evidence to the contrary like the mountain of evidence presented by Nina Green has been conveniently ignored. Sadly, the honorable members of our House of Commons sat on their hands and let a motion of 'National Blame' get passed without even one objection. Some are now trying to trivialize the matter by stating that Indigenous groups never used the words 'mass graves' but rather said 'unmarked graves'. Isn't it a bit late for that disclaimer? So many things are distorting the truth and words are manipulated to create false images and narratives. Seemingly there is no end to it. Even the declaration of traditional land occupancy has become almost foolish. If lands are never going to be acknowledged as illegitimate and returned why don't we just keep quiet about it?
Sinclair is utterly biased and untrustworthy.
The RCMP abdicated its responsibility to investigate the 215 allegation, which is there only to allow the fn-legal-industrial complex to gobble taxpayer dollars.
What a sad travesty for Canada.
Look at the garbage CNN wrote when this first happened...keep the receipts.... ‘Unthinkable’ discovery in Canada as remains of 215 children found buried near residential school
Thank you. There have been so many questions regarding intentions and the position of this country to crush any and all organizations including faith groups and cultural groups. We are fighting SOGI on so many fronts. All volunteer, thousands of hours. The deep and evil cover ups are reaching the cracks of light. Many of us have been threatened by the '' They send letters out to employers, associates etc. calling attention to a 'massive hate campaign' by anonymous fascists'. There is a whole Cyber division ... to erase alt right.
Though I enjoy your “articles” and pieces. I distinctly get the impression that your criticism is anti-aboriginal abuse denial disguised.
You seem INTENT on focusing on what hasn’t happened instead of focusing on the solutions to the problems faced.
Guess what? Some residential schools were violent, some graves and bodies were destroyed by time. Sorry there isn’t ENOUGH evidence for your academic muttering to remain unbiased.
How many reservations have you been to? I knew someone who enjoyed her time at residential school as well, and she’s in her 50s.
It doesn’t mean being non-pale, settler skin coloured is easy, or hasn’t resulted in many Natives being treated and abused worse than animals.
Your point does nothing to help young people with fetal alcohol, or sexually abused by parents. It does nothing to mitigate the suicide rates in remote places. You seem intent on exonerating Canada from all wrongdoing for some incredibly dangerous reason. I don’t know if stupidity or fear compels you, but your record is broken. Change the tune. Eh.
Where is all the $ taken from tax payers and given indigenous communities to help address FAS, suicide rates, drug abuse, child and other domestic abuse, to provide housing and water, to address housing, health care education, land claims, residential school and day school experience, language resurrection, etc.? Where has all that gone? Where are the results? "More money! More restitution! More guilt! More entitement!"
"Change the tune, eh?" Maybe you're scolding the wrong folks.
You write "You seem intent on focussing on what hasn't happened." What is it that "hasn't happened?" You must be specific so we can understand exactly what you mean.
You say there isn't enough evidence for conclusions to be made.... well, that's because there hasn't been any investigation! That's why an investigation is needed.
Then you write "you seem intent on exonerating Canada from all wrongdoing," well, that's just incorrect. The author is asking for a criminal investigation by an objective third party into specific accusations of murder..which number 215. He is not saying that bad things did not happen at residential schools, or that the Canadian government did not have bad policies. I mean, what he's asking seems reasonable, considering the gravity of the accusations.
Your last idea is that this doesn't do anything to help young people who have serious problems. Well, even if that were true, it's irrelevant. It's like saying "you're caring about a forensic investigation into the multiple murders of people at the James Smith Cree nation in Saskatchewan does nothing to help the people suffering from high suicide rates in the Yukon." That doesn't mean we shouldn't investigate what happened at James Smith... otherwise, according to your logic, we should dispense with criminal investigations altogether because they don't help solve fetal alcohol syndrome.
The moose has gone silent.
What is "dangerous" about exonerating Canada? Canada is great. Canada was the destination of the underground rail road and invented insulin along with Wayne Gretzky and Grant Fuhr of the Edmonton Oilers. No better place in the world --- except for American ex-pats in gang banger work camps in Norther BC. Get outta there!!!