I came to Canada in 1966 from England at age 16 having traveled quite widely through Europe, I found the people I met for the most part to be the most tolerant of others anywhere. Having settled in Toronto near the Queen st West Jamieson road area I found it a mixed bag of Canadian born people and other recent immigrants from Italy, Portugal, Greece, Germany, Poland, Ukraine, Chechoslovakia, Hungary, Ireland, Scotland, Romania, Russia, Austria, China, Hong Kong, Africa, Lebanon, Israel, Australia, new Zealand, the Caribean islands. Every summer hundreds of Americans could be seen visiting by the foreign state licence plates on their vehicles. Interesting indeed is the one thing that struck me as so unusual.

They all seemed friendly!!

What the hell happened?

I will tell you if you are not yet aware of the reason

Trudeau happened.

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This is why I avoid doctors like the plague and won't be seeing one unless in a dire emergency, ever again. Covid made very plain what had already been long true.

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One thing is for certain: I'd much rather be treated by a disgraced veterinarian operating out of the back of a Tijuana brothel than the likes of Nili Kaplan-Myrth.

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The fanaticism reaches pathological heights.

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Great article and we need more love and less hate, hopefully both Far Left and Far Right may find the center again, the center is what Peter mentioning when Canada was the friendliest nation on earth, we need to get back to those days for all of our Children's children and soon

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Great article. Its one of those truisms of life and history that the radicals demanding 'equality' etc are always authoritarians. Freud and his projections.

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While I thoroughly agree with and endorse the critique of 'hate' in this essay, I think it needs to go a step further.

Words like 'hate' and 'phobia' are also a much more general manipulative use of language to deny and nullify the legitimate agenda of 'the other'. What the user of these terms is doing is suggesting that rather than having a thoughtful view of something, the offending person whose views are 'not approved of', is moved by the most base and irrational emotions over which they have no control.

During the civil rights struggles in the US during the 1960s, anti-civil rights agents would accuse people advocating against Jim Crow laws in The South, of being 'nigger lovers', which implied that their attitude was not a morally principled one so much as an 'unnatural', 'inappropriate', probably sexual and psychologically compulsive blind emotion.

Nazis would have called defenders of Jews 'Jew lovers' for the same reason.

Something of the same tactic was employed by the KGB against political dissidents during the latter period of the Soviet era, when it was running out of ideological legitimacy. Instead of accusing them of political crimes, they had them classified as people with severe personality disorders requiring 'closed hospitalization' in an asylum, indefinitely. In effect, the KGB declared political dissidence as a by definition psychiatric disorder. which is what Tranzis do when they call someone transphobic.

But beyond this is a deeper level in which rational argument and rational case building is substituted by the language of propaganda through keywords, slogans, aphorism, euphemisms and dysphemisms. I enclose a growing list of words that are manipulated to alter consciousness.

And finally, this manipulation of language is used, particularly in clinical psychology/psychiatry where a 'condition' is completely re-rendered in meaning and excistential effect. without any reference whatever to scientific input.

For instance 'Gender Identity Disorder', which implied that the patient was suffering from a delusional condition/loss of sense of objective reality, was converted to 'Gender Dysphoria', whereby the patient was now 'only' suffering from a 'discomfort', which effectively shifted the onus of reality adaption from the patient to third parties dealing with them.

This was argued for overtly as a removal of 'stigma', but the reality was the removal of personal responsibility for their condition on the part of the patient, which was reinforced by a post modern denial of objective reality by political activists working towards a relativistic equality of understanding between the patient and the rest of society.

This had nothing to do with scientific endeavor and everything to do with manipulating reality itself, which the LGBwhaterf***kit lobby has become very accomplished at doing, such that a very muscular ideological tail is wagging an increasingly damaged reproductive mainstream dog.

Here is the list of Woke language manipulation I have come up with so far....It is taken from my essay 'Luther's Last Laugh' and gives a short summary of how it is done....(https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2205477-Luthers-Last-Laugh-Indulgermania)

'Indulgence seems initially benign, because its deregulatory instincts seem so ‘forgiving’, ‘tolerant’, ‘empathetically understanding’ and ‘open’ to ‘less restrictive’ and ‘repressive’ views as to what is and is not OK. It questions the setting of standards, denies norms as ‘arbitrary’, blandly declares moral judgement to be ‘judgmental’ and disciplinary enforcement as ‘authoritarian’, ‘cruel and abusive’. It ‘saves’ us from the strictures of morally overzealous ‘bigotry’(moral firmness) and the ‘prejudices’ (opinions ‘we’ don’t approve of) from a 'crime ridden' (Stalinist style historical revisionism) 'obsolete’ past (current historical exceptionalism) whose dependence on ‘hard line’ (we actually mean it) nonnegotiable bottom lines (no fudging or weakness posing as 'flexibility) and 'oppressive' (defended) boundaries are no longer ‘appropriate’ (politically correct).'

Here is a slightly longer list of Woke 'wordploys'......

The Woke language game attempts to cut off critical capacity to tell the difference between:

'discrimination' and critical discernment

'humanity' and species narcissism

'dignity' and caricature

‘rights’ and consumer entitlement

'inclusion' and opportunistic colonization/hostile takeover

‘humanistic compassion’ and an indiscriminate soft touch

‘freedom’ and disinhibited life without boundaries

‘authoritarianism’ and firmness

‘justice’ and sectional interest

'fairness', special pleading/excuse making

‘tolerance’ and indulgence

‘respect’ and unjustified regard

'prejudice' and ideas/values 'we' don't like

‘bigotry’ and ideas/values ‘we’ really really don’t like

‘compromise’ and being compromised

'flexibility’ and weakness

‘concern for the value of human life’ and cowardice

‘dissent’ and treason

‘repression’ and discipline

‘assault’ and chastisement

‘abuse’ and toughness

'violence' and the legitimate use of force

‘disadvantage’ and poor/self-defeating behaviour and the excuses for it

‘disempowerment’ and passive fecklessness

‘individualism’ and egoistic narcissism

‘impoverishment’ and a frugal life

'misfortune' and inconsequential thinking/irresponsible behaviour

'judgmentally' and the ordinary exercise of judgement,

‘Love’ and lust/eroticism,

'Sex' and biology

'gender' and sexual politics/stereotypes

‘sexuality’ and sexistentialist (I am my fantasies) fantasising

'vilification'/’hate’ and emotionally charged denial of principled criticism

'phobia' and ‘psychiatric’ sounding denial of principled criticism (Soviet KGB tactic against political dissent)

'sexual alternativism’ and sexual error/corruption, parody, infantilism and/or cruelty

‘Equality’ and creative equivalencing that legitimizes

* reward for the incompetent

* promotion of the unqualified

* penalizing the industrious and talented

* and in the name of equality, exploiting the unequal (especially the young) by getting them to compete as ‘equals’ out of their league against stronger players who control the rules of the game against them

‘Left Wing’ and social administrator Woke regime ideological crib, fluff, fudge ‘n bluff

‘Right Wing’ and mining/manufacturing/industry services regime fluff, crib, fudge ‘n bluff

‘Progressive’ and an infantile narcissistic neoliberal disorder that only believes in subjective feelings, small minority sacred sites and deplatforming dissidents

‘Conservative’ and a more mature neoliberal disorder that manipulates subjective feeling, creates market sacred sites and marginalises opposition

'conservative' and a concern for long term sustainability and caution with innovation and change 'Radical' and extremist and inconsequential crash or crash through behaviour

The list is endless and there are no right or wrong answers here; just language demystification that reclaims the architecture of discourse from Woke predation on our commons and its autocratic propaganda machinery...

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A very good list (my favourite pairing: 'respect' and unjustified regard). Can we get the word "sacred" in there? That one just won't go away.

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Canada: A New Bill to CRIMINALIZE Anyone Who Speaks Out Against the Transgender Agenda With a Penalty of $25,000

Ontario Private Member’s Bill 94: Creating “Community Safety Zones” By Eliminating Dissent


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The Woke inquisitors have indeed modelled radical Islam: “self hate, self righteousness, self pity.” Hate and anger and resentment and intolerance are their currency. They should try to be conciliatory and understanding.

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