Jun 17Liked by Woke Watch Canada

Chinese culture puts great emphasis on exams, and the result is demonstrably beneficial.

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They emphasized merit and used exams to find it. The better you do, the better schools you graduate to through the chineseeducationn.

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“School board administrators usually know better than to come right out and say it…”

Exams disappeared like the cuckoo bird because some racial groups didn’t do as well as others. Woke communists chose to lower academic challenge to avoid unequal group results.

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The word, "effort" is quickly being eroded from our national consciousness.

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On “effort” and "supporting the illusion of meritocracy":

The Knowledge Is Power Program (KIPP) is a network of open-access college-preparatory schools in low-income communities in the US. In *Woke Racism* John McWhorter tells us:

<< The KIPP academies, a charter school network devoted to giving poor brown kids a solid education and getting them into college, have decided that they’ve been too hard on the children. Their sin: the slogan “Work hard. Be nice.”

<< KIPP has announced that to expose their charges to that mantra “diminishes the significant effort to dismantle systemic racism, places value on being compliant and submissive, supports the illusion of meritocracy, and does not align with our vision of students being free to create the future they want.”

<< Translation: Schools committed to helping kids make the best of a bad hand now feel uncomfortable teaching their students that following rules and putting forth effort will have beneficial results. Rather, there are apparently other, woker pathways to creating a successful future, as in the “future they want.” Apparently this is a future you can have without following rules, while distrusting effort as playing the white man’s game. >>

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Training people to be retarded victims is great for big government that wants to govern retards.

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Wow, Joan !!

Your posts read like a doctoral dissertation. So full of new and enlightening information. Fortunately all my kids are grown up and I no longer have to battle with the intellectual anorexic school administrators who unthinkingly dish out every glad hand program that comes down the pipe. I never imagined that Canada had so many Trump University graduates in the educational field. We are so (un)lucky. I think I will encourage my grand children to attend that new Indigenous University and major in financial planning with a minor in grievance management.

As Red Green used to say, "keep your stick on the ice".

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The closest I've come to a dissertation is reading and commenting on one for one of my kids. I just read a lot and make note of things from writers who impress me, like McWhorter. I, too, am thankful that my kids are through with the school system, though of course their kids are not. And I'm glad there are teachers resisting (like Jim) and reporting (like Igor), or I wouldn't know what's going on.

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Forgive my French, but this has become a real sh_t show.

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Merit is being ghosted so that America will fall easier to the collectivist agenda.

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Excellent comments. Critical Theory is toxic bullshit and we need to get it out of the school system, I am spooling up to fight my school board on this, planning on a fight of 15 years, minimum.

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Home education is where real learning happens. Government schools are a lost cause.

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I am not sure. I get what you are saying and the current state of affairs is untenable, but the reality is that most people aren't in the position to home school, neither with the necessary time nor temperament.

But we def need a better system, where parents have more choice and where school boards and teacher's unions are not ideological and corrupt.

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People need to make the change even if it is hard. Otherwise, no change will happen.

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Parents are increasingly on the march.


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