Without lies, fanaticism dies. In addition, to the important examples in the article, perhaps stopping the Billions of Middle East $ given to influence Western Universities (and leaders) or ensure honest reporting where Billions of “humanitarian” $ goes, (to tunnels, weapons, propaganda, leaders bank accounts, UNWRA kids boardgames that teach young people to hate/destroy others).

Shortly after WW2, my father’s high school teacher showed in class horrifying images and examples of gruesome atrocities that some students had to leave for awhile. My father never forgot that real lesson. Perhaps the Woke indoctrination machines of today should stop with the make believe, and show images of “nails inside women’s vaginas,” to reinforce to the Useful Idiots what is the Right side of history.

You want your grandkids to be Free, to choose what job to do in life, what clothes to wear, what partner to have, you want your daughters to walk outside alone? It’s time for All people of decency to Unite. We are all Israel!

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Hamas says this about Europeans: “They were able to control imperialistic countries and instigate them to colonize many countries in order to enable them to exploit their resources and spread corruption there.” Muslim conquests by the sword extend from Morocco to Indonesia. They are the “occupiers,” not Jews.

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Imagine how frightening it is for the women and children of Gaza.

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Tell them to vote for a better government next time.

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Hamas must be destroyed no matter how many non-combatants it takes down with it. Israel has to win.

But I ask you not to lump the Japanese kamikaze fliers in with Hamas or even Hitler Youth. They themselves— there were more survivors than you might think—have always resented being likened by Muslim terrorists as kindred spirits. The chief difference is that they attacked only the combatant forces of the Allied navies who made diligent and mostly successful efforts to shoot them down. It was a rational military calculation that they were likely to do more damage to Allied ships than attempting conventional bombing attacks, with their deaths almost certain in either case. Indeed, the three squadrons of American torpedo bombers that attacked the Japanese fleet at Midway and were nearly wiped out without doing any damage would have been more effective if they had just flown into the aircraft carriers. Kamikaze was a rational tactic, not bloodthirsty insanity.

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- Israel is a "liberal democracy". No israel isnt a liberal democracy any more than southern US slave states in the 1800s were a liberal democracy. it wasnt a liberal democracy for the millions of slaves. its not a liberal democracy for the millions of native arabs israeli has illegally kept in a harsh military prison called the west bank and gaza for the past 68 years.

Its normal for those slated for extermination by israeli policies to want to escape this prison. you would be doing the same as hamas in a similar situation, thats a certainty. even so, hamas doesnt threaten israel in any way. hamas represents a crime issue only, nothing that threatens israeli security or sovereignty. the crime issue posed by hamas is similar to what US citizens face every day in most US cities, red cities and blue cities alike. the real threat israel faces is the blank check provided by US tax payers that have allowed israel to pursue a policy of genocide of millions of trapped natives while 8 billion people watch.

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That’s all just silly.

Not a very effective genocide. The Palestinians are multiplying like rabbits in a lettuce field.

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human beings have a right to eat, sleep, own property ect. Israelis are upset by this in the same way as every severely racist culture has been about the people they ultimately slaughter. the problem is this is 2024. and israel isnt spain in the 1500s. this is all taking place while 8 billion people watch in real time daily. and modern israel is just a US cold war experiment gone wrong, among the largest mistakes the US has ever made.

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The other Arab countries don’t seem to mind the IDF doing their dirty work for them. If Israel is a fruit of the Cold War, I just wish there were more of them.

I’ve decided there is no such thing as racism, unless all societies are accepted as being racist.. So accusing people of it doesn’t carry any weight with me in arguments.

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Those who do not teach the past intend to repeat it.

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Killing is wrong. Stop that shit. They have all lost their way. Repent. Sin no more. Your genocide justifies ours? Repugnant.

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Mr. Roth's article entitled, "Historical Ignorance and willful blindness" more aptly describes his own myopic vision of Israel being an icon of civilization, human rights and middle east democracy all the while ignoring the plight of the Palestinian people still fighting for their land, identity, dignity and freedom. His comparison to Hamas as Nazis ignores the obvious for the obscure and is a classic case of the pot calling the kettle, black The reality is that the Israel of today is much like the Israel of the past whose Likud government happily emulates it predecessor, the notorious Herat Party, a toxic offspring of the notorious Irgun gang branded by the U.N. as a terrorist organization and best defined by its 1946 attack against the King David Hotel in which 91 innocent people died as well as the numerous attacks on innocent Palestinian civilians. The current Israeli government, under Netanyahu is little different than the Israel of the past with a modern day constituency of right-wing religious and ultra-nationalists, who have little regard for Palestinians, for human rights, international law and such seemingly frivolous values as peace and justice. One might wonder what Albert Einstein, one of the greatest and most influential Jewish scientists of all time, would say about the state of Israel today. Fortunately, we don't have to wonder. In a 1948 letter to the New York Times, Einstein, Hannah Arendt and other Jewish dignitaries described the actions of the Israeli Party of the day as a “political party closely akin in its organization, methods, political philosophy and social appeal to Nazi and Fascist parties.” It seems little has changed today. Perhaps, on the upside, there is one German historical figure that would agree with the propaganda in the Roth article. Adolph Hitler once wrote:

"All propaganda must be so popular and on such an intellectual level, that even the most stupid of those towards whom it is directed will understand it. Therefore, the intellectual level of the propaganda must be lower the larger the number of people who are to be influenced by it."

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