I’m not going to lie. I do like being controversial. I’m not obsessed with it. It’s not the thing that gets me out of bed in the early mornings. But when people have a hissy fit over things I write, I can’t help but crack a smile.
The thing I like even more is shocking people, even just slightly, with my bluntness about the issues I write about. However, even in this endeavor, I am not quite obsessed. It’s not my main goal. I just find it amusing and interesting and even funny.
However, I loathe outrage farmers, people who are contrarian for the sake of it, game players, narcissists, and jealous types. These seem to be the character traits of many of the so-called “social media influencers.” I have zero interest in joining their ranks. I remember bloggers back in the early 2000s used to be referred to as “thought leaders” not “influencers.” Even though I do wish to influence people, I prefer to do it through solid research and writing - if you want to call that “thought leadership,” so be it.
When you have polemic views - I prefer polemic over contrarian - you are bound to ruffle a few feathers. Not everyone is going to like you. It’s fine, you are not going to like everyone either.
But the thing that annoys me is this: why, when dealings/relationships fall apart, can some people simply move on, while others want to insert their claws into you and a prevent you from moving about freely, or some how hurt your efforts, or damage your reputation?
Last Thursday I posted about a personal experience with a narcissist in a piece called When Women Abuse Their Unearned Power . This is not the kind of piece I’ve ever written before, and not the kind I’d like to write again anytime soon. I wrote it becuase I felt that I had been wronged. I felt powerless about it, so decided to use my words! I did so, and yes, some self-righteous indignation is apparent.
I didn’t think readers would be so supportive. I thought that maybe they would think I was just complaining, or that they would take issue with my framing of the issue as a woman abusing unearned power. There were only two readers in total, both women, who did not like the piece. One comment is on the substack under the article, and the other was privately sent to my email. There was an overwhelmingly positive and supportive response both on the substack and in my email. Thanks for that, readers!
Which brings me to another individual who is messing with my chi. He is anonymous, and I will respect that. But he must go away for good, if he wants that respect and protection of his identity to continue. He has started posting, anonymously of course, defamatory things about me. He doesn’t deserve any more identity protection from me, but I’ll give it to him anyway, for now. But he must exit my life for good - that is my one and only condition .
Three years ago when Woke Watch Canada became a thing. The anonymous individual in question, an anti-woke associate, started the Woke Watch Canada X profile. Shortly after, I started the Substack newsletter (and have run it ever since, publishing over 500 articles in that time). No one, including me, cares why this individual and I have fallen out. In fact, I doubt anyone even noticed.
Long story short, the X account called “@wokewatchCdn” has nothing to do with me or this newsletter. The guy running it doesn’t like me. I told him “no” and he couldn’t handle it. I walked away and have been ignoring him for year(s). People really don’t like it when you do that. And, like I said, jealous petty types always try and get their claws in you. Well, consider this post to be a de-clawing.
This morning I started a brand spanking new X account called @WokeWatchCanada- this is the official X account of the Woke Watch Canada substack newsletter. Please follow it!!
Please don’t think of me as disagreeable dear readers - although admittedly, I’m not the most agreeable either. Could an agreeable person even run Woke Watch Canada? I don’t think so.
Long story short: I denounce and deny any association with that other cheesy X profile- I think I may even block it in a final act of de-clawing.
Woke Watch Canada’s future on X is @wokewatchCanada - follow it, so you don’t miss out!
Thanks for reading. For more from this author, read When the Abused Becomes the Abuser
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Keep up the great work James....isn't it nice when the garbage takes itself out....lol
Edit: Leslie again, (still a man. )
James, the only comment on your July 18 post that was not "supportive" of you was from Chanel Pfahl. That comment, never mind whether it was from a woman or a man, is the only useful one because it told you something that I suspect you didn't want to hear, that your conduct in this episode was less than exemplary. I don't know of course if Melanie has a side of the story that she ever wants to make public. If she does, it's a s/he said, s/he said. When that happens, we know that both sides can't both be telling the entire truth and possibly neither is. So consider what that means for your reputation and what it reveals about your character.
Chanel gave good advice and I hope you can see fit to follow it and let this matter die as a public issue.