Jul 26Liked by Woke Watch Canada

Gazan was successful getting the Conservatives and Poilievre to vote genocide that punishes all Canadians. Why did Pierre talk his party into voting YES TO THE GENOCIDE LIE??

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O.K., I'll bite. Why ???

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I have never read an explanation for the genocide vote. Are we suppose to believe Pierre and the Conservatives believe this genocide hoax?

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If Pierre and the Conservatives do not retract their position on accusing Canadians of being genocidal I will quit the Conservative Party as a member and no longer support them financially in the future! Now is the time to take a stand against lies and bullshit spewed by a Lakota person from the USA

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Nor have I, but I would certainly like to hear it, although I think it probably is just conformity to the herd.

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I understand Trudeau must be defeated but I’m not sure I can vote for a Conservative Party that agrees with the genocide Hoax against Canadians.

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The you'll allow Trudeau to win again.

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There is a choice. There will never be a more opportune time for Jagmeat Sing's star to rise on the political horizon and unite Canadians in a single chorus of joyful unity. Sing, with his commitment to common sense, will become the voice of reason for Canada and lead us out of the darkness that has enveloped us like a toxic fog and guide us back along the path to prosperity. He is the chosen one to make, "Canada Great Again".

The time has come,' the Walrus said,

To talk of many things:

Of shoes — and ships — and sealing-wax —

Of cabbages — and kings —

And why the sea is boiling hot —

And whether pigs have wings.'

Lewis Carrol

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Your reply stereotypes the illogical argument for accepting PP’s tragic decision on the genocide vote.

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Jul 27Liked by Woke Watch Canada

I went to Hansard to learn the context of the Garnett Genuis/Leah Gazan exchange (the debate was about Bill C-20, the Public Complaints and Review Commission Act).

Just minutes before suggesting that Genuis needs to “learn about the history of this country”, Gazan makes this bizarre statement: “Let us not forget the history of the RCMP. Historically, the RCMP's purpose was to apprehend little children from their communities and ship them to and incarcerate them in residential schools. The whole history of the RCMP's relationship with indigenous peoples in this country has been marked with violence.”


I think Gazan needs to be “invited” to learn something about the history of the RCMP.

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Wow, that was a real Humdinger !!! Talk about alternate history. This would have the iconic Sam Steele rolling in his grave.

" Among the measures of the present Session of Parliament is one for the establishment of a mounted police force for the North-West Territories, the maximum strength of which is fixed at 300 men. The manufacture, sale in, or importation of liquors into the North-West territories having been stringently prohibited by Act of Parliament, the services of this force will be of great avail in protecting the Indians from American traders, who barter their liquors for valuable furs, cheating and demoralizing the Indian at one and the same time."

(The Times, London, England - June 6, 1873)

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If one indigenous person out of 1000 dies at the hands of police (disregarding context and/or the correctness or impropriety of police actions), while 999 die at the hands of other indigenous people – which I would hazard is about the real-world ratio – this does not seem to register with people like Gazan, whose very identity is built around her own concocted narrative, where that one victim (out of a thousand) is all that matters. I’ll bet she would not even acknowledge that thousands of lives have likely been SAVED by police interventions, on and off reserves.

The neural pathways in Gazan’s brain are rutted with certitude and greased in the service of her own self-importance as an activist. Reality has no power to divert her. It’s what Gad Saad calls the Ostrich Parasitic Syndrome, and he writes that “Ostrich Logic is always delivered via an air of haughty moral superiority.” Gazan to a T !

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You have a splendid way with words. To Gazan's credit, she did win the Manitoba provincial championship in the popular Blame Game playoffs and is now a favored contestant in the Canadian finals. I am sure she will bring home the iconic Victimhood Cup.

I have to confess, in a bizarre sort of way, that I do find all of this kind of funny and all too predictable. Hard to believe there are so many cognitively impaired individuals. Lord grant me the serenity........

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We either find the funny where we can, or we turn into raving loonies. It’s too bad Maya Rudolph is going to be tied up doing Kamala for the next little while. She’d probably do a VERY funny Leah Gazan. Maybe I should pitch the idea to Stacey McGunnigle on 22 Minutes. Do you think CBC would allow a parody of Gazan? (Ha ha, rolling in the aisles.)

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Not in our lifetime.

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I don’t think she cares if what she says is true or false, as long as it furthers her agenda.

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Jul 26Liked by Woke Watch Canada

Sarah Jama is of the same ilk. Only in the Ontario legislature to be a shill for her Palestinian issues, not to represent the people of her riding.

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Destroying Canada is part of the Liberal Government's plan to bring the country under a new world order, run by elites for elites. Federal policy is designed to virtue signal to members of the elites that Canada is worthy of inclusion and subjugation. Members of the current government have been and are engaged in treason. They deserve serious correction.

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Right, a real piece of "work as they say. Gazan, and those like her, are a manifestation of the metaphoric proverb, "don't bite the hand that feeds you", an activity that is regularly undertaken by many indigenous activists who compensate their feelings of low self esteem by turning against or mistreating their benefactor. Such behavior is empowered and tolerated by the cowardice and fear of politicians deathly afraid of being labelled a racist. As the expression goes, we are the architects of our own misfortune by our generosity and tolerance of those deemed less fortunate and are doomed to experience the misfortune it cultivates.

" Thou wicked wretch! said he, to injure the hand that was stretched forth to save thy life! The hand of thy Master, who has hitherto fed and taken care of thee! Die there as thou deservest; for so base and unnatural a creature is not fit to live. "......Aesop, A Gardener and His Dog

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Absolutely correct, but that gravy train will run out of gravy soon enough! Ignorance prevails today but reality will set in over the next five years! Enough is enough biting the hand that feeds you!

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The Merriam-Webster dictionary has this definition: "indigenous • \in-DIJ-uh-nuss\ • adjective. 1 : having originated in and being produced, growing, living, or occurring naturally in a particular region or environment 2 : innate, inborn. Examples: "In all its forms, stone speaks of timelessness, solidity and quality."

I descend from many generations born in N. America, my earliest ancestors arriving in 1633, and perhaps a bit earlier. A great great uncle is one of the Fathers of Confederation. Canadians who are born here, especially those of a few generations are indigenous, in my view. I would like to see us take the word back. Certainly, an aboriginal is also indigenous, but no more so than I am. I think coopting the word is like the "land acknowledgement" exercise. These things are designed to separate Canadians from our heritage, and to reinforce this idea of some Canadians being some sort of royalty.

I want us to take the word back.

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The word "Indigenous" is actually an oxymoron when applied to F.N. It is a well known fact they immigrated to Canada from Siberia. We should really initiate repatriation procedures immediately.

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Stratafing society by defining citizens rights on the basis of"race" is the foundational bedrock of "racism ". This is Canada's reality under the "Indian Act". We have legislated and consequently facilitated "Raceism " with all its attendant virtues of division, hate, discrimination and prejudices. This race based "Special Status " contradicts one of our most enlightened and revered principles of "equality before and under the law". When we look at the inequities this race based "Special Status " has produced (albeit well intended) it boggles the mind why we persist in it!

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all the more reason to go to Peter Best's suggestion and get rid of reserves, get rid of the Indian Act, and every other race-based thing in Canada. No Gladue reports. No NCTR.

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Equal rights should mean equal for every Canadian, special status be damned!

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Cheers to Garnett!

Gazan is an anti-Canada radical.

"Non-indigenous Canadians will wake up to the gravy train that is the indigenous grievance lobby (the Aboriginal Industry). "

Fervently hope so. Trudeau takes every opportunity to spend on any issue that he thinks will buy him votes. He needs to be out of office yesterday.

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Jul 26·edited Jul 26

"People like NDP MP Leah Gazan will be properly identified as opportunists, activists, liars, and traitors to our great country." Agree. Appalling animus and contempt shown for a sitting MP and their sworn duty as a public representative of the citizens of Canada and oath of allegiance to the Crown.

NB: "If a Member fails or refuses to swear the oath of allegiance or make a solemn affirmation, the Member may not be allowed to take his or her seat in the Chamber and may be deprived of any entitlements. [229] Thus, it is the taking of the oath or affirmation which enables a Member to take his or her seat in the House and to vote."

Perhaps an MP or other could challenge her to withdraw under protest.

"Breaking the oath of allegiance is a serious offence and any Member whose conduct has been determined by the House to have violated the oath could be liable to punishment by the House. [231] Although there have been no cases of a Member having been found guilty of breaching the oath of allegiance, the Speaker was asked in 1990 to rule on the sincerity of a Member’s solemn affirmation. [232] "


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Excellent point. Every MP takes a fealty oath to Canada and none seem to take it serious. It would be wonderful to see some disciplinary action handed out for those who breach their oath. In the case of the genocide vote, the entire house has been compromised.

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Insulting every Canadian that died and fought for our freedoms including my Dad and Grandfather who sacrificed so much against the Nazis Genocide Machine that murdered millions upon millions of innocent people! Only to be labeled genocidal by this NDP piece of trash and the government of Our Country! Shame on you!

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The "Lest We Forget Slogan" so preciously ingrained in earlier generations has now had the "Lest" removed to signify the contemporary state of memory loss.

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Leah Gazan and the entire NDP assisted the division and promoted more hatred within our country along with Trudeau’s approval! Anyone who voted to pass her bill is equally as guilty Karma awaits!!!!!

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We need one last treaty with the so called "natives". They become full Canadian Citizens with access to our health care, institutions, infrastructure .or separate. In this case bringing up gripes from the past should not be allowed and be considered sedition. If they don't want to give up gripes from the past with all the demands for special treatment, then they can go on their own, and create their own society on lands granted back to them. This is Canada. The past is over.

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If the FN's want to participate in Canadian politics, l propose that the FN's should have their own political party just like The Bloc has for Quebec. I'm kind of sick of them pretending to be NDP.

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Right. We could call it the, "Grievance Party".

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Making political parties on racial lines is divisive as hell. If they do English Canadians should make their own too. Then we can make an English Canadian Bill of Rights to protect our culture and people who are being persecuted as are Catholics.

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What l'm saying is that the NDP (or Liberals or Conservative) MPs don't seem to be accomplishing much for the FN peoples. For example, many reservations are still under boil water advisories due to poor land/water management.

The Bloc fight for the rights of Quebec and Francophones so would it not be logical for the indigenous to have their own national party?

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Does anyone know the makeup of Gazan's constituency i.e. is it predominantly indigenous ?

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Jul 27·edited Jul 27

Gazan’s riding is Winnipeg Centre. It’s an NDP stronghold (as is the Point Douglas provincial riding, in the same central area of the city), although Gazan won the federal seat in 2019 from a one-term Liberal. The population of Winnipeg Centre is 18% indigenous, 38% European, and 22% Southeast Asian, according to Wikipedia. (Other minorities make up the rest.)

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Meegwetch !! Your knowledge is impressive. As to Gazan's constituents:

“Where ignorance is bliss, 'tis folly to be wise.” ...Thomas Gray

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But seriously, Kemosabe – how did you figure out that is was me who researched and wrote that Wikipedia page? 😉

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I won't be using Google anymore. Whenever I need to know something now, I will just contact you.

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Indigenous Point Douglas Winnipeg. It will be difficult to eliminate her.

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Since this motion was based on falsehoods, why can’t we have a a campaign to our MPs, to have another motion brought forward, this one saying that the IRS dis not meet the criteria for genocide.

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Speaking of federl money for indigenous projects...


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any time you see "indigenous partnership" or "indigenous ownership" you can be assured massive amounts of taxpayer dollars are behind it. If not actually paying cash (although in most cases that happens) securing loans that invariably end up in default and which taxpayers pay for.

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No whining, begging, or bitching.

In Canada, you are the sovereign In this petition, Here you are giving consent for PM Trudeau and his MPs to be arrested for treason.


This was faxed to 600 RCMP detachments. We consent for his arrest for treason

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Eye roll. Just answer the question Ms Gazan

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the pot calling the kettle black

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