The pathology generated by the reserve system will see no remedy as long as the delusional thinking of government and indigenous leaders pursuing a balkanization scheme of nationhood status for Canada's indigenous bands is pursued.

"It is far better to grasp the universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring." ~ Carl Sagan

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Did you follow the link to Thatchers "The Fire Water Complex"? Totally makes sense to Winnipeggers like me that avoided downtown Main Street on a Saturday night.

I wish l could somehow isolate it and save it for future reading/listening.

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Back in 95, I took my family on a cross country trip to B.C. We stopped in Winnipeg on a Sunday to visit the history museum. I had been warned about locking my car. Sure enough when we came out there were cars that had been broken into in broad daylight. Fortunately, ours was not, but it seemed like these break-ins were a common occurrence. We left fairly quickly and moved along to a friends house in Brandon. Only much later did I learn the source of this criminality.

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I was born in the 'peg then left in 1980. The Bombers and the Jets never seemed to win so hard to feel proud. No desire to go back unless it's to take a flight out of Wpg airport.

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Probably a very prudent decision.

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Yes, thank you for extracting so many truths here from literature and an understanding of who we are as humans and what we want and need. The reservations were and are a travesty. And yes I would drink myself into oblivion if I had nothing to do and a long family history showing me that this is what life if about. But, yes I have thought that Indians are physically different than white people as they tend to crave sugar and alcohol and are more sensitive to the effects than the others. This could just be the results of a poverty induced diet.

I have worked most of my life with people with disabilities in a variety of capacities and environments. I’ve learned that congregation of people against their will and for an unlimited amounts of time, and based solely on an inherent, physical characteristics is death - making. Go figure!

Treating people differently causes discrimination, and social isolation. There is strength in numbers.

I could continue… n

This article was very good. Thank you.

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What an excellent essay! Thank you.

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An excellent piece.

I warmly recommend the book *Political Ponerology* for an exposition on the societal processes which lead to such a state of affairs that we're experiencing in Canada (& worldwide in the Anglo countries).

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